How PVP based Tournaments should look like not to be an entire failure.
" ^ Exactly this. IGN: @GreenDude
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" Sure but how much of that came down to skill and how much of it came down to build efficacy and skill setup? I suspect competitive PvP in POE will be decided mainly by build and gear and skill will play a tertiary role at best. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but we should then recognize that combat skill isn't determining outcomes as much as technical savvy and character investment. Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP? Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward Last edited by Veta321#3815 on Nov 7, 2013, 6:34:53 AM
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Personally I see it as whoever has the most skill and best gear. If aux is telling the truth in that reddit post he was set up for PVE and crushed baker. I assume aux in a legit PVP build, even with subpar gear will do well even against fully decked out builds.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Shavronnes is only strong in PVM because of the "chaos not bypassing ES mechanic"
Or are you refering to RF+PA builds which got stomped the ground by the last nerfs turning Kaoms into a RF item! Viperstrike is a level 28 PVP skill and PA far to inefficient. Added Chaos damage can't be pushed that hard anymore. And how is any skill involved in such combinations Flickerstrike+ Stun-->Single target damage skill spamming with superior weapons. Stunlocked and dead, because US or EoC were missing. How is any skill involved some cold crit caster spamming LMP+FP Icespears 2 screens away freeze locks you because you don't have got Dream Fragments or Wanderlust. And don't use "Potions as an excuse" even you use 5 4 times useable unfreeze potions you will waste 1/3 of the charges to get into sight(as ranged you waste all charges) and possibly win 1 round but have only a few charges left losing all other rounds but possibly one when the potions refilled. If you claim it's skill based then show some "elite PVPer" win against broken combos without using certain items or certain 1 shot spells. It's not gonna happen. The best you can get is a draw. There aren't any defensive gems in this game which can easily be obtained and offer Cannot Be Frozen/Stunned etc. If something like that gets introduced it will be just another MMORPG grinding gem like:"Here are our Prestige gems" While copypasting the Materiasystem they totally forgot that Materia also increased/reduced defensive abilities. And Superbosses like Emeraldweapon got creative attacks such as 1111 damage each materia used. How about something like that? 500 unreduceable damage each used skillgem and suddenly players must reduce their build to a tiny fracture of their skill gems and a Boss suddenly gets "hard" You can't claim "PVM player crushes PVP player" because in PoE PVP and PVM are really small. You can refer to broken mechanic abusing builds as PVP builds. You can claim utterly useless builds as Summoners being pure PVM builds. But you can't claim selfdeclared PVP players gets crushed by selfdeclared PVM player. And some builds only have to switch some gems. Because in PVM you mainly go for big AoE damage while in PVP you aim for big Single Target damage. Chance to Flee switched Chain switched Meleesplash switched " No I don't have the wrong mentallity. This is copy pasting WoW MMORPG PVP, because 13 years ago most players here were like 7-11 years old and didn't experience how Skillbased PVP in ARPGs looked like. The PVP community of D2 went on PVPGN servers because 1.09 was rigged with imported items, such as 4 socket 1.08 Arkaines Valor 160ed/60ias and25% phsysical reduce, Tals armor with +2 skills and some reduce 20 or 25% forgot, occu sojs. Even 1.09 had extremly rare high end items such as GF/WF/Shaefers there were much more common items which sold for pgs such was Eaglehorn/Buri/Doom/cruel 3 soc BB,CB,CS/Baranars/Lightsabre. 1.10 was so fucked up that the big communities went on PVPGN servers. And after that there was WoW and every company and publisher tried to copy it because it was a huge cash cow. Even D3 has big traces of WoW in it. ARPG PVP was designed to be mainly Skillbased and lower tier items are still competive against high tier items(while those have their advantage in PVM, for example Cliffkiller is only slightly weaker than Goldstrike in PVP but Goldstrike was a really strong PVM item) |
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There's a lot of assumptions in your posts Hilbert. Reading them makes it appear you've played next to no pvp in POE thus far.
IGN: _Firebitch
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Hilbert you didn't understand a word I said because you don't know the match I'm talking about.
Also most your "elite" builds aren't nearly as popular anymore. I also love how you keep going off about how you need DF or wanderlust when one of the strongest helms in the game is alpha howl. Another thing you don't know because you are completely disconnected from the current game. And if you think wanderlusts are a rare item you're clearly racing too much. Anyone can grab them as a quick plug in for certain situations. Why don't you tell us what builds don't work in MoC next. Your wealth of outdated information is riveting. I love the hilbert progression in threads. People like your ideas, then some people disagree or counter, you get extremely defensive and aggressive then suddenly everyone is against you. You keep replying like everyone else is the asshole and bring up more references to D2 the perfect game which you can't help but look at through rose color glasses. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Alpha Howl is a High Tier items requiring 138 Dex. This isn't some item everybody can wear!
Oh there is Astramentis a totally common item. I name mechanic examples not Builds. Do you see a single link to a build? Differenciate between extremly rare item and item with certain mechanics. All you do is trying to discredit somebodies ideas and trying to provocate. You know what's strange? You got flagged after certain bot got released not prior to it. Your join date is really close to the bandate of the D3 bot of the same vendor. Why would you farm only Gneiss, if there is Calaf, Merv +2 Unique squids. Coincidence? Actually farming merc is far more attractive for low level PVP. |
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" I think it would depend on if aux's build was just better equipped to deal with Baker's build than vice versa. And even if this were a case of skill trumping build and gear, it's not necessarily indicative of the framework as a whole. We're better off not pontificating on anecdotal evidence either way. Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP? Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward Last edited by Veta321#3815 on Nov 7, 2013, 11:20:15 AM
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" So now you are flat out accusing me of botting huh? This is what I'm talking about. You can't stay on topic, always has to be personal. Let me guess you're going to attack my alpha status next like you do in every other disagreement we've gotten into. You're a child. Hilbert can't get his way so he's going to whine until everyone agrees with him. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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You provocate with "Post MoC your posts are outdated and useless" I provocate you with you being a botter.
Don't blame me with something that you have started. I said it's an addition to the PVP which will turn out being a failure. And FYI I am saying "will turn out" not "going to turn out" Yet you want to turn it into an OT war. The Distance between Calaf and sins is far shorter than resetting gneiss. Merv drops low level items on more frequently and merv drops more. Yet you farm Gneiss? The only reason to farm Gneiss would be less disturbances from surrounding mobs compared to Calaf and simpler pathfinding compared to merv. That's typical for bots in the starter phase using attack sequences such as always attacking the nearest target and not being to path certain areas properly. And you claim you are so socializing in the game. Let's say you are socializing. How come you still got flagged as botter? Getting flagged would be impossible because of human actions such as conversations, changing of mf areas, helping out friends etc. How about breaks? You can convince the support, but you can't convince me! |
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