[28] PvP is broken as ####

GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
if u think thats hostility you are mistaken my friend. Whos claiming threads too? You dont even LLD yet u have such an impressive ability to tell us how to feel about it. Fabled pvp patch, maybe you should read some of the dev posts and planned content because most of us are really excited for what may take a couple years to come out but hopefully one day will. I bet you were never excited for xmas presents lmfao.

o and btw I never said LLD was bad just said it could be better, get your facts straight dawg. Also if Merc PvP is SO BOOMING when is the last time u queued up for a 3v3 and within a couple minutes got a match without organizing? Ya we have a ways to go in both divisions man.

I have read what the devs posted and from my understanding they will be making the vast majority of the changes to the pvp system/mechanics not massive skill "pvp balancing" which seems to be what all these LLD complaint threads boil down to..

My point here is simple:
- Changes will be made to pvp and i too await them, however i think there is a very large misunderstanding and confusion between a pvp system update and a complete pvp specific skill overhaul which seems to be what most believe (incorrectly)
- Secondly i just hate looking at the pvp feedback section day after day only to find the same thread titles "lld broken.... when will there be the pvp patch... pvp is unplayable" which only scare off more and more potential contenders..

*Perhaps i labeled your incorrectly grindcorethrall, but all i want is for pvp to grow yet it seems only more and more negative threads with increasingly harsh titles keep popping up over and over.. misrepresenting pvp as a whole
Last edited by Greenbake#1447 on Jul 5, 2013, 4:34:12 AM

you're not wrong most of the time, but you just heavily over exaggerate

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