Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

5L lightning coil or this 5L astral?
BoggleBoggleBoggle wrote:
5L lightning coil or this 5L astral?

Very nice item but unless you need the res - think about it carefully, will ~30% Phys DR do more or will 1.2k armour do more? Of course ~30% Phys DR will do more.

MisterFart wrote:
I have a question about the build for end game. It's about min-maxing out the damage.

Hypothetically, if you're around level 80 or 90 and your gems are maxed.

Would a +3 or +4 % atsp node be a greater increase in damage or would a 8% increase weapon elemental damage or 8% increase projectile damage have a greater affect on the damage?

How , in anyone's opinion, would you prioritize damage nodes?

Projectile Damage or Weapon Elemental Damage or Attack speed.

If you want more information, i'm Specifically looking around the ranger area where they have 8% weapon elemental damage nodes, or the Aspect of the Panther attack speed nodes or the projectile damage nodes beside ballistic mastery?

If anyone could share some insight, I/we would appreciate it.

Madcow posted a DPS spreadsheet which is incredibly good, go and test it out :D
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Apr 8, 2014, 4:12:18 AM
How can I change the increment normal 6l chest to Lightning Coil? I have 13.5 k dps.
Chundadragon wrote:
BoggleBoggleBoggle wrote:
5L lightning coil or this 5L astral?

Very nice item but unless you need the res - think about it carefully, will ~30% Phys DR do more or will 1.2k armour do more? Of course ~30% Phys DR will do more.

MisterFart wrote:
I have a question about the build for end game. It's about min-maxing out the damage.

Hypothetically, if you're around level 80 or 90 and your gems are maxed.

Would a +3 or +4 % atsp node be a greater increase in damage or would a 8% increase weapon elemental damage or 8% increase projectile damage have a greater affect on the damage?

How , in anyone's opinion, would you prioritize damage nodes?

Projectile Damage or Weapon Elemental Damage or Attack speed.

If you want more information, i'm Specifically looking around the ranger area where they have 8% weapon elemental damage nodes, or the Aspect of the Panther attack speed nodes or the projectile damage nodes beside ballistic mastery?

If anyone could share some insight, I/we would appreciate it.

Madcow posted a DPS spreadsheet which is incredibly good, go and test it out :D

alright, thanks. Nabbed myself a 5L lightning coil.
This build interested me when I saw it, I actually grabed a rapier while doing piety runs, I threw a single alchemy on it and got this. Out of curiosity, what is it worth? (I plan on using)

I feel like the lightning res is a nice add when you consider lightning coil
Last edited by BoggleBoggleBoggle#0318 on Apr 8, 2014, 6:52:55 AM
BoggleBoggleBoggle wrote:

I feel like the lightning res is a nice add when you consider lightning coil

I feel like the everything else is nice when you consider the everything else part. That was a lucky Alchemy.
Mates, I have to share!!!
I owned a good 6 sockets armor with a high evasion rating but 4 linked only. I decided to make it better with the 113 orb of fusing I have. 10, 50, 100, 110... :( Nothing. What can I do with the left 3 orbs? Let's spend the last ones too... And with the very, very last orb I got a new achievement: Well Connected. Here is the result:

Other items for the build, but I have to grown up yet:

BTW: thank you for the greatest build of all! :)
Last edited by Joco1114#4187 on Apr 8, 2014, 8:57:06 AM
Woot! I tried the Torture Chamber boss for the first time ever (was solo) and even after watching a quick video of it, still kinda caught me off guard hehehe. However, I did pay close attention to one of the posts in the thread and was prepared for the fight gear-wise.

Special shout-out to borek664 for his post on page 201!

After running back up the stairs to collect my wits (damn that beam hurts hehe), I entered a 2nd time and was able to keep mobile and beat her in short order.

Question tho; are the LW totems supposed to remain active/respawn after defeating the boss?? Had to quickly grab yellow loot and jet hehehe.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
MisterFart wrote:
I have a question about the build for end game. It's about min-maxing out the damage.

Hypothetically, if you're around level 80 or 90 and your gems are maxed.

Would a +3 or +4 % atsp node be a greater increase in damage or would a 8% increase weapon elemental damage or 8% increase projectile damage have a greater affect on the damage?

How , in anyone's opinion, would you prioritize damage nodes?

Projectile Damage or Weapon Elemental Damage or Attack speed.

If you want more information, i'm Specifically looking around the ranger area where they have 8% weapon elemental damage nodes, or the Aspect of the Panther attack speed nodes or the projectile damage nodes beside ballistic mastery?

If anyone could share some insight, I/we would appreciate it.

Generally, from playing with the spreadsheet 8% WED and 8% proj are almost the same with projectile damage doing the tiniest bit more. Attack speed nodes will generate a little less overall dps at 4%.
8% proj >or= 8% WED > 4% attack speed nodes

Now, this is with my gear and my passives. I'm not sure if that is because I may be more weighted in one direction. Give the sheet a try, plug in your current information (damage info) and see if it's close to tooltip. Then play with the numbers in the passive area.

Also, when reaching for those WED down there count how many passives you use compared to other clusters of damage.

The 10% Elemental damage nodes by shadow are very nice.

Chundadragon wrote:

Madcow posted a DPS spreadsheet which is incredibly good, go and test it out :D

Thanks, glad you like it.

Weird thing is I think it's still off by almost 1% on the final damage calculation but no matter how much I rework the formula I don't get the exact tooltip, though very very close.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Guys one question, Im lvl 82 and I still didnt go for Resolute tehnique, is it really necessary? Currently my chance to hit is 74%, and I dont notice that i miss that much, but on the other side I dont know if my crits are noticable. Please help. TY
My IGN is TheFatality.
Annihilat0r wrote:
Guys one question, Im lvl 82 and I still didnt go for Resolute tehnique, is it really necessary? Currently my chance to hit is 74%, and I dont notice that i miss that much, but on the other side I dont know if my crits are noticable. Please help. TY

26% of the time you are wasting life and not leeching. That's one issue with not having RT.

roughly 26% of your dps (technically damage over more time would be a better scale) is lost to missing which also means you leech less when you do in fact hit.

Do you have to have it? Are you dying a lot? If not then whatever makes you happy. But will you notice the difference? yes. 74% chance to hit is low and the 2 notes above hurt survivability and clear speed.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time

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