<AUSSIE> Oceanic Exiles - Australian gateway

Still recruiting with 5-10 spots still open.
hey im interested in joining the guild!
first played in open beta, i have been off and on since, really liking forsaken masters.
planning on sticking around for the entire rampage league.
looking forward to playing with other aussies

playing a tornado shot ranger right now
currently 81

my in game name is jacksunMATE
Australia's deadly animals are here to scare, terrify or even kill non-aussies ;)
Looking to join the guild, currently leveling a Standard Lv.62 Marauder, IGN:Shibbledibbler
Last edited by EtherealScorpions#4794 on Sep 3, 2014, 8:32:58 AM

Looking to join, I am in Adelaide,currently playing a bowman, level 81.

I am relatively new to this game, but I have been playing arpg for like 10 yeras.
IGN : enbowed

it would be great to fight with some aussies!
Born a bowman.
Hello, looking to join your guild. My character is an ice spearer which is lvl 72 atm and is in beyond.
I live in Melbourne and I have been playing PoE for 1 year (started in jan 19 2013)
Looking forward to meet all of you guys!! :)
Kiaora and Gidday!

Sign me up :)

I first found POE in Closed Beta and like most people came on forums begging for a key until I finally got one whoopwhoop.

I made a duelist in OB whom I got to level 70-ish, he sucked lol! It wasn't long before I jumped the ditch to Sydney in search of a prosperous future and stopped playing for a quite while.

I returned to playing POE casually not long before the vaal expansion and made two pretty good characters whom I leveled to mid 70's before sort of losing motivation and just messing around alot (it's no fun farming maps and leveling without mates!).

In other games I've played I've allways loved being apart of a tight knit mature community while helping peeps, bantering and having a good laugh! However my POE experience has been a pretty solitary one, I've mainly kept to myself but made a few good friends along the way.

I'm a rather casual player, sometimes I play all arvo and night, other days I wont get on much, it all depends on dat lyfe thing.

In Rampagage I'm a level 60 burning pulse crit shadow. Want to make a push for A3M but farming for tri-res gear atm!

Give me a msg in game @Devulgence or PM me if your keen for a new guidie.

Chur and thanks!

Finally, been looking in game for an aussie guild
Perth based here
this guild sounds perfect!

in game im either
IncineGrubby or

IGN: grubby85

LF Invite.

Have played since the start of Open Beta, played in all the standard leagues, Ambush, Domination, Rampage.

Have achieved 85+ in all of them, currently 86 in Rampage.

IGN: _seized
I would be interested in playing with some fellow aussies.
IGN : Seirella

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