Cast on Death

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Last bumped on Sep 15, 2022, 9:12:48 PM
Haven't leveled it up at all, but someone mentioned that it has a very high more attribute.
Last edited by 50miler#1155 on Oct 24, 2013, 9:55:27 PM
Can this trigger on minion death? or just the character dies.
Well, if they ever release a "resurrect" spell, I could probably think of a use for this gem. Otherwise...
Museifu wrote:
Can this trigger on minion death? or just the character dies.

if it triggers with minions
one could produce lvl-1 skeletons
and multiple 4 links that trigger multiple spells
cast on death-AoE spell e.g. *nova-*Penetration-Increased Area of Effect
another 4link can have more defensive stuff:
cast on death-AoE spell-Increased Area of Effect-blind-..more with 5/6link
if that can be tweaked more you do not start with the skeleton summon spell directly
but get your first deaths with zombies
cast on death-summon skeletons-Minion Speed-...
after some dead zombies you have a army of weak skeletons
that way the skeletons are recreated with their own death (dont think timeout-death counts)
and on each death you get more (weak) skeletons and each death triggers multiple spells/curses/..

but since i dont have that gem i cant test it
Pakamon wrote:
Museifu wrote:
Can this trigger on minion death? or just the character dies.


just tested, it is a no because whatever it is linked to cannot be casted.
ign = ultrahiangle
Cast on Death + Portal Gem = OP never ever have to run Map again if dieing.

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Cast on death doesn't work on minion death. I tested the combination with cast on damage, cast on death, ice nova and summon skeletons. When damage taken both skeleton and ice nova will be cast, but the skeletons do not cast ice nova while dying (or taking damage).
Can you chain it with another 'Cast on' gem, trigger supported skill with the other 'Cast on' gem and still benefit from Cast on Death's massive 'more spell damage'?

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