<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)

Wheres yer head at?
People Before Profit - Community Before Corporations.
Newsletter #34 has just been sent out.

Yes, two newsletters in two days, as we had three Closed Beta Keys to giveaway!
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Hi, in beta. Sorry for leaving it for a while. Alke is my character name or my Account name is oORyanOo
ACE Member.
Hey guys, that email offer is too good to pass up on so here's my first forum post in a while.

In the Beta I'm super keen to try out how all the weapons that are not bows/wands/daggers work now. There are so many cool builds that can be done but just aren't as good as using a crit bow/dagger/wand and I'm hoping that this has now changed.

The new tree-gem things open up so many more options for builds, with my thinking specifically focused on the 'X modifiers now apply to Y' type gems.

I currently have no desire to play into the 85+ stage of the game for the duration of the Beta, but would rather roll dozens of new characters to the 70's so I can experience the balance changes in many different builds.

There are so many balance changes and new things (golems, skill gems, jewels, uniques etc) that there are so many new builds to try. Whether it be in Beta or in release, I'm so pumped for this expansion.

also i ran out of WoW subscription

Hey, GGG giving you guys those keys is awesome.

Watching streamers play in the beta has got me super hyped and I haven't got the money atm to buy a supporter pack but I would love to be in so I could test out all the new features like, golems, new uniques, bosses, loot filters, Jewels / passive tree changes and how they interact.

Obviously act 4 would be a blast to play through while testing new builds and skills. Mainly the changes to eldritch battery, shotgunning and the aura changes would be great to test as I love building spell casters.

Last edited by Blaze369#0600 on May 8, 2015, 7:22:55 PM
shot for the chance guys.

im not sure whats being tested by others but i would like to know how much shotgunning affects skills, try defensive alternatives, want to see the new leveling progression myself.

test these skills
storm call - damage buff, quality buff.
lightning arrow - got shock chance.
firestorm - damage buff and quality buff.

IGN: MouseSupreme
Thanks for submitting your testing ideas and for winning one of three beta keys maffa50, Blaze369 and Mouse!

I will PM you the codes. Post your character names here or PM Kaysee so he can add you to ACE Too - the ACE One guild is full at 30/30. :/
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
We've had a couple of new members join ACE in the past week.

I'd like to welcome JayOnPOE, PrematureGoat and Tolly.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
so hyped for act 4 lets go for it boys
Waiting for update to test out a new theory... and no it isn't melee :( I will do a melee build at some point, but too much fun to be had in the meantime.
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."

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