Race Schedule for someone working in Europe

Alysma wrote:
feuerbach wrote:
race season?

it's always 5pm, 9pm, 12am, 3am for us in (central) Europe... don't you realize what an awful timing that is? (it's not much better for UK btw)
why not switch it to 7pm, 10pm, 1am (just examples) sometimes? be more flexible!

please think about it!

Yes it's inconvenient this season for our time zone but those start times have been slightly shifted each season. Previously, people from the US east coast made the same complaints, from AUS/NZ and US west. So this season it seems to be our turn :-D

i realize that and that's the reason i was suggesting more flexibility with starting times DURING one season.

i don't know if GGG didn't even think of this or if they don't want it (reason?) but it would make things so much better if they wouldn't religiously stick to the same sarting times ;)
just shift them a little!

quick and rough example:
week 1: 5pm-9pm-1am
week 2: 7pm-9pm-11pm
week 3: 4pm-8pm-12am

that would make it a lot easier to participate in a couple of races!
atm if i can't participate in 5pm and 12am races i just miss them all

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Like 1 I said there are 2 slots not making any sense because barely any people live there or could play PoE.

Syria,Afghanistan, Iraq etc got other problems.

I still suggest a filled calander with restrictive racing(max races per week/only best results count etc other results will be greyed out as if the character died etc)

The Majority of Europe uses the in the GMT +1 Tmezone. Some areas still use the geographical Timezone(old time zones) for work when France still uses the GMT slot but those are areas where it can't be avoided but those jobs certainly don't allow to play PoE.


Last edited by Hilbert#4232 on Nov 19, 2013, 7:44:47 AM
without reading everything, I would love to see more EU-Races between 3pm and 11pm gmt+1
Last edited by LouiX#1802 on Nov 19, 2013, 8:18:58 AM
Bump for evidence
I'm in the same situation as the OP. I want to race, but sadly I have a life
Just adding one race each day at 7-8 PM GMT+1 would be quite a huge fix already, if more complicated solutions would be too difficult to implement on short notice.
Let's be honest, if you have a job or are a full time student, it just doesn't work. I'm US Central and most races seem to be start between 8am and 5pm (I have a job), or in the middle of the night, when, you know, it'd be nice to sleep.

That's why I wrote this thread over the weekend:

Yes, I'm shamelessly pandering for bumps, but I've seen a lot of support on the forums and reddit and I'd like to get an official GGG response on the idea.
Suggestion Thread: Race of the Day
Welcome to my world!

You have to take it as it comes. As Alysma mentioned other continents got the shaft in other seasons.

Will be a quiet race season from my part.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
copypasting my reddit post from this afternoon:
work is slow and boring today so i tried something... it's very quick&rough and just meant to be food for thought!

- i set 12 starting times each day
- i compared 7 major timezones: New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Bejing, Moskow, Berlin, London
- i defined the time between 16.00 and 23.00 as "ideal", so each day there are 4 "ideal" starting times
- example season: 15 days / 60 races total -> 4/day

(rough) example schedule: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B55PoaoiKrLUTVhNSG94aEk3Tzg/edit?pli=1

please note that i'm using the 24 hours format (24 = midnight)

so, as a result each timezone gets 20/60 races within the "ideal" timeframe, evenly spread across 4 starting times (16-18-20-22 / 17-19-21-23)

a season is typically longer (current season 44 days), so to increase fairness the schedule could be shifted 1 hour after half of the season (or multiple times during the season)

all that needs to be done is spreading the races evenly so everyone gets the same number of race types during the "ideal" timeframe

imho that would be a better distribution for races

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