[85% team ele resist] Aura Overkill Scion [HC Viable][200%+ dps, 700 ES, 4500 EV, 90% AR Auras]

Forgot to mention; that new recipe allows you to easily level up without the use of facebreakers. At the time I made this guide, I personally used facebreakers since there was no such alternative before.

Also, tried a couple new things to amazing effect.

It is easy to push your fire resistance to 93% if you put on a rise of the phoenix and stick purity of fire in a +3 to fire gem wand/mace.

Knowing this, I decided to try something different. Ran Haste, Purity of Fire, Hatred, determination, and grace. I hit 10k dps Ethereal Knives/15k dps Righteous Fire. The righteous fire was sustainable when I added a +0.4% life regeneration node. Tweaking IAS on the scion start to spell damage would further increase the EK damage by 36%.
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 25, 2013, 5:49:40 AM
So I just switched from 2h to 1h/Prism Guardian, my ele resistances are all at ~85% now but my DPS have further lowered. I am now at 3,5k DPS Double Strike and 0,8k DPS Spectral Throw with a dyadus that i borrowed from a friend; Soul Taker is not an option as it is too expensive for me. So what to do now? Drop the whole Double Strike/Spectral Throw thing, respec a couple of points toward spell damage and then go with Power Siphon/EK? Or could Dyadus be made a viable choice?
The easiest and cheapest way to up your DPS is to find a high attack speed wand with elemental damage and equip %elemental damage/attack speed gloves, rings, belt, necklace. The wand would be really cheap to buy as they're regularly considered throwaways. The skills to run would be power siphon and frenzy. Every time either Anger or Wrath levels, your dps increases by around 13%.

You could stick to dyadus and double strike/spectral throw of you equip an IAS/%elemental damage set. Its base attack speed is pretty low, so You'll only net as much damage as the two-hander you were using before. If you want to stick to double strike/spectral throw, the best bet is a 1 handed sword. Spiral foil/jeweled foil with IAS and elemental damage are the best choices. They can hit 2.13 attack speed.
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 25, 2013, 7:46:46 AM
What is considered fast in terms of Wands? 1.5 to 1.6 APS? Do you maybe have a example of a wand you would choose for that particular build? Aiming for a Wand with both elemental dmg on itself + 'increased ele dmg w/ weapons' would make sense, right?
I'm used to play rather bulky and slow 2h builds, so this is all pretty new to me..
Last edited by Abyssopelagic on Dec 25, 2013, 7:39:45 AM
flat ele + % ele damage wands would be the best choices. 1.6 APS+ would be ideal. If you already have a high attack speed/ele foil, no problems sticking to that one. I just prefer wands simply because of the charges. shock stackings much easier if you have some power charges to crit enemies with.

Imbued Wand would be the best base wand if you're trying to roll one.
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 25, 2013, 7:55:06 AM
Forgot to mention. Thunderfists/wake of destruction up your dps a lot.

You can expect 10k dps without any of the charges once you get decent equips and auras leveled. This almost triples when you have your charges up(6L and shock stacks).

With a decent rolled tri ele foil, you can expect 15k+ DPS with spectral throw(6L).
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 25, 2013, 3:12:09 PM
At lv70 I was able to equip one of my older 6l Chests, which helped my armour/es quite a bit. I picked up a Wand and some other stuff that seemed to contribute to this build, still I lack dps. Frenzy/Siphon each around 800dps unbuffed (!), 2.3k buffed and 2.9k with all charges. Is there anything wrong with my gear/skilltree? Are my Haste/Anger/Wrath gems not leveld enough? Or is there a magical switch? :S



Nothing wrong with your gear. Damage comes most from attack speed/level of gems/elemental damage rolls on equipment.

Damage will increase more than anything once you get your anger/wrath/haste leveled up to 20. Damage also gets really buffed by high %increased elemental damage with weapons on rings/belt/necklace so aim for this. Attack speed rolls as well.

Since you're running windscreams already, run an Elemental Weakness gem. Ups your damage. Shock stacks also further increase your damage. Your damage will be around 285% higher than shown on the tooltip(only 50-150% higher for high resistance mobs).

Also, this build is very similar to a spell caster in terms that the damage will mostly come from anger and wrath. Before those are fully leveled, you won't be seeing as much damage.
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 25, 2013, 6:05:50 PM
Power Siphon+Weapon Elemental Damage+Faster Attacks+Life Leech/life on hit+Lesser Multiple Projectiles+blood magic

Do not level power siphon past level 5. Leveling it increases its physical damage, and we don't need that. It's more beneficial for it to be cheaper to run.

Also, if you can somehow sustain mana(blood magic devouring totem maybe), you can switch out blood magic for added lightning damage gem(at quality, increases your shock chance by up to 10% per hit) or increased accuracy.
Last edited by CommanderSauce on Dec 26, 2013, 12:27:34 AM
how would you change the build if you were to do it with Shavs and which skill would you think would be best for Mfing
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