ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)

BlackBear89 wrote:
I noticed on the Helm that the Decoy totem was not linked to the other 3 reds including the CoDT. Was this a mistake ? Or do you plan on linking it when a Drop comes. I just got a 4 link item and was double checking.

Good question.

I think the way to go is as follows:

You notice how Ziggy has in his boots Faster Casting, Arctic Armor, Enfeeble and lvl2 Empower? Now as long as you don't have a lvl2 empower I'd stick in its place a Devouring Totem and use it because it is awesome for this build too! This just adds another layer of defensive awesomeness to this build, imo. (maybe it's not that good but it's nice to have definitely!)

Now I think you want to have your CWDT setup like this: CWDT, Enduring Cry, Molten Shell and Decoy Brotem. I don't think you want to cast Decoy manually really, if you need a totem for distraction you might as well use your Devouring, I don't think it would make much of a difference anyways.

My question: is having CWDT at 6, Enduring Cry at 8 and Molten Shell/Totem at 10 is the best way to go?
Your thoughts are completely correct, that is what ziggy explains in his video.

buks wrote:
My question: is having CWDT at 6, Enduring Cry at 8 and Molten Shell/Totem at 10 is the best way to go?

I am using that + a lv 10 decoy totem works like a charm.

not that u get hit with this build, haven't been this immortal since beta
Last edited by Ryusai on Dec 6, 2013, 12:33:53 PM
Well, I had a good run, I died with your build at level 71 against the boss in orchard... got hit two times in a row. I was dodging quite well up to this point! But maybe I didn't have enough dps so the fight was lasting for a while. If I reroll this again I might consider waiting until EK reaches lv 17.

My stats: hp 3k, dps 2k3, auras: discipline, hatred and clarity.

Ok let's reroll!
Hello guys, i have problem with this build. I have about 3500 mana with 3 auras i have 500 mana left, 230 mana regen using AA, MOM and i cant do even solaris. Few mobs and im dead, i dont know why. My AA is on 17lv maybe here is problem coz my mana dont drop over 400 so MoM working all the time...
Hey Ziggy--made a Lightning Strike variant of this build and loving it. Enjoyed your Infernal Blow/Slammer, but this is much more fun, because, yah, even though I am playing in Domination League, dying sucks. Since I had some currency/gear from leveling the slammer to the early 80s, I was able to rush through most of the content--I did have to zerg my way past Cruel Dominus since I was too lazy/cheap to gear up appropriately at that point. Somewhere in the early 70s this build started to shine, before that LS damage was low enough to be tedious. I think going LS opens a lot of options up regarding the passive tree and gear. Besides going Lightning Strike, my other key skill difference is that I use the Vitality aura instead of Discipline, which helps in particular with poison DOT. I generally use Projectile Weakness about 80-90% of the time and enfeeble only for troublesome mobs, though if I was playing in a hardcore league I'd probably opt for Enfeeble all the time.

With the below I stand at 5K life with a 3.2K mana pool (600 available with Vitality, Clarity, and Hatred up) and 245 mana regen. My LS tooltip shows 11.5K (Hatred active).

My Tree at 83
At this point, depending on how much leveling up I have to the stomach for, I'll either respec the 10% physical damage nodes/1% regen node and go for the aura/buff nodes like Ziggy's tree or I might shoot through to the Shadow tree (Mental Acuity->Haste->Repartee->Conditioning and Nullification). A third option if I decide I want to go axe (unlikely though--see my gear) is going down to get Iron Grip and taking Berserking, Unwavering Stance, Splitting Strikes and its adjacent axe nodes, and Blood Drinker.


My Gear
I think claws are the perfect weapon for this build since you get built in life leech and they can roll mana regeneration. The priciest item I acquired was the claw--I spent about 8.5 exalt on it, and that was before the lightning damage roll (I burned an exalt on it and got lucky). I found, however, that 225-250 pDPS was adequate before I upgraded to what I have now. If you have enough mana regen on gear and another source of life leech (3% on my claw has been just fine), then you can pretty much use whatever high pDPS one-hander you feel like. I think swords and axes give you the best/easiest access to good passives, though. Getting/crafting a decent 5L AR/ES chest is the other priority, rolling for the red slots on an EV/ES chest would equal a lot of crying I think. Just as an aside, because I want to share my incredible luck, after exalting my claw with the lightning damage, I burned an exalt on my belt and rolled the +armor. That belt is one I crafted and I think the only thing I am currently wearing that is self found (I make a habit of using alch on 24% rustics). Now I just need to get/make a good 6L AR/ES chest :P

Primary Skill with Supports:
5L= Lightning Strike - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - Added Fire Damage - Weapon Elemental Damage

For 6L many options, but I am aiming to go with Added Chaos Damage, possibly Item Rarity.
Recently got 2 pm's with asking of my gear\tree after posting about 7.3k dps, so i decided to showcase this in topic. first of all ty ziggy for build idea, enjoyed build much. Godly tank :)

Dropped some life-nodes, still got 4.2 hp and 670 unreserved mana, and with nice ammount of dps life leech makes you mostly immortal on 72 and below maps
also i dropped some of mana reserve nodes, due to alpha howl fixes mana problems. i still got in plans of running grace as 4th aura in future.




Last edited by ShadowWordHate on Dec 6, 2013, 4:00:45 PM
ZiggyD wrote:
godofdun wrote:
godofdun wrote:
Hey guys, loving the build so far, up to 52 on the scion.

Started leveling a shadow using a crit dagger spectral throw build from http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/548657
and wondered if it might be easily converted to an EB/MOM build similar to Ziggy's?

It would take few points to get to EB/MOM and there is a bunch of evasion/energy shield nodes near the Shadow area to convert to armor/mana that would substitute for the armor/es nodes near the Templar start.

Was thinking something along the lines of this:


Also thinking what if I switched it to a claw build for more survivability?

New to POE so be gentle ;)

Bumping post, any critiques? Thoughts?

I looked at the original build and you could definitely do it but your planned spec has almost no life nodes - you still need a decent life pool as a MoM character.

Also, although Arctic Armor certainly helps vs reflect a crit dagger build is going to be pretty self-killy.

Hmmm, added it up and it comes to 116%, you're right that does seem low. How much should I be shooting for as a minimum, do you think?

I am running this in Domination btw, so the occasional death doesn't bother me too much.
so there is no way of running all the 4 auras without modifying the tree ziggy?
i've got all reduced mana nodes and my auras are demanding 30% of mana so far (lvl 17 red mana) so i have a few questions:
1- does inner buff works on reduced mana nodes?
2- if they do, how much mana% are your auras demanding right now?

cause i've got like 1.2k mana without discipline (and without chest too tbh, also with shit boots) and i've been doing some math with 90% reserved mana to use clarity (which asks for 220 mana right now on a lvl 15 red mana) i'd have to have ~3000 mana just to be able to cast EK, let alone have ~500 mana left to be able to profit from MoM.

imma link gear here for you to see and maybe help me

chest, amulet and paua rig are getting replaced they're really here just so i can lvl up tbh
also that disc gem is actuay a lvl 18 one that one is there just to lvl up (maybe alphas is not verified its prob cuz im changin gems)
i'm replacing chest as soon as i hit lvl 70 and the rng gods decide its my time to shine on this
or maybe i sell this and buy an already rolled one.

hope you answer this :)
Last edited by viniciusxis on Dec 6, 2013, 10:04:19 PM
BlackBear89 wrote:
I noticed on the Helm that the Decoy totem was not linked to the other 3 reds including the CoDT. Was this a mistake ? Or do you plan on linking it when a Drop comes. I just got a 4 link item and was double checking.

Since I linked empower to AA I had no slots left for a self cast decoy so I made my helm a 3L to give me an extra free slot.

Eventually empower will go on EK and I'll probably relink the helm and put self cast decoy back in it's old slot.

Just doing what I need to to keep my core gems ;)
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godofdun wrote:

Hmmm, added it up and it comes to 116%, you're right that does seem low. How much should I be shooting for as a minimum, do you think?

I am running this in Domination btw, so the occasional death doesn't bother me too much.

200% as a bare minimum. Some people go a little lower in SC.
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