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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Jun 21, 2019, 2:14:05 PM
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Shinsoo wrote:

So wait...

Does that mean chain will NOT effect none-projectile spells?

A.K.A. can't attach chain to arc for 5 bounces?
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Waves_blade wrote:
Shinsoo wrote:

So wait...

Does that mean chain will NOT effect none-projectile spells?

A.K.A. can't attach chain to arc for 5 bounces?

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200% mana cost :( So want it to be a competitive alternative to LMP, back to LMP then.

BTW, what does lvling up do ? +proj damage ?
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
Waves_blade wrote:
Shinsoo wrote:

So wait...

Does that mean chain will NOT effect none-projectile spells?

A.K.A. can't attach chain to arc for 5 bounces?
No. Arc also has the "Chaining" tag that you can see here - which exists entirely because specifically because Arc is a non-projectile skill that can chain.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Nov 1, 2012, 5:31:42 PM
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Progammer wrote:
200% mana cost :( So want it to be a competitive alternative to LMP, back to LMP then.

BTW, what does lvling up do ? +proj damage ?

2% increased damage per level. Should be additive with other +%damage.
So can I link it with frenzy using a bow/wand or not?
So if I link this to Ice Spear, will the newly chained projectile be the initial piercing shot, or the high crit shot? I certainly hope it's the high crit shot otherwise this gem would be worthless with it.
Last edited by Strill#1101 on Nov 2, 2012, 8:47:43 AM
drakar8888 wrote:
So can I link it with frenzy using a bow/wand or not?

Works with a bow and frenzy+chain. I had no wand to test it.

I use lightning arrow(level 7, hits three targets nearby) with chain and lmp.

Do I get this right:

Imagine a group of 9 monsters, close to each other.

I fire three arrows at them. Each arrow hits a different monster.
Each of those hits will chain three times. (3+3*3)
Each monster that was hit by a chain or the inital three arrows, will proc lightning arrows "hits three nearby targets"?

That would make 3 hits -> 3 chains à 3 hits -> 3 + 3*3 -> 12 monsters hit by lightning arrow, resulting in 36 (12 hits -> 3*12 procs) nearby enemys struck by lightning arrow on top of that?

I can't see it ingame, everything just pulverizes. I'm not sure if lightning arrows "hit three nearby targets" plays a role here at all.

Another thing: Increased area of effect plays a role with chain?

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IGN: Iski
Last edited by Balguez#2498 on Nov 2, 2012, 10:17:47 AM
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