Cast on Crit

the best combination of this i can think of is quillrain

RoA or SA dual totem. cast on crit and Doedre's Tenure ... triple curse totem possible too.

all spells

u can spam lvl 1 ice spear + lmp for power charges.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
are thereany attempts at putting arc to good use with rain or cyclone ( or anything ranged with chain)?

Since most phys builds have added fire + cold(hatred) u could even use it to proc ele proliferation.

Also wondering about cyclone + Frozen wall/arc as its quite funny with cast on death(cyclone ignores walls/mobs cant + arc ignores walls right? maybe im wrong with that and rain of fire would be better).
BRavich wrote:
Anyway, I found a new vessel for a cast on crit build: Ungil's Gauche. Obtain 75% block with minimal investment, and then use spectral throw or lightning strike to generate crits.

This is performing very well in cruel (57% block atm). The cheapest frozen hell of a build with a lot of choices. Add spell block uniques? Add chance to flee unique and never get hit? Add Berek's Grip and leech life constantly?

leighferon wrote:
RoA or SA dual totem. cast on crit and Doedre's Tenure ... triple curse totem possible too.

RAT's crits dont proc casting. I guess it's because RAT can't cast spells.
SunnyRay wrote:
RAT's crits dont proc casting. I guess it's because RAT can't cast spells.

u tested?
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
leighferon wrote:
SunnyRay wrote:
RAT's crits dont proc casting. I guess it's because RAT can't cast spells.

u tested?

Sure, this is why I wrote it :)
SunnyRay wrote:
Akaihana wrote:
Did someone try if Cast on Crit can proc Ethernal Knives?
I tried. It can. The only downside I see is that LMP/GMP adds little to EK (moving from 9 projectiles to 13 is not the same as from 1 to 5).

I tried using EK linked via CoC to my lightning strike/LMP attack. The key problem was that EK kept firing in random directions, so it vastly diminished the usefulness of the proc. I guess you need to focus proc spells that are static or autotarget (eg arc, detonate dead, cold snap, etc)?
Xalmaren wrote:
A nice boost you get for using EK is it can be supported by Hatred Aura, and by Additional Fire damage support gem, so both these things would affect the attack itself (Spectral Throw) and the spell. Good synergy.

What about Add Lightning/Cold? Why Add Fire is better?

mojoz wrote:
SunnyRay wrote:
Akaihana wrote:
Did someone try if Cast on Crit can proc Ethernal Knives?
I tried. It can. The only downside I see is that LMP/GMP adds little to EK (moving from 9 projectiles to 13 is not the same as from 1 to 5).

I tried using EK linked via CoC to my lightning strike/LMP attack. The key problem was that EK kept firing in random directions, so it vastly diminished the usefulness of the proc. I guess you need to focus proc spells that are static or autotarget (eg arc, detonate dead, cold snap, etc)?

In theory, ranged CoC build is best with projectile spells.
Because they benefit from +Projectile Damage as well as your attacks.
Hateful post.
Last edited by Kaskar#0665 on Oct 31, 2013, 10:23:23 AM
I love the Quill rain idea - and imho split arrow or lightning arrow is the way to go , the thing some ppl already mentioned is mana cost. You can leave Lightning arrow at lvl 1 , simple as that , split arrow has to be leveled for more arrows so i guess lighting arrow is just better as it hits 4 targets no matter what.

Second thing i would like to ask - maybe some1 tested it.
Would it be better to Go like LA+Cast on Crit+GmP/Chain + 3 spells like Arctic breath,frezzing pulse , ice spear ( this way you can use %Cold dmg on rings or from skill tree)
or maybe La+cast on crit + gmp + chain + only 2 spells
i guess first option costs less mana but propably makes more mess on your screen.

Third thing - what do you think about Victarios Aquity in this kind of build, gives alternative option to gain Power Charges which with 6 power charges is 300% crit chance. Also 6 power charges = 30% projectile dmg which applies to all the projectile spells.

What would you recommend to avoid killing yourself on reflect ? Acrobatics could be nice , but can you Evade or Dodge dmg Reflected from your spells ? i guess only 30% from spell dodge works.
Poison arrow for killing reflect pacs ?
If I were to link:
[spell 1] + CoC + [spell 2] + Culling strike

Would culling apply to both, just spell 1, or just spell 2?
I'm not too clear on how CoC works with modifiers
Hypnagogia wrote:
If I were to link:
[spell 1] + CoC + [spell 2] + Culling strike

Would culling apply to both, just spell 1, or just spell 2?
I'm not too clear on how CoC works with modifiers
if a support is in a chain, it affects ALL linked skills.

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