Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

nouser wrote:
projectile weakness or elemental weakness?


Daarknight wrote:
I think a double set up works best.

Level 1 CWDT with Level 5 Enduring Cry - procs often helps build charges.

Level 15-20 CWDT With same level Enduring Cry, same level Immortal Call (20% qual) and 20/20 increased duration will add more charges and provide a longer duration Immortal Call.

Durations with Level 3 / 20 Quality Immortal call (highest on level 1 CWDT), 20/20 increased duration.

1 charge = 1.7052
2 charges = 2.9754
3 charges = 4.2456
4 charges = 5.5158

Durations with Level 16 / 20 Quality Immortal call, 20/20 increased duration.

1 charge = 1.9836
2 charges = 3.5322
3 charges = 5.0808
4 charges = 6.6294

Durations with Level 20 / 20 Quality Immortal call, 20/20 increased duration.

1 charge = 2.0706
2 charges = 3.7062
3 charges = 5.3418
4 charges = 6.9774

That's what I did on HC

shoty2k wrote:
I have two questions which may be already answered here but 160 pages are.... a lot to read up on.

1)Which Gems are the most important to put quality on first.
2)I like to use CWDT with various combinations. But most of the people leave it at lvl 1, i feel that around lvl 10 there might be sweetspot where you still get a lot of uses but with higher lvl support gems.

Any comment on that?

ST, Faster Attacks, generally all of the ones in your main link.

hunTShoo wrote:
Lets talk about arctic armor

I just started to use AA with CwtD and it feels like a great boost of survivability.
I wonder if the AA dmg reduction is calculated after the reduce effect of lightning coil? Does anyone know?

at lvl5 AA gives me a manadegen of 2,5/sec and -14 dmg reduce.
all my other skills are on bloodmagic, so its no deal to use the left manapool for AA.

what do you think about this?

When you actually do this build properly.. you will end up reserving around 99% of your mana. Even with CwDT, AA will instantly deactivate and be essentially worthless.

cloudscraper wrote:
@Mathil: When did you use your vaal orbs on auras? When they were already level 20 to try to get +1 level?

That's how it works, yes.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Mar 19, 2014, 11:26:36 AM
tell me, what is more importan on weapon, ele dmg or ias? would a slow for example 1.40 weapon with high ele, like 110 light, ~50 cold and fire work aswell? coz i saw ur weapon on invasion and it has rly low ele dmg.
how does it work?
Any reason not to take point blank?
Worldbreaker wrote:
Any reason not to take point blank?

ST isn't really a skill to take Point Blank with.. unless you are planning on meleeing things with ST you will notice next to no difference.

shiremux wrote:
tell me, what is more importan on weapon, ele dmg or ias? would a slow for example 1.40 weapon with high ele, like 110 light, ~50 cold and fire work aswell? coz i saw ur weapon on invasion and it has rly low ele dmg.
how does it work?

IAS is far more important, the reason is in the FAQ.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Mar 19, 2014, 11:28:56 AM
shiremux wrote:
tell me, what is more importan on weapon, ele dmg or ias? would a slow for example 1.40 weapon with high ele, like 110 light, ~50 cold and fire work aswell? coz i saw ur weapon on invasion and it has rly low ele dmg.
how does it work?

High IAS trumps high ele damage in this build. Put your priority on a fast weapon, and if it has ele dmg that's a bonus.
IGN: A_Moosen
Stream: www.twitch.tv/amusedtv
Is this Invasion viable? I guess it is right?
korzasa wrote:
Is this Invasion viable? I guess it is right?

Yep, doing it on Invasion atm - ripped to retarded Invasion boss pre-patch, nothing wrong with spec.. the league is just difficult and requires more clever play.

My friend Dev is currently doing this spec on Invasion, level 88 atm.. he's in top 20.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Mar 19, 2014, 11:53:45 AM
I am still relatively new and am sorry if this has been answered already, its hard to shift through 160 pages. I am mid 40's and just at act 1 of Cruel. I have lesser projectiles and spectral throw but have blood magic sitting in my bank as I haven't found any quality 3L pieces with 2 green/1 red. During leveling is it worth while to use grey or blue quality gear with terrible stats simply to shove a 4L-6L worth of gems in to get a full setup? Right now I have to run clarity to push out any kind of consistent attacks.

If it is worthwhile to use subpar armor to max out gem linkages, is it worth it to buy the gems I am short? I am on ambush league and have noticed a few people selling various gems I need for lower then others over trade and I do have a bit of a extra currency(I level slowly and kinda horde stuff...the new portal gem probably gets far more use then it should by me) I know I will likely get more gems as quest rewards as I level but I have had an increasingly harder time killing since I am still only running wrath aura as I don't have a decrease mana gem yet.
My FAQs have proved ineffective.

A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
God damnit Mathil you sexy beast. How did you get so good looking?

I found this highly informative and true.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015

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