<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)

The Complete Map Tiers Challenge and Breach HC Ladder

At the end of Breach HC League we'll see how our guild went in Maps through this 10,000 challenge. Congrats to Yaymosz and Smaced for being the first to get it. Looks like you need to no-life a week for 98 levels worth of mapping to get there

• 17 members are at 1,000+.
• 70 members have mapped at least once and are at 1+.
• 24 members have 1+ Challenge and not killed a map boss.
• 25 members do not have a single Breach Challenge.

Full Map Tiers, Challenges and Ladder Week 1 rankings: https://goo.gl/5vS2eY.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
99 Today!?
And by 99 I of course mean ripping :D
5 Days Dead and YaeMosz AKA Yaymos has just hit 3rd on the /ladder LOL

Here's hoping Smaced and Yaymos don't make a repeat of this league again next league!
hey, i waited week but it was well worth it. I was given a very informative introduction, followed by warm welcomes and support. I never imagined i could have progressed this far without joining this guild.
need more points :)
People Before Profit - Community Before Corporations.
Oh whats this?
Oh whats this?

Former Blow member looking for new home. Will fill out application form.
Last edited by Shatters on Dec 19, 2016, 9:44:50 AM
Best guild AU

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