
No. It has no area of effect.
Vipermagi wrote:
Shock stacks.

Hmm, maybe it's a good skill for a minion witch, but without minions (or playing solo) there is no point to stack shock if you can just kill anything with 1-3 casts of freezing pulse.
Last edited by dspair#3915 on Dec 13, 2012, 9:59:28 PM
freezing pulse does listed damage at point blank, its not as godly as people keep saying. it is still nice but at range, it is far less damage than listed on tooltip. arc has intense range and hits multiple foes. for reasonable damage due to responses although slightly high cost to make up for ease of use.
I have been using Arc on my level 33 templar for some levels now, and I really like the skill. Together with it I am using the double spell totem thingy with ice spear. I really like the playstyle and I want to get a build going, my current build is just random picking on the tree so it could be a lot better. Currently I cant say im struggling much with mana, I do have some mana regen so I guess that helps me a lot.

What I have come up with is this

Any thoughts? Btw, im a newb still, this is the first build I threw together myself :p Any help is appreciated.
I used the last free respec to make my witch into a lvl 58 crit arc wielder. Its a lot of fun. Kind of mana exhaustive but still great.
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dspair wrote:
I was trying to make an arc shadow and here is some statistics on skills I have:

Freezing Pulse with Faster Projectiles: 145 DPS, it uses 25 mana/sec
Freezing Pulse: 137 DPS, 23 mana/sec
Ice Spear: 58 DPS, 20 mana/sec
Arc: 52 DPS, 27 mana/sec (I couldn't even find a good support gem for this skill at this level)

Support with Fast Casting, Lightning Penetration, if you have a 5 link then added lightning.

Also if you are looking to stack shock ele proliferation is a great support for it.
You know when I think of shock I think of someone who is zapped so hard that they can hardly move. When you "shock" the enemies in this game they aren't even slowed down. I hardly think its worth it to invest into shock chance. Your going to shock when you crit anyways.
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iamstryker wrote:
I hardly think its worth it to invest into shock chance. Your going to shock when you crit anyways.

With 19 skill points spent, you can have 30% Chance to Shock with Arc, and 4% Chance to Crit. How many skill points are you going to need to get anywhere near that Shock Chance through Crits? (you need around +700% Crit Chance)
Im just saying if your going to be criting alot then why even care about shock? Your crits are your major source of damage and shock does nothing at all beyond add some extra damage.
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