0.11.3 Patch Notes

sidtherat wrote:
Any plans whatsoever to sort out current situation with:

Shavrones Wrappings
Soul Taker
Kaoms Heart

you know, these ridiculous unique that are so powerful and rare that they force people into RMT? or force the 'less evil' players into noob-scamming (that is THE way to get rich in this game)

The longer this situation continue the more hostages GGG becomes to few stupid items that somehow slipped by sanity check.

Small tidbits there and there wont change the fact that while most items trade for wisdom scrolls there are 5-6 that trade for 20ex+. Even my cat sees that these are serious danger to integrity and longevity of this game.

Oh yea, nerf the best uniques in the game. Its not like they're hard to get anything. And WTF would you nerf Soul Taker? AKA The weapon that makes Melee viable. Quit complaining.
Incinerate: Now progresses through the damage stages faster and does more damage at later stages. The mana cost has been reduced at higher skill levels.

Aww yiss.

Buff for my totem templar.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
sidtherat wrote:
Any plans whatsoever to sort out current situation with:

Shavrones Wrappings
Soul Taker
Kaoms Heart

you know, these ridiculous unique that are so powerful and rare that they force people into RMT? or force the 'less evil' players into noob-scamming (that is THE way to get rich in this game)

The longer this situation continue the more hostages GGG becomes to few stupid items that somehow slipped by sanity check.

Small tidbits there and there wont change the fact that while most items trade for wisdom scrolls there are 5-6 that trade for 20ex+. Even my cat sees that these are serious danger to integrity and longevity of this game.

I like having powerful items in the game that are difficult to obtain. Taking the stance that "strong, rare items are bad" is not valid for all player types, and such items are not a problem as far as I'm concerned.

Now that we're done talking about something that has nothing to do with these patch notes....

I really like the ability to join whichever trade chat you like. Do you guys foresee a bunch of players just joining trade 1 and having it spam really fast? I would think that the number of players in any given channel is going to be self governing. Humans can only read so fast, and when there is too much traffic in a given channel, people will just naturally migrate to higher numbered channels until they are spread out relatively evenly.

What about macros that spam the same message in, say, the first 100 trade chats? Are there mechanisms that prohibit typing messages too fast (come to think of it, I feel like there is a spam feature that squelches you if you type 5 messages in 10 seconds or something).
d:- D
ign: MenderSwiftpaw / UprightRhoa / WitchWhichWanders
though the dark may come, the sun also rises.
Qarl wrote:
Version 0.11.3
  • Increased the drop chance of Maps from scroll racks.

Noone needs more crappy lvl 66 maps but everyone needs more high level maps.
"Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33
Doomsdxy wrote:

Its not like they're hard to get anything.

how much $ have you spend on this game so you can get these items without issues? these combined cost 70 exalted orbs, more if you want 6L

best items in this game are broken. they are beyond any power curve present in this game. they are so broken that GGG had to reshape entire passive tree to adapt it for Kaoms. this is broken.

and soul taker is a nobrainer 1h weapon with no drawback and damage in 99th percentile AND has quite fun mod - attacks are free! feel free to stack one more aura!
Emmmm I was expecting smt big
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
MenderSwiftpaw wrote:

I like having powerful items in the game that are difficult to obtain. Taking the stance that "strong, rare items are bad" is not valid for all player types, and such items are not a problem as far as I'm concerned.

Strong items are perfectly fine.

Items that change entire gameplay and are a guarantee to be powerful - are not.

Searing touch is powerful
T.Shiver is powerful
Andvarius or Astramentis - are powerful

Shavrones Wrapping is BROKEN

So 0.11.4 will include the new skill huh? Hopefully this "new" skill is a reintroduction of a previous skill.....Phase Run anybody ?!?
Once more into the fray, Into the last good fight I'll ever know, Live and die on this day, Live and die on this day IGN: Mastodon_The_Primeval

Last edited by Primeval_Mastodon#3581 on Jul 31, 2013, 12:43:58 AM
lol more 66 maps , cause we really needed more of that garbage.

Qarl wrote:

Increased the drop chance of Maps from scroll racks.

What is this scroll racks?
IGN: @Marcin

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