Map\Zoom hacking in Path of Exile racing.

Hilbert wrote:
Like that one:

This looks pretty straight forward. Where did you go wrong? Judging from the map, you took a route very close to the shortest.
I guess people don't know about the "always cross bridges" rule.

Bridges and stairs point to the right direction AFAIK in every zone you have them.

Pam wrote:
In the 1 week race a random from default with no racing background did merciless act II in 20 min including the merveil kill at lvl 57
I didn't expect maphack to appear outside of the short races but it's probably used in casual settings aswell

Sadly it is probably more prevalent there, and with probably little realization that it is not allowed.

"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on Jan 31, 2014, 4:06:21 AM
This looks pretty straight forward. Where did you go wrong? Judging from the map, you took a route very close to the shortest.

This isn't a short one. The way to ledge is way longer and the passages are small which means you are forces to kill in the passages even you don't want to. This pretty much means a 1-1,5 min loss to Ledge.

You can clearly see how good a burst is when the 5 min left message appears.
Bad->You haven't even passed the ledge wp and there were barely any mobs.
Good->Lower Prison

The only ones being worse are those with a trashcan. And those ruined several burst for me. I think I reached only level 5 in one because I had zero ideas where the exit was because the Random Trashcan fucked up everything.
IIRC the first triple Fixed Seed wave in Season 2 had a random chest in upper passage and that passage was damn ugly.

Just look at the sig one. That's a short Upper passage. The direction the entrance points is the way of the exit. My exaple shows one with opposite directions.

Sure you can claim walking down would be shorter but I believe that the undicovered part would be a wall from north and a dead end from south.

Hilbert wrote:
This looks pretty straight forward. Where did you go wrong? Judging from the map, you took a route very close to the shortest.

This isn't a short one. The way to ledge is way longer and the passages are small which means you are forces to kill in the passages even you don't want to. This pretty much means a 1-1,5 min loss to Ledge.

You can clearly see how good a burst is when the 5 min left message appears.
Bad->You haven't even passed the ledge wp and there were barely any mobs.
Good->Lower Prison

The only ones being worse are those with a trashcan. And those ruined several burst for me. I think I reached only level 5 in one because I had zero ideas where the exit was because the Random Trashcan fucked up everything.
IIRC the first triple Fixed Seed wave in Season 2 had a random chest in upper passage and that passage was damn ugly.

Just look at the sig one. That's a short Upper passage. The direction the entrance points is the way of the exit. My exaple shows one with opposite directions.

Sure you can claim walking down would be shorter but I believe that the undicovered part would be a wall from north and a dead end from south.

trashcan zones can be rough.
janimauk wrote:
wanted to post upper submerge picture but posting a picture is too high tech mega difficulty for me.

Yeah I'd have a hard time posting a picture too from my gameboy :P
What I'd like to see is a referee (GGG) watching racers on the front page from the server side to see if anyone is performing impossible feats (ie speed hacks).
The clientserver structure doesn't allow speedhacking, because the server doesn't trust the client, so you will only desync.

Speedhacking is a part in games where the server trust the client and the client can just tell the server "walk to X to Y" and the server says "OK you are there".

While it's trivial to detect those speedhacks(There isn't a single game with that structure who already has countered them) those games are free from desync.

yuwy2 wrote:
What I'd like to see is a referee (GGG) watching racers on the front page from the server side to see if anyone is performing impossible feats (ie speed hacks).

This would be nice. Catch the maphackers in the act. Do they have the ability to even do this though? To watch someone play / see what they see?
Last edited by terrex#7466 on Feb 2, 2014, 9:18:04 AM
3. Currently making your windowed instance of Path of Exile be as a thin "rectangle" as possible, allows you to see far more of the map compared to having a window in the shape of a square.

To an extent, yes. Do this too much and you'll start seeing monsters pop in as you get close to them. I would also like to see this fixed. Perhaps by enforcing a fixed aspect ratio of the viewable area (still allowing arbitrary window resizing, but putting black borders at the edges)...?

from some dev post at reddit. So apparently ggg knows about free zoomhack and don't seem to care. Exploit it while you can
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Last edited by ZoRoXo#7767 on Feb 3, 2014, 3:08:01 PM
This widescreen zoomexploit makes playing rather unpleasant.

While you see more your accuracy goes down the drain because you must move the cursor far more accurate at melee attacks. And resizing takes time.

On my ranger in CB I still prefered blindfire and listen to hits over this hard to click/target anything close to you.

Especially looking at life and mana is much harder.

And resizing will cost seconds.

Playing 1920x600 would look like that:

Imagine streamers would play like that. All their viewers would go away ;D

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