Cast when Damage Taken
" Cast when Damage Taken lv1 + Molten Shell lv7 + Endurance Cry lv5 + Enfeeble lv5. Simply too efficient and good for a 4-link. This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
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I think removing the damage threshold in favour of putting a cooldown on the effect would be the ideal solution. The real problem with the gem, that it isn't worth leveling, is still at large. Giving a static penalty to damage and causing each subsequent gem level to reduce the cooldown would possibly alleviate it.
Another idea might be to allow the support to only cast one of the linked gems, at random, per cooldown, if it is too slot cost effective. |
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The support "cast on crit" must be attached to the skill used and it doesn't have a 100% proc.
We must put some big limit to this support gem too. A good nerf could be : 1) 125% mana cost on lvl 1 with -2% reduce for each level 2) One cast every 4 secs. The increase mana cost will be the price to pay for the instant cast given by the support gem. The time limit will stop all the abuse based on "the many spell attached on it" and on the repetitive instant cast on a very short amount of time. Even with that, i'll still use it a lot. I'll put one + a spell, another one and another spell and if i can a last one and another spell. That will take 6 slots for 3 instant cast every 4 secs. It's still great and there is no abuse in that. |
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i find it still a great utility:
as a low lvl: you can keep enduring refreshed you can keep a ranged opponent crippled till you get to him (either enfeeble or temporal chain lvl 5 is good till you have the time to deal with the opponent) as a high lvl you need to be high hp/es to use it, but i dont see a particular problem with that. as it was previously, you could with abysmal defences proc it quite a lot for devastating effects (lvl20curses, lvl 20 totems, etc) the only further tweak i would do would be to actually raise the threshold by quite a bit (50% increase) but make it count pre-mitigration, this way, high mitigration/lower hp characters could use it as effeciently as high hp/high leech-regen ones. |
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Quick question about this CwDT setup. CwDT - Enduring Cry - Increased Duration - Immortal Call When I first get hit it will cast enduring then immortal call but after the first hit sometimes enduring cry will not cast (this is after the 4 sec cd) and I will get a base duration immortal call proc. Sometimes EC will cast but not immortal call so I will have 2 or 3 endurance charges up. I was under the impression that the skills cast in order linked so if enduring cry is ever cast the immortal call will also be cast. There shouldn't be a way for me to have endurance charge buffs on me right? Thanks for the help! ign: @Tongstar
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"they will cast at same time, there is no "order". |
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Is this intended by GGG that now i have freakin 11 gems equipped that i dont want to level up?
The way of nerfing it was ultimately stupid ign Krynix / if offline try GlupiChuj / if offline try FappingStrike
im usually on 5PM-11PM GMT+1 |
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" Thanks! I'm still not sure how to explain enduring cry casting but not immortal call. Even a no charge immortal cry shows that cross buff animation and a really short buff in your auras bar but I'm still getting just an endurance charge effect without immortal call ign: @Tongstar
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Is it correct that CwDT sets 0.25 sec cooldown for linked spells AND for all other same spells linked to other CwDT gems?
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" That shit started to happen when cooldown was added to gem (0.25 sec). Sometimes (because of desync, etc) it decides that 2-nd spell shouldnt be cast because of cooldown. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: There is no knowledge That is not power |
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