105 min TURBO just sucks so hard as Signature Race
" Yep Dahrak mules icenova rushes merv gets some lvls in forest, river crossings one in DF and then he only runs Western forest. |
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" Actually that was an experimental strategy that led to a quick suicider desync death immediately upon switching from sins to western. Not to mention i lost around 5 minutes by progressing to western instead of going straight to sins. I Honestly dont think its worth progressing anywhere as a witch unless you get goldrim, wanderlusts and +1 cold 2L blue wand in a1. Its just impossible to get quickly enough through a2 in turbo without them. If the signature would be fixed seed playing as a witch might actually be fun since experienced racers could push for a3. |
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Many suggestions in this thread:
- The signature race should never be fixed seed. Period! It would have to be the same maps throughout the season = boring. - I like turbo as signature. Yes, I died to desync but I died more to other reasons such as a very rough Rocky Climb, Rock stun + Vaal smash, blue bandits in Coves with "attacks and moves quickly" and frenzy charges.. and then one desync. Yes, desync becomes way more dangerous in turbo, but it can still be mitigated a lot by learning what will most likely get you out of sync and avoid doing it; and keeping /oos ready and knowing when to use and when to save it. - 1:45 turbo might be too little time. yes you can go to Sarn. But if your run is just mediocre, it may not pay off. This means that the players that do all the races are more likely to eventually get that one good race where everything went perfect and the RNG was like heaven and they can go to Sarn. And there is no doubt the records will be set in Sarn. This means that you need both quality AND quantity to set a record. Same with Descent. - You have to be very careful when choosing the Signature race. How much luck should be involved? If it was 2 hour turbo, Sarn would always be the choice. If gems could not drop in Descent, there would be way less luck. Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Sep 3, 2013, 7:48:03 PM
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I dont understand why people think that this type of signature race is more rng than the previous ones that we had. Of course you freaking have to roll good gear throughout the whole run, because thats the whole point of the signature system: compare results from multiple races. No wonder top3 in every class is composed of "lucky" runs.
Getting the top3 in a signature race at the end of the season would always require getting great rng and having the skill to capitalize on that rng. For example, in Season 2 as a duelist you had to roll at least 2-3 great 2handers with the last one being smtg like 80%+ ipd. In Season 3 not only you had to roll good gear, you also had to get good packs rng in the specific zones (because you could only run them once). Thats why some of the record runs had insane last 5-10 minutes splits. Also, whats the point of being mad, that someone who does all the signature races is more likely to place top3? Isnt that obvious that the only way to counter gear rng is to race as much as possible? After two seasons of signature races we can see that the people who get top3 are basically the same people who do great in races. I like this format of signature so far, although to me it seems that the "choice" of farming a2 / going a3 is just an illusion. Im pretty sure that 5 of 6 classes will end up farming sarn (6th being witch which i have no knowledge about) and even farming docks for 5-10 mins in case of amazing gear drops and/or game-changing uniques (sadimas, limbsplit, new unique poleaxe, unique basket rapier etc). To the people complaining about desync in turbo all the time: its 2013, bind "enter-/oos-enter" to one of your mouse buttons / keyboard buttons with your drivers software. Seriously, most of the desync situations in this game can be evaded / adjusted to, but its much easier to just go to forums and cry about it. Finally, since Qarl posted here, maybe he will take a look at this thread again. With all due respect to Neon, isnt it a little too much to leave one person (who is hardly racing anymore from what i can see) in charge of the racing in this game? Its not CB anymore, the racing meta has evolved and i dont know how you can capture it without actively racing yourself. Im pretty sure a lot of racers with the knowledge of the racing game would be happy to provide you with feedback if they could actually see their feedback being taken into account / put into action. P.S. Forgot to add, that even though the alternate art items just occupy my stash tabs and the rewards this season are kinda meh item-wise, the alt art on the new items is just insane. http://www.twitch.tv/comewithus Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM "When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P" Last edited by cwu#2619 on Sep 3, 2013, 8:28:26 PM
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" Yes, still looking at this thread, and others. GGG_Neon isn't the only one working on it. He is running fewer races as we keep him very busy here. He does run test races on the internal systems. I am certain we get better race seasons with his input than it would be with just me planning the race season. I am happy to get lots of feedback, but some is easier to implement than others. When people requested different areas to race through, they commented it was a task that shouldn't take us more than 5 minutes to do. We did put in Descent, and later Endless Ledge, but it was some time after the feedback, and I can assure you it took more than 5 minutes to do. | |
" I usually farm western forest as a Templar but I'm thinking of switching to sins. I actually find the suiciders easier to deal with in turbo because it's easier to force them to explode without taking damage by just running. However, I'm pretty sure the suiciders don't give experience when you do that and I end up feeling like I'm losing out on a lot of experience. Sins scares me more in terms of potential death though because magical and rare skeletons can be deadly and hard to notice visually. That said I actually enjoy the 105 minute turbo signature races. Fixed would be fine but I don't think I'd want every race for the entire season to have the same seed. |
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Why should Fixed mean same seed for an entire Season? It just means revealed map for everyone, different every race, what's the problem with that?
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" It doesn't matter if the map changes from race to race. I want to see the route to save time. Nothing is more annoying then ending up into a stupid sparking room in sins because you guessed wrong. " I have a far bigger problem with the: "We decrease life and monster damage , increase optional node damage and increase life of mobs by 1,5-2x patch" Such stuff is only slowing down the gameplay and makes the combat look clunkier than ever. Also it causes more desync because the decreased damage is proportional to life but you are forced to go damage even your killspeed is worse. But then you lack life and every single hit desyncs you. " If you want to eliminate luck either all Items stay white and max linked or everybody gets the best EQ possible. |
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" His opinion is different than mine, this makes him an idiot! I love the 105 turbo's. The time length is long enough for me to reach A2 and short enough that I can actually comit to the race. Going for divinarius @ 25 pts so far! |
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" Well spoken! Agree with everything. I have /oos bound to a fourth mouse button. Helps a lot. it also helps a lot knowing that you cannot do it more than once every ten seconds. So spamming it will lead to horribly desynced situations. " Lol.. just lol. I don't wanna see the map. I feel above average at recognising the map patterns and thus it gives me an edge when they are not revealed. INSTEAD, remove all the troll maps. We have all tried it and cursed when a map looks completely different than it usually does. Terraces has a spendid example where you can easily win/waste 30 seconds if you can/cannot recognise the map. It just sucks when it happens in the more dangerous zones.. typically upper submerged, caverns or sins. " True story.. |
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