Cast on Crit

NagiSoi wrote:
Grzybas2 wrote:
NagiSoi wrote:

True, i guess the only logical nerf to this gem would be: cant use same spell multiple times (so you cant use 3ek's linked to get mega 3procs of ek).

Can you do that now ? i heard it only casts 1 with the highest level so you have to use different spells.

Apparently you can link 3eks or same spells and they are casted seperately which makes it bit op if you have 5-6link.

I've seen someone with multiple Cast on Damage Taken gems link 9 Firestorm gems.

Honestly I wouldn't mind if you could only link one gem of each type to trigger spells. However I think linking multiple spells to a single Cast on Crit gem is fine.

EDIT: Here's the clip
Last edited by Iceydude168 on Nov 6, 2013, 6:27:28 PM
What about unique items with "Gems in this item supported are supported by X support gem effect"? Will this apply to triggered spells in addition to the attack?

I was considering a 1h spectral throw elemental crit AoF build, and I came across Nycta's Lantern. If I put spectral throw, CoC, and a couple fire or cold spells in there, it seems like it would be extremely effective with AoF, and some burning damage passives.
Largefarva wrote:
What about unique items with "Gems in this item supported are supported by X support gem effect"? Will this apply to triggered spells in addition to the attack?

Haven't tried that but I'm sure it will. No reason for this to work differently from normal support gems.
Iceydude168 wrote:

EDIT: Here's the clip

This clip just shows that trigger gems can't be used willynilly without thinking twice about every possibility. Some1 mentioned Tabula rasa cyclone + 4 ek's thats a nice combination but if you dont have enough armor and you accidently get into Physical Reflect pack you will just die the same goes with normal spells , ofc having 6 link is awsome but you have to be carefull.
The only nerf i can really see for CoC is like every1 already mentioned - no multiple copies of the same spell.
Grzybas2 wrote:
The only nerf i can really see for CoC is like every1 already mentioned - no multiple copies of the same spell.

Or no multiple spells at all. Kinda logical thing to do.

Qarl wrote:
Added a 250ms cooldown to Cast on Damage Taken

This is what I fear the most. This king of nerf would utterly destroy CoC since its sole usefulness comes from being able to cast spells faster than with usual faster casting support, gear and passives.
SunnyRay wrote:
Grzybas2 wrote:
The only nerf i can really see for CoC is like every1 already mentioned - no multiple copies of the same spell.

Or no multiple spells at all. Kinda logical thing to do.

Qarl wrote:
Added a 250ms cooldown to Cast on Damage Taken

This is what I fear the most. This king of nerf would utterly destroy CoC since its sole usefulness comes from being able to cast spells faster than with usual faster casting support, gear and passives.

Yep ms would kill coc since then it would be better to use spells yourself with cast speed and such instead of waiting for lucky crit then waiting for 68% lucky cast on crit and then having 250ms delay. Do this and this gem is killed.
SunnyRay wrote:

Or no multiple spells at all. Kinda logical thing to do.

How is that logical ? why would you ever waste 2 gem slots to HAVE A CHANCE to cast 1 spell ?

normal caster 5 socket armor = Spell + Faster Casting + X Element Penetration + 2 other supports

with CoC you need Skill to trigger CoC + CoC + Spell + then you can support the spell

why would you ever use it to cast one spell instead of just casting it manually ? bypassing mana cost and cast time is not worth it , it is just too much effort to get hight crit and then you have 68% to cast it ....
Grzybas2 wrote:
SunnyRay wrote:
Or no multiple spells at all. Kinda logical thing to do.

How is that logical ? why would you ever waste 2 gem slots to HAVE A CHANCE to cast 1 spell ?

why would you ever use it to cast one spell instead of just casting it manually ? bypassing mana cost and cast time is not worth it , it is just too much effort to get hight crit and then you have 68% to cast it ....

Well, if we assume the gem is OP now, it will still be OP with "different spells restriction". If you can't link EK+EK+EK+EK, but can still use EK+arctic breath+fireball+whatever, you won't lose much. Adding 5th link effectively doubles damage output atm. With different spells it will add, say, 70-90%.

"No multiple spells" will make it far weaker (far less OP?), but adding 0.25s cooldown will destroy it completely. There is a difference here.

I would still use a gem with a single spell because it can proc on each crit. With some gmp-chain-OR[added "or", because Grzybas2 is right]-pierce kind of attack spells fire off very fast (and that is gmp-chain-pierce kind of spells). Single rares will be hard, I want a "summon hostile skeletons" gem :)

It all may be wrong, because I've never played high-level caster and don't know how powerful they are compared to this. But my level 70 5L CoC crit scion clears Docks faster than level 82 6L crit LA ranger.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want CoC to be nerfed at all. I like it too much and will use it even if it is a bit inferior to popular builds. Also, I like that it needs effort to make it work.
Last edited by SunnyRay on Nov 7, 2013, 4:32:58 AM
SunnyRay wrote:

I would still use a gem with a single spell because it can proc on each crit. With some gmp-chain-pierce kind of attack spells fire off very fast (and that is gmp-chain-pierce kind of spells). Single rares will be hard, I want a "summon hostile skeletons" gem :)

It all may be wrong, because I've never played high-level caster and don't know how powerful they are compared to this. But my level 70 5L CoC crit scion clears Docks faster than level 82 6L crit LA ranger.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want CoC to be nerfed at all. I like it too much and will use it even if it is a bit inferior to popular builds. Also, I like that it needs effort to make it work.

First of all Chain + Pierce is a big no no cause when projectile pierces it can't chain
second, as i said before - if you want to use CoC with just one spell you are better off with just casting the spell manually without CoC cause you can have Spell + 4 support gems in a 5 link instead of Attack + CoC + spell + 2 supports - atleast that is my opinion , every1 can do what they want so if you prefer one spell with more supports then i hope that works for you.

Cast on crit seems imo too weak for the minimum of two support gems it needs. Also, that the spells are always cast directly on the player makes it for ranged players even more unattractive, because spells like fireball+LMP just fly randomly.

I would like to see two versions of this gem. One procclike attackversion (not spell), just like the current version, but buffed in damage to compensate the potential damage loss compared to damageboosting support gems.

The other version is a stand alone gem like cast on damage taken which doesn't need to be linked to a specific attack. That would also work with spells too. For example, if you spam fireballs and crit, an other skillchain would trigger and cast, for example, even more fireballs. Needs balancing though.

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