Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
What would be a good time to transition from LGoH to LL? I'm at level 53 now with 1k+ dps on LMP ST and a 6.7% LL.
I can zero out the life cost of ST with both but that's after 1 run of library so I'm not sure especially since ST gives back life 6 times with 1 cast if all projectiles hit if I'm not mistaken. |
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Use LL and LGOH based on various circumstances
Most of the time LL is superior Use LGOH,however will be more efficient against large pack with high ele resistance. |
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damn fond a tri ele damage foil with 1.7 attack speed was lower then the weapon i had so i yolo vaaled it got
added 600 dps from my weapon and i have .2 attacks speed XD wish i socked / fused it but it was just a random toss XD |
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don't worry dude add me friendlist I will give you another one, it's not that expensive to rebuild.
Currently 88(halfway): I have a bit less than 5Khps and I solo most bosses, not enough dps and not the right shield for shrine piety or palace dominus. For example I killed the academy boss with turbo and extra cold damage. Just need to be smart about anti curse and shits. The build is very frail, you can't yolo leap slam into the fray at a point and you can die quickly in 74+ maps(with my supbar howl + total 1-2 ex gear). Acrobatics works well still and I guess it would be better with coil because at a point you need some mitigation for some exiles. (the yolo leap cyclone warlord mark one in 74m+aps hits burst very hard and you need to tank him). Else I can solo basically anything, haven't tryed poorjoy's boss but I know he is low on hps and there is maybe a way to burst him down with granite + ametyst flasks at the right range. Mobs I have huge issues with: physical damage spells(evangelists, etereal knife exile/weaver in 72 map). They are very nasty. The chimeras(frog kind of leapers frost shotgun) can do nasty things too. A good yellow chimera hits harder with his leap than a big charge from the boss of plateau and can be hard to dodge. So I'll recommend to get 5K+ hps with the build, I have not that amount because of subpar gear, but high roll of hps in rings or amulet seem mandatory for this build. Last edited by galuf#4435 on Mar 22, 2014, 3:04:32 PM
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If i may ask, how do you think your build compares (survival \ dmg \ fun) to this one for endgame:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/821284 Last edited by foojin#2576 on Mar 22, 2014, 3:13:28 PM
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if i wanted to use a coil armor would i just have to pick up more lighting resit or do i need to get some kind of passive to make it work?
never realy thought about using this game befor just wanted to kno what makes it good thanks |
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Just killed Atziri on Ambush with my lvl 87 Ranger. I've been running the buzzsaw build all league so far, actually over the "standard week" I read all 130 pages of this thread at the time to prepare. I know I'm weeks behind on the kill, but it feels good to get it down, not bad for a 34-yr old geezer, right? I had made one attempt previously, before the 50-person limit was reached, but I didn't get past the 2nd fight (had the 3rd guy down to ~10% when I died the last time).
I managed to 6L a lightning coil last night and obviously switching from a 5L coil to that added a lot of dps. But I think the biggest difference was that I switched from leap slam to whirling blades. Leap slam just always felt clunky and never responded exactly how I wanted it to, while whirling blades just feels a lot better and my character actually moves immediately to where I want it to go. Highly recommend whirling blades, at least for the Atziri fight if not for everything. Also, it would've probably taken a while longer to learn the fight if it weren't for Mathil's video. Here's my gear and tree if anyone cares. Definitely better than what Mathil used for his first kill, but I still have some things I can improve (e.g. gems still aren't lvl 20), etc. I use acrobatics cause I'm not as skilled mechanically. If anyone has questions about anything, let me know. skill tree link
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I'm guessing this is a mistake, but why do you have elemental equilibrium in only the Scion tree?
Sorry if this has been asked before. |
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So is it
6L Lighting Coil >> 6L end-game evasion chest + 5 points for Acrobatics ?? Should I change/trade my 6L evasion chest for 6L lighting Coil ?? Last edited by Stef_#3883 on Mar 22, 2014, 4:58:16 PM
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Im trying to BBRR my Alpha's howl but can't seem to get it. Spent more than 500 chroms on it.
Is it possible? |
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