:;()$&@"\The Anime Pub/:;()$&@"

New stuff confuses me.


Marathoned Elfen Lied last night with the girl, all 13 eps and the OVA. Still so very disturbing.

I do not find Elfen Lied that disturbing after I watched School Days in the past. I can never forget that ending, and it is even worse that the alternate ending is as brutal as the normal ending. :shudders:

Speaking of Elfen Lied, I still have Lilium stuck on my head. That song.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

I'm definitely going to be watching every series I think is worth watching and giving it the 1-3 episode treatment. Give or take, I can imagine following a list of 15 or so series simply because the fall season is THE powerhouse season of the year.
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Anyone seen Shuffle!! ?

The Series is so-so, but the scene where he 'forces' the girl to use magic is very powerful.

Just for that scene it's one of my favorites.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Sneakypaw wrote:
Anyone seen Shuffle!! ?

The Series is so-so, but the scene where he 'forces' the girl to use magic is very powerful.

Just for that scene it's one of my favorites.

Watched it, the only thing that got me through it was the OP/ED songs by Yuria/Hashimoto Miyuki. Truth to be told, I was rooting for Nerine, so I was sorta disappointed with the end girl choice (no spoiler).

Most visual-game anime adaptations are usually terribad or average (usually due to overused tropes/themes and cardboard characters). Shuffle! compared to its counterparts wasn't as bad, but there was some episodes in the middle of the series that were filler material and were a drag to get through.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
Just started Guilty Crown last night....
Exposition was terrible, emotional investment was better than some (Definitely not on par with some others I have seen), and the fanservice is leaving me feeling extremely perplexed.
Still debating on whether or not this anime is worth my time.
Feels like a dumbed down version of SAO in a lot of ways (Mostly just the core principles of things).
Last edited by FearlessFrosty on Sep 21, 2013, 3:56:23 PM
Just started Guilty Crown last night....
Exposition was terrible, emotional investment was better than some (Definitely not on par with some others I have seen), and the fanservice is leaving me feeling extremely perplexed.
Still debating on whether or not this anime is worth my time.
Feels like a dumbed down version of SAO in a lot of ways (Mostly just the core principles of things).

It is it picks up fast. Has a good ending too.

Just finished Sword Art Online... meh.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness.
May those who defy their fate be granted glory."

Just started Guilty Crown last night....
Exposition was terrible, emotional investment was better than some (Definitely not on par with some others I have seen), and the fanservice is leaving me feeling extremely perplexed.
Still debating on whether or not this anime is worth my time.
Feels like a dumbed down version of SAO in a lot of ways (Mostly just the core principles of things).

Guilty Crown came out before SAO, and they have nothing in common to consider themselves similar. Guilty Crown is more similar to Code Geass in how the main characters interacted with one another. Shu and Inori are almost like Lelouch and CC when it comes to power. Now if you want to talk about the main characters, like Shu and Kirigiya, there is a ton of anime characters out there that are similar in respect to those two.

Not sure why you consider it a dumbed down version? In fact, SAO is a dumbed down version to .HACK/Sign. At least that series was really worth watching.

Like I said, I see Guilty Crown more like Code Geass with SAO more like Accel World. Then again, SAO and Accel World are made by the same mangaka, so there is a possibility of a connection between both anime shows.

I actually liked Guilty Crown more than SAO. At least GC did not give netorare vibes in the second half.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze on Sep 21, 2013, 5:46:18 PM
The pedigree behind GC and SAO created an overhyped expectation of the series in my opinion. Personally my fault with the two series was not the exposition but the mispaced/awkward plot development, and in the case of GC, some atrocious character development.

In all consideration, they were enjoyable if only to find out where the train was heading. It's rare to have high-production value anime and for the studio to really botch the story in way that leaves the audience unsatisfied.

If you want something that's an enjoyable trainwreck to watch, try Valvrave. Some seriously whacky shit with plot twists after plot twist.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
Last edited by Islidox on Sep 21, 2013, 10:10:53 PM
Yeah, I wrote that after I had watched episode 3. I'm now on ep. 17....
Dem twists ._.

EDIT: I just had to put this here:
Images don't feel like posting =/

Last edited by FearlessFrosty on Sep 23, 2013, 2:59:52 PM
Im at ep 10 from Azumanga Daioh. I thought i would choke from laughter at the shoe scene :))
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness.
May those who defy their fate be granted glory."


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