Just Some Feedback

The PvP game is quite laughable atm, I played a couple rounds, just for laughs, here's how they went.

Some background Info: Blew through 75 regrets last night, testing builds and pvp. The build I used in pvp had the following stats: 11k armor 3.9k life and 85% resist all elements

Slurms 2 Shot me with Shotgun FP; with temp chains curse

Donkey Perma stunned me, as in I could not move, at all, with ground slam.

Aethias summoned Ice spear totems on me, again spell shotgun, and killed me.

Another guy chain shield charged me; perma stunning me and eventually killing me.

Another mara chain CC'd me with ground slam again, took him between 30-40 seconds to kill me, but at the same time, I was unable to move.

So basically, what I learned is that any class that doesn't involve a heavy CC ability, will lose any PvP round. I'm not entirely sure what the point is, or if the mechanics are simply untested at the moment. I have no idea how or to what degree CC is intended to play in PvP, but at the moment, it quite simply is too strong. Along with Spell shotgunning (Really I don't understand why spells can shotgun, and arrows can't) It leaves most builds completely nonviable.

Though I must say my build alone was nonviable, due to the nature that it takes too long to cast 7 auras.
Hi, I'll just use this thread to add my random thoughts.

After playing few high level PvP arenas I hope they are to going to balance it. Maybe it sound quite silly but look, you won't achieve PvP and PvE balance, ever. Monster and players are too different opponents and some skill simply work better in one case but fail in the other. The only way to achieve good balance would be probably to make skill work differently in PvE and in PvP, well...I wouldn't mind but I feel like it is very unlikely. What I'm afraid of are compromises leading to broken already quite fragile balance in PvE environment.

Anyway those arenas are extremely fun although I haven't tried the low level arena much except for one of my fail chars (which wasn't really made for pvp but I wanted to see the news so I joined few times at level 22-28).

Most 'imba' thing I have seen was flame totem with knockback, hard to cope with a melee char, it blows you away immediately ;) And my backup skill poison arrow doesn't do shit to totems.
Most fun was fighting other melee chars for me. All the witches either died so quickly or burned me to ashes in a blink of an eye. And yeah temporal chains everywhere, stun is effective on everyone without the keystone (yes I used shield charge a lot, too).
And last thing, sometimes it is simply better to rush and put temporal chains on your opponent, screw auras ;)

P.S. Don't balance the game around PvP!
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Yeah i just hope GGG doesnt Ruin PVE trying to be something its not meant to be.. PVP is just a nice bonus i don't feel thats what this game should be about
You can't just take your high level good pve character and expect it to do well in pvp.

It's not a balancing issue. It's an adaptation issue. There are passive nodes and uniques to avoid being stun and frozen. There are flask mods to break frozen and curses.

You are fighting human opponents now, not the ai and they will use and abuse any and all advantages against you. That is part of the challenge and fun of pvp. I'm sure those players that owned you spent a huge amount of time and effort on that character, not just waltz into the arena with their pve character.
Dregos wrote:
You can't just take your high level good pve character and expect it to do well in pvp.

It's not a balancing issue. It's an adaptation issue. There are passive nodes and uniques to avoid being stun and frozen. There are flask mods to break frozen and curses.

You are fighting human opponents now, not the ai and they will use and abuse any and all advantages against you. That is part of the challenge and fun of pvp. I'm sure those players that owned you spent a huge amount of time and effort on that character, not just waltz into the arena with their pve character.

So basically; Roll an Witch and use spellshotgun, CI and chuyula, or roll a GS mara with UW.

Thanks for the input, but, you seem to not understand the points I am ATTEMPTING to point out.

CC Mechanics are interacting with characters in an obscene way; Specifically GS is auto-perma stunning anything it hits, without seeming regard to the damage, armor or HP of those affected. I really shouldn't have to point out why spells shotgunning is imbalanced, when arrows cant do the same, and arrows have smaller hitboxes.
Thats why im playing only low level PVP and keeping my level 75 HC marauder unspecced before I get more info what kind of build is the most imba and then do it. Just so I can show GGG how fucked up few things now are.

I think CC's will get some kind of big reduction soon since there is no way it will continue like this. It's not "tactical" if you MUST have UW or cannot be stunned unique in use to compete at all.

And to the discussion: I dont think Slurms etc. has any weird "pvp build" or GS maras use anything different than their regular PVE gear and setup, and they still are OP, thats the point.

ps. hiya old friends! Maybe I need to make my PVP build in default too so I have more enemies.
still being hard to TARGET enemies at 3v3 arenas they look like my allies, hope solve this soon.
Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Nov 1, 2012, 10:29:33 PM
I'm really disappointed in pvp atm, no balance at all. In one case i owning someone or i got owned. Never felt like i'm actually doing battle with someone. There should be some rating system to make more even matches.
The worst of all there are some OP guy who owning everyone who enters the arena so noone go back, and i have to face the same guy over and over.
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor."
That's pretty insane that GS can permastun someone who has 3.9k HP and high armor.

But then what happens to GS characters vs Chayula? Do they just lose?
aimlessgun wrote:
That's pretty insane that GS can permastun someone who has 3.9k HP and high armor.

But then what happens to GS characters vs Chayula? Do they just lose?

I guess that's the OP vs OP situation, and finally the gear (and possibly skill) decides.

Also, dual strike, high attack speed shadows own everything, just because of permastun on everyone, regardless of HP. Dual strike damage output is just so high.
IGN: Neonesis / Violetlight / Sirencurse /... I have too many alts...
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