Cast when Damage Taken
I was thinking of another possible avenue to balance this gem:
Gem level determines maximum level of link-able gems. So a level 1 gem might trigger every 440 damage, but it can also only trigger level 1 gems. IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
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To have full picture of this gem one must take into consideration 2 facts.
1. This gem doesn't give any new opportunity which haven't been present till now. Players could have (and still can) use enduring cry as seperate skill, the same for shock nova and molten shell and so on. Only change is the fact that now player doesn't have to click 4 buttons. It's just used automaticly. So where is this OP? It's just a cure for people laziness. Why force people to click 4 buttons instead of automatic bonus? 2. I read someones post about some streams with some players that have done some miracles with this gem. So what? I think we're missing the point here. There are many people playing in PoE. Some of them are playing xxx hours a week, have OP items and so on. But they're definitely not average players. They are HEROS and they will be heros even if this gem is weaken or disappear. The real question is - should this game be adjusted to average player or to 1-3% hero player? To be honest - I think to majority of average players who have great fun using this new gem. Please think about it. |
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"Curse on hit" and "Cast on Crit" both start with a 30% changs increasing by 2%/level.
Do the same with "Cast when Damage Taken". - Fix amount of damage need to be taken at all levels (600 is a good value, take it for all levels!!!). - Fix damage reduction amount of 50% for offensive spells - reduce the damage needed to trigger by 10 peer quality-level This way you still get a decent defensive suport gem (defens is ALLWAYS good) but no "turn of brain" option. AND there would be a reson to level this gem! Level 20 version would look like: - 68% changs to trigger suported spells after 600 damage is taken - suported spells deal 50% less damage and with 20 quality - 68% damage to trigger suported spells after 410 damage is taken The changse to activate stuff like Molten Shell or Reju Totem is still good @level 20 but not high enough to turn your brain off ;). This way you might even take 1800 damage bevore it triggers (2 times no trigger after 600 damage). |
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A mana reservation seems fair to balance the free spells and no casting animation. It could start at 250% and get lower each level à la blood magic. And the previous suggestion of 600 hp trigger for all levels seems interesting enough.
The % chance idea is pretty misguided though, make it too unreliable as a defensive gem. Last edited by SmilingCat#6681 on Oct 27, 2013, 8:24:52 AM
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I would considering that cheating the players. Introduce something (having alot opportunity to test), then nerf?
What if i have spend countless orbs to respec to get use of new gem. This is not a beta anymore. then what "oops we didnt think about it, nerf time" BTW that gems were introduced in BOTW clearly encouraging players to use it "as is" Its not a bug, its a feature. If you dont like it stop crying and dont use it It so fun - makes me want to play again (increased survivability for paper builds) ign Krynix / if offline try GlupiChuj / if offline try FappingStrike im usually on 5PM-11PM GMT+1 Last edited by krynix#6578 on Oct 27, 2013, 9:25:45 AM
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No, not nerfing again, wasn't even able to test it yet, wait for meeee!!! :D
It sounds like it could be useful for my Melee Marauder, always have a hard time with him, I play alone and self-found, not that efficient imho. I need some "power" skills to keep up with the party players so a little bit help could be useful. Nerf it in party play if you want but let poor solo players a little bit of fun, PoE is hard enough, especialy the new areas and bosses. |
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" I'd agree this never should have been implemented as-is in a live version of the game. This is Black Lotus kinds of busted. " This is incorrect. Casting these abilities costs time, time you're not dealing damage and time you're not leeching life and time you're pined in place completely helpless. The mana cost is immaterial anyway - standing in almost melee range while building endurance charges is the real cost of Enduring Cry. Molten Shell is useless defensively as an active skill. Enfeeble lasts longer and has a much bigger (and universal) effect. Universal in that it also works against wizards and helps your minions and allies. CODT staples these things passively to yourself, while active mitigation cuts into your DPS and clear speeds. Might as well give us gems with massive passive +stats. " There's a lot of more fundamental systems that could use some revamping if making the game easier were desirable. The life buff was one of them. A mana system that doesn't scare away women and children with its "spam mana potions because you're not high level and therefore deserve to be miserable" feature would be another. A skill system that doesn't require you to throw away perfectly serviceable rares because of inferior links. But through a support gem that you have to clear all three of the game loops on a character to attain? That's a little backwards. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Oct 27, 2013, 1:17:07 PM
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" I like this suggestion. Along with starting it with a mana cost multiplier that reduces in cost as you level/quality it would seem very fair. |
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" True. It's not beta anymore. And I changed my build for 2 four-links with this gem. Awesome thing. And yes,for this fastercasting and etc u WASTE 1 gem place. So why cry,haters? |
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GGG makes mistakes. Look at the former Avatar of Fire node. Templar + AoF + Pyromaniac + Catalyze + every damage passive stacking: the damage output was unreal.
So they took it out, let it sit for quite a few months, then finally added it back in. |
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