Cast when Damage Taken

Short answer: Yes, that will work.

Supports do nothing in and of themselves, and are not affected by other Supports in a link.

By putting Life Leech, Discharge and CwDT in a three-link, you get a Discharge with Leech, and as long as the required level of Discharge is low enough, CwDT. CwDT does not Support Leech, so the required level of Leech doesn't matter.
So I have CWDT linked with enduring cry, immortal call, molten armor - in that order from top to bottom. Sometimes all 3 will proc at the same time, other times - especially when running past mobs, only one of them will proc. How come? Is it due to the IC so you have to take 3 consecutive hits to proc all 3 skills or what's happening there?
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Enduring cry and immortal call have their cooldowns. If it is on cooldown, cwdt cannot proc it.
IGN : KC_Serra (among other chars)
Serrã wrote:
Enduring cry and immortal call have their cooldowns. If it is on cooldown, cwdt cannot proc it.

Yeah, but I don't think that's it. Molten Armor has no CD so it should proc every time, but it doesn't. IC with 0,5sec CD should proc more often too. Say I'm running to Piety skipping mobs, sometimes only one of the spells will proc, then the next, then another many secs apart.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
So i have this connection - cwdt, enduring cry, immortal call, molten shell all on proper levels to proc

If i get it right:

1) cwdt have its own cd and it proc's simultaneously all gems linked that are not on internal cd, right?

If yes, then gems are processed like
on 4L:
or IC with EC are always trigerred together no mather the slot?

3) when does the damage taken on cwdt counter reset? x seconds after last damage taken by any source, or it's just one counter for whole map that resets when i quit it?

4) if i get proc for IC while it's still on me will it increase duration/reset/dont do anything at all?

5) Last question is a bit stupid but maybe i am wrong here - damage taken in cwdt is calculated AFTER armor/res or before? (i.e. mob hit me for 100 hp and i have 50% armor - will it count as 50 damage taken or 100 in cwdt?)

I will really appreciate any help on this
Last edited by kstepyra#7587 on Jan 16, 2014, 3:36:42 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
CwDT does not Support Leech, so the required level of Leech doesn't matter.

I have a different experience with this. What i tried is 4-link with this:

- CWDT lvl1
- Ice nova lvl1
- Added lightning 20/20
- Life leech 20/20

Then i went to merciless docks and gathered a large crowd of weak mobs. As they hit me, ice nova did proc quite often along with added lightning and it DID leech life for me - my ES replenished quite fast after hits (CI + ghost reaver here).

Next thing i'm gonna try is 6link with

- CWDT lvl1
- Ice nova lvl1
- Shock nova lvl1
- Added lightning 20/20
- Added chaos 20/20
- Life leech 20/20

In theory that should give me around 4x dmg/leech compared to my current setup.
IGN xobot_pentacurse
Last edited by xobot#7649 on Jan 20, 2014, 8:05:09 AM
xobot wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
CwDT does not Support Leech, so the required level of Leech doesn't matter.

I have a different experience with this. What i tried is 4-link with this:

- CWDT lvl1
- Ice nova lvl1
- Added lightning 20/20
- Life leech 20/20

Then i went to merciless docks and gathered a large crowd of weak mobs. As they hit me, ice nova did proc quite often along with added lightning and it DID leech life for me - my ES replenished quite fast after hits (CI + ghost reaver here).

Next thing i'm gonna try is 6link with

- CWDT lvl1
- Ice nova lvl1
- Shock nova lvl1
- Added lightning 20/20
- Added chaos 20/20
- Life leech 20/20

In theory that should give me around 4x dmg/leech compared to my current setup.

Vipermagi said that it doesn't support life leech - that means it doesnt support DIRECTLY so you can still use 20/20 LL to support any active skills, but ice nova/shock nova must be agreed upon lvl requirement on CWDT. They will probably both hit in same time till you have mana. Better question is which one will proceed when there is not enough mana for 2 to hit? 50/50% or Ice nova will be always on since it is in slot nr. 2?
Hi guys,

I was away for couple of months and I really tried to find an answer before posting this question, but there are so many pages I couldn't find a thing.

Anyway, as for damage taken before the gem procs, does it calculate all mitigated damage or actual life loss? What I mean is, if I, lets say, level it to 20, which is 3240 dmg taken, does that means that it will proc when I lose 3240 Life, or when I take 3240 dmg, even if more than half is mitigated by armor/resi?

Last edited by ComradeMrki#3041 on Jan 23, 2014, 1:31:48 PM
ToeTags wrote:
Hi guys,

I was away for couple of months and I really tried to find an answer before posting this question, but there are so many pages I couldn't find a thing.

Anyway, as for damage taken before the gem procs, does it calculate all mitigated damage or actual life loss? What I mean is, if I, lets say, level it to 20, which is 3240 dmg taken, does that means that it will proc when I lose 3240 Life, or when I take 3240 dmg, even if more than half is mitigated by armor/resi?


The gem will only take into account damage suffered after mitigation.
Can anyone help me understand why my curses don't proc on CodT?


I had previously used CoDT with Molten Shell, Enduring Cry, and Decoy Totem where everything worked fine. I changed things up a bit, but no curse has proc'd for me. I believe this should work since a friend is running one with Enfeeble.

Thanks in advance.

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