I'm glad that I haven't tried yet cast on damage taken, and I will probably never gonna try it in the actual status because it's worthless. In last few days I saw people selling this gem for exalts. I wonder what are thinking now the users who bought a single gem for few exalts...
Posted byammenz#4934on Nov 13, 2013, 10:13:13 AM
The item drop quantity and rarity for Map bosses has been increased.
This does not appear to be consistent at all. I'm seeing 4-5 items from most bosses solo, only 1 so far dropped more. Did double vaal boss and for 9 total drops between them. Not 9 rare, total.
Your RNGeesus is a false prophet
Posted byBakkasan#7435on Nov 13, 2013, 10:15:50 AM
My qq. After trying to trade for a lvl 1 enduring cry(yeah, I know it is a quest award in normal act II, but still), I shut the game down and may ragequit for a couple days. This is the extra burden handed to me without warning by ggg. gg. Why not make my lvl17 enduring cry work as lvl 7, since the change is too often? With such a sudden change, you should have at least made the transition smoother.
Snuske wrote:
Please please please stop going crazy about these changes ..
First of all this is an online game so of course they encourage group play (and it's more fun)
and the nerf to CODT was needed .. there were just too many ways to exploit it .. it might have hurt some builds where it wasnt OP but still ..
And the nerf isnt that bad .. if you have 3000 hp and you have to take lets say 2000 damage for the gem too trigger some of you seem to think that you have to lose 2/3 of your life before it triggers .. kind of true but then again its wrong .. there is liferegen, lifeleech, energyshield recharge, you name it .. so you can easily be at 100% hp when the gem triggers ..
I for one like these changes and i look forward to find a new way to work with the CODT changes on one of my chars ..
and to those who are whining about their chars being useless now .. then reroll ??? that's the idea of this game, atleast for me .. i love to make new chars especially when there are changes like these just to experiment with something new..
So stop crying and blaming them for all this .. this game is suppose to be hard and i hope it never goes the same way WoW did with wrath ..
The noobs can learn how to play the game or GTFO imo (:
Keep It Difficult!!!
P.S. the gem doesnt have to be level 1 for you to use it with the new CODT .. its the LEVEL REQUIREMENT! .. so you can level stuff like enduring cry and icenova some levels before its gets up next to the LEVEL REQUIREMENT of CODT .. read the damn notes before you shit yourselves
*flies away in a cloud of awesome*
Posted byfirearasi#5227on Nov 13, 2013, 10:16:34 AM
ammenz wrote:
I'm glad that I haven't tried yet cast on damage taken, and I will probably never gonna try it in the actual status because it's worthless. In last few days I saw people selling this gem for exalts. I wonder what are thinking now the users who bought a single gem for few exalts...
CODT has never been worth more then around 8 chaos .. if you saw people buying it for more then that they are pretty retarded ... and the gem can work you just have to think which is a GOOD thing .. stop thinking that games are always this easy and try comming up with decent builds AND working around changes like all the people who dont whine do :)
Not directed completely towards you because you seem like you actually play the game like a normal person .. but the other whining kids should read it :D
Posted bySnuske#2355on Nov 13, 2013, 10:17:33 AM
firearasi wrote:
My qq. After trying to trade for a lvl 1 enduring cry(yeah, I know it is a quest award in normal act II, but still), I shut the game down and may ragequit for a couple days. This is the extra burden handed to me without warning by ggg. gg. Why not make my lvl17 enduring cry work as lvl 7, since the change is too often? With such a sudden change, you should have at least made the transition smoother.
Snuske wrote:
Please please please stop going crazy about these changes ..
First of all this is an online game so of course they encourage group play (and it's more fun)
and the nerf to CODT was needed .. there were just too many ways to exploit it .. it might have hurt some builds where it wasnt OP but still ..
And the nerf isnt that bad .. if you have 3000 hp and you have to take lets say 2000 damage for the gem too trigger some of you seem to think that you have to lose 2/3 of your life before it triggers .. kind of true but then again its wrong .. there is liferegen, lifeleech, energyshield recharge, you name it .. so you can easily be at 100% hp when the gem triggers ..
I for one like these changes and i look forward to find a new way to work with the CODT changes on one of my chars ..
and to those who are whining about their chars being useless now .. then reroll ??? that's the idea of this game, atleast for me .. i love to make new chars especially when there are changes like these just to experiment with something new..
So stop crying and blaming them for all this .. this game is suppose to be hard and i hope it never goes the same way WoW did with wrath ..
The noobs can learn how to play the game or GTFO imo (:
Keep It Difficult!!!
P.S. the gem doesnt have to be level 1 for you to use it with the new CODT .. its the LEVEL REQUIREMENT! .. so you can level stuff like enduring cry and icenova some levels before its gets up next to the LEVEL REQUIREMENT of CODT .. read the damn notes before you shit yourselves
*flies away in a cloud of awesome*
i agree with you on that .. it's gonna change alot but people just need some time to adjust like with every patch .. in 2 weeks people have forgotten about this and rerolled an even better char .. always happens like this .. and if people rage-quit ... not my problem (: less whining bitches in chat :)
Posted bySnuske#2355on Nov 13, 2013, 10:19:09 AM
Snuske wrote:
Jayserix wrote:
Snuske wrote:
Please please please stop going crazy about these changes ..
First of all this is an online game so of course they encourage group play (and it's more fun)
and the nerf to CODT was needed .. there were just too many ways to exploit it .. it might have hurt some builds where it wasnt OP but still ..
And the nerf isnt that bad .. if you have 3000 hp and you have to take lets say 2000 damage for the gem too trigger some of you seem to think that you have to lose 2/3 of your life before it triggers .. kind of true but then again its wrong .. there is liferegen, lifeleech, energyshield recharge, you name it .. so you can easily be at 100% hp when the gem triggers ..
I for one like these changes and i look forward to find a new way to work with the CODT changes on one of my chars ..
and to those who are whining about their chars being useless now .. then reroll ??? that's the idea of this game, atleast for me .. i love to make new chars especially when there are changes like these just to experiment with something new..
So stop crying and blaming them for all this .. this game is suppose to be hard and i hope it never goes the same way WoW did with wrath ..
The noobs can learn how to play the game or GTFO imo (:
Keep It Difficult!!!
P.S. the gem doesnt have to be level 1 for you to use it with the new CODT .. its the LEVEL REQUIREMENT! .. so you can level stuff like enduring cry and icenova some levels before its gets up next to the LEVEL REQUIREMENT of CODT .. read the damn notes before you shit yourselves
*flies away in a cloud of awesome*
Yeah you should hide yourself into some well or something /rolleyes
you should let people speak their opinion or atleast have a decent counter argument ..
Learn to read ?
*People with any semblance of intelligence don't watch an entire season of a TV show just to see if it's any good lol*
Posted byJayserix#4932on Nov 13, 2013, 10:21:07 AM
I think after 130 pages of players negative posts (in just a few hours only), without an answer from GGG, this is the point that a game company becomes BIG. Gz GGG...
Posted byKatsibrokos#5364on Nov 13, 2013, 10:21:26 AM
cryptc wrote:
defil3d wrote:
I'm sad to see CoDT being nerfed so hard, I agree it was a really overpowered gem and BIS for any hardcore player, but I was expecting the values of total damage to be swapped instead. That way it would get better as we leveled it and it wouldn't be much of a complaint.
This is your call GGG, but I feel solo players are being screwed over pretty hard.
Thanks for the awesome patch notes though, I was excited to see the map boss reward buff!
That would made it utterly useless at low levels with mobs doing less damage making it proc practicly never, so never a viable solution to just swap the progression.
The gem is from one of the last quests in the game. It should be a lvl 60 something gem. The should add another lvl tier of gems. They have 0 level, 19, and 31. I mean so 58-60 would be about right for a gem so powerful. It should have that lvl req with current stats.
Low levels don't need this gem.
Posted byKochise#0931on Nov 13, 2013, 10:25:03 AM
LostBearz wrote:
Frozen_Beans wrote:
Jakabov wrote:
You really need to address how absolutely horrible the facilities for manual casting of utility spells are if you want to take away the thing that fixed that problem. CwDT is universally loved not because it's a bit overpowered but because it takes away the unbearable burden it was to constantly cast curses, Enduring Cry, Molten Shell etc., especially on characters without faster cast gear/passives.
People were finally enthusiastic about the long-suffering melee gameplay and then you choose to nerf this in a way that completely negates most of its purpose. It should be possible to nerf it in a way that doesn't feel like you finally got a splint on your broken limb only to promptly have it forcefully ripped off again.
CwDT's ability to automate your curse and Molten Shell does not enable some new, previously unavailable power, it just made it bearable where it previously wasn't. Molten Shell has always been available but most ignored it because it's *too fucking irritating to use manually.* The power to spam it was already there, it was just so annoying that people chose not to.
CwDT does not override cooldowns or make skills more powerful, it just relieved a burden so heavy that it previously made most players opt out. Surely nobody can claim that curses and MS are inherently overpowered and should not be usable often -- they always were. CwDT doesn't allow you to do something you couldn't do before, it just removes a problem so big that people solved it by refraining from using some of their skills.
Wouldn't it have been better to, say, implement an internal cooldown for each individual spell linked to CwDT and applying part of their mana cost when triggered? Surely the problem isn't that level 20 MS is too powerful or that the game is too easy when mobs are consistently affected by your curse of choice. If that were the case, people would be using MS and Hex Master in every build.
If you insist on restoring the excessive chore of manually casting several utility spells, you should acknowledge that it *was* too much of a chore before and alleviate the burden somewhat. Perhaps make it so casting a non-damage spell doesn't take a full second for builds in the bottom half of the skill tree. Maybe make it so a higher-level curse doesn't cost like 70 mana, an amount that many builds don't even have available now that auras reserve so much mana that just two of them will take upwards of 90% of your total even when linked to Reduced Mana.
Enduring Cry, paradoxically the one utility skill that wasn't unreasonably steep and cumbersome to use before CwDT, is the only one largely unaffected since its usefulness isn't completely hosed by having to use a low-level gem because using a high-level CwDT is basically out of the question as it tragicomically remains the one skill gem in the game that gets worse as you level it up. The skill that remains useful with CwDT is the one skill that didn't need automation.
Please find a different way to accomplish what CwDT did. It made the game so much better.
But that's EXACTLY what the new CWDT does. Just that you need to level it and it won't trigger at a ridiculously little 440damage, but at 2000 or 3000 damage.
Yeeah trigger at 2k HP when I have 1,5k HP. :DDD
If you have 1.5k Life(+ES) than it's because of one of those 3 things:
1) you are low level. Therefore your lowlevel CWDT triggers earlier anyways
2) you rely on Life(or ES) regeneration or Lifeleech for tanking. So I don't get why you even post your absolute value of Life, since amount of Life is not what you are relying on to begin with.
3) you are not a tanking character. Then why do you think you should profit from a skill that is named Cast when Damage Taken.
Posted byFrozen_Beans#5637on Nov 13, 2013, 10:38:11 AM
An this is what constant QQing about stuff you shouldnt care (like things you yourself dont use or need, other builds than your own and so on and so forth) gets you in time. Also, this is only going to backlash later on when the ppl who did use it or need this gem are going to go against other builds that people not using this gem are using/accostumed to. Meanwhile, all this QQing without any wction is most likely not going to change anything. I simply dont get why IF YOU DONT USE an item you must act so childish and hold it against people using it. Growing games always get torn between a minority and a majority. Opposed to what some people stated in previous replies, as far as Ive seen going through every single page, atleast 80% is against this change, or to be more exact, against the present solution as it has been implemented. This gem alone gave somewhere between 25 to 50% more combat durability but it mostly solved three major problems: some mana costs, making new builds possible, delay/cast time between must-have densive skills or curses and desync protection.
Keep whining cuz some other guy is doing better than you and we'll see where that gets us all over time.
P.s. This goes out to all the "pros" out there telling others that they need to l2p: most of you/us are at best average so get a damn grip. Otherwise you wouldnt be here getting involved in something that doesnt affect you in any way according to your own sayings.
Sometimes looking for trouble gets trouble to look for you. Last edited by uzurper#0931 on Nov 13, 2013, 10:43:55 AM
Posted byuzurper#0931on Nov 13, 2013, 10:39:51 AM