Lightning Trap

We need a Reverse Trap support that turns a trap back into a nova-style spell that you cast yourself. This would work amazingly for both burning and lightning trap, you just cast it with yourself as the focus in a nova. It'd beat shock nova by miles.
i too fas fo youuuuuuu
Do the projectiles created by these traps travel infinitely until they hit something? They seem to travel a great distance. Yesterday I got killed by Caliga (I think that's the name of the unique) on normal difficulty with 50+ lightning res and over 1000 hp/es because with a 50ms delay, it was impossible to outrun/outmaneuver literally about 100 projectiles... It got me thinking that these projectiles need a max distance, or if they already have one, a lower one. Players can always use Faster Projectiles to buff it back up if they want.
Last edited by D623932883 on Oct 25, 2013, 4:55:00 PM
Currently running a level 66 Scion lightning based trapper invested deeply into the trap damage / spell damage / lightning damage / elemental damage passives. My current build can be seen here;


I am currently immediately adjacent to several more lightning damage / increased maximum life nodes in several places around the tree. This is by design I am trying to balance between damage and survivability as I level instead of going too much in one direction.

and the planned build here;


Lightning trap is rather enjoyable and fun to use. It's usually effective although in several situations it consistently hits on the low end of the damage threshold. I feel the skill would be better suited if it had slightly higher low end, and slightly lower top end to make it more consistent overall, and reduce the spikiness.

Current lightning trap set-up;

I often combo it with conductivity too and it really doesn't make that much of a difference when it hits in the low end.

Last edited by grunternz on Oct 30, 2013, 3:50:53 AM
ripsi wrote:
So i made a new trapper from lvl 1 (atm lvl 60).
The skill itself is very fun and looks nice!
Some points that arent good imo and could be improved:
- the traps dont work proper vs ele reflect?! (dont trigger properly)
- the manacost is too high
- the damage doesnt scale well on later levels, it should get a small boost
- the base critchance is too low (5% would be better)
- the quality on the gem is kinda useless (should be a dmg boost like extra lightning dmg or shock or whatever)

On a sidenote: the support gem multiple traps should trow in a triangle (the line now is stupid in some cases)


manacost is painfully high
70mana per trap and on average have to spam 6-9 traps per mob.
I am now level 75 and finding lightning trap to be my worst trap. It has become extremely underwhelming and doesn't scale anywhere near as-well as it used to, despite being spec'd into lightning damage on top of the trap nodes. The threshold on the damage range is just too large, the low end hits happen far too often. Even with shock stacks up it's still weaker than other builds that don't rely on such randomness (Shock Nova trap: 15% Quality, 22% + 5% chance to shock + Ele Prolif).

Last edited by grunternz on Nov 8, 2013, 12:14:41 AM
question about the gem, if i attached it with spell totem would the totem shoot traps?
Nope. The Skill you activate to lay the Lightning Trap is not a Spell; Spell Totem won't link. The Spell tag refers to the Skill that the Trap uses when it is triggered.

(also, Totems are last in the chain: Mine -> Trap -> Totem)
Last edited by Vipermagi on Nov 9, 2013, 9:43:59 AM
Early to mid game, Lightning Trap is pretty good. Mid game, it suddenly loses its shine. I'm messing around with this with with Lightning Warp as a trap along with Remote Mine and Multi-Traps. And Lighting Warp kicks its ass. If I had Concentrated Effect, maybe Shock Nova. The mana cost doesn't really bother me at the moment because the mana cost for Lightning Warp supported up is obscene.
Like I said before, low damage, low crit lightning spells with no base chance to shock are not very good. You need static blows and quality added lightning before this trap becomes remotely useful.
Lightning Trap question - would a +6% Projectile Damage node apply to EACH of the 8 lightning projectiles of the trap - thus giving me 48% increased damage ?

if I take the passive "Master Sapper" does it divide the 24% trap damage among the 8 projectiles - thereby giving each projectile 3% increased damage ?

I haven't tested, but if both questions are true, then it seems like projectile damage would be far superior to trap damage

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