0.11.2 Patch Notes

nynyny wrote:
JahIthBerTirUmMalLumKoKoMal wrote:
WTF? lol ES, life, str, int can all spawn on any item too. Actually, accuracy can spawn on less items then all the others. What 40% do BM and CI give? IR doesnt give access to any stat like accuracy. You are not making sense. You started talking about oranges and ended up talking about fishcakes.

As pointed out earlier, trouble using your brain.

Yeah whatever, see I could say the same thing about you. I await your next strawman argument, space cadet.
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

I wish tool tips for DPS did not assume the target had zero armor(or seem to), the result is very, very misleading. (aka physical damage is especially, is not as good as it looks) Data just in general being hidden is annoying. Ok that was random. )

Anyhow can't wait for the patch.

GGG PLEASE stay focused on:

1. Performance issues / Desynch.
2. New (SIGNFICANT) content.

Fixed a case where the Act 2 darkness could come back after you banish it.
Fixed another bug where characters would still have the darkness persist in Act 2.

Thank you so much guys! ♥ This bug annoyed me greatly. Glad to see this game moving closer to being finished.

Hello darkness my old friend..
IGN: Anita_Dick
exit_zero wrote:
Qarl wrote:
[li]The three increased maximum Energy Shield passives after Chaos Inoculation have been reduced to 6% from 8%.[/li]
[li]Infused Shield has been reduced from 20% more maximum Energy Shield to 12%.[/li]

So, get Shavronne's or stop playing basically? This is just plain silly, instead of adding more varied nodes after CI to balance CI builds with low life Shavronne's builds a bit, they actually get an ES reduction so that low-life is even more of a straight upgrade to CI now?

Thats just wrong.
Epic wrong.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
GGG, thanx for this patch,

to have nerfed my new Freezing Pulse + CI + IR build, it's too overpowered, I shot all and I'm near immortal, it's too easy for me, now there is more challenge, seriously. : )

But, I have many difficulties to manage the mana in the maps with 50% mana regen, because it reduce the mana leech too, there are too map mods that influence negatively ES + MANA chars, like blood magic (I can't run it) for example.

Blood Magic archers in softcore and hardcore are still the easiest to play and maybe the strongest, thanx to kaom's heart, now ranger archer is buffed too, my second char will be happy.

In the new leagues, I think HP chars are still weak, HP with evasion are weaker too.

I would to suggest 10 changes for future patches:

1) HP mods on the items should be buffed, in particular on the chest armour, it should to be a big improvement here, also up to 500 hp.

2) remove blood magic mod on the maps.

3) reduce 100% temporal chain and 50% mana regen from mods of the maps, to 50% and 25% for example.

4) mods with no mana and life regen and/or reflect damage should be revised, they are okey only if you have other mechanics to recover HP and MP, atm all chars should to go with life and/or mana leech to play these maps.

5) remove all bug usings for the auras and status equipment requisitions.

6) something to mitigate the physical damage to chars without armour, in particular for HP + evasion chars or they can be randomly one shotted.

7) accuracy chars should to go up to 100% hit. That will be appreciated.

8) about desync, I think there are much players get antistun to evoid desync, me too. I recognize this is not too easy to solve it, and I'm not the 1st to report this problem.

9) some unique boss have insane magic damage, see some deaths in hc. : )

10) multistrike gem could be improved in his mechanic.

Accpept these suggestions, however I full support this great game! : )

Thanx and Good Work

Edit: added 2 suggests more
IGN: SeaLaser
Sea Builds, Characters, Shops, Links & Records:
Last edited by RoyalStar#5086 on Jul 15, 2013, 8:13:41 AM
Really nice patch GGG ;-)
KalHirol wrote:
exit_zero wrote:
Qarl wrote:
[li]The three increased maximum Energy Shield passives after Chaos Inoculation have been reduced to 6% from 8%.[/li]
[li]Infused Shield has been reduced from 20% more maximum Energy Shield to 12%.[/li]

So, get Shavronne's or stop playing basically? This is just plain silly, instead of adding more varied nodes after CI to balance CI builds with low life Shavronne's builds a bit, they actually get an ES reduction so that low-life is even more of a straight upgrade to CI now?

Thats just wrong.
Epic wrong.

Its not. CI used to give you a substantial ES bonus for picking it over low life. By reducing that bonus the difference in ES between CI and LL builds becomes smaller. But since the damage of LL still is the same CI just lost the only reason you would ever pick it up, the additional ES.

Even though a lot people in here act like its nothing, 9% is a lot, no matter how you look at it. The patch, which might not even be what they planned on doing, promotes LL over CI builds heavily because the only reason to play CI just got heavily nerfed.

So why would you pick up CI? Because of the Chaos Resistance? You can easily get to 0% with 3 items, hell you dont even have to because nothing in the game deals Chaos spike damage, its all DoT or physical heavy damage with a chaos portion (Bog boss).
is it a bug also, if legendary ONE HAND swords were used they used 2 slots like a TWO HAND weapon??
▒▒▒▒░░░░░ ++HIDEOUT IMPROVEMENT THREAD: ..../view-thread/2179528...++░░░░▒▒▒▒
in how many hours aprox will this patch go on ?
Ingame name: Jinxedtotem / FearTheMonkeys
nynyny wrote:
But since the damage of LL still is the same CI

pahahaha, keep failing, 160% more damage - the whole point of going low life and buying an expensive item like shavs, god you are bad LOL

besides - chaos immunity and the 'nerf' is just really small, yes some ppl would pick it up for chaos immunity because low chaos resist + bombers / snakes in maps
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Last edited by JahIthBerTirUmMalLumKoKoMal#2846 on Jul 15, 2013, 8:03:03 AM

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