Sereous question: will there be a pvp patch in the future?
Hallo comunity and GGG,
i know its a bit strait forward but im really hoping that someone of GGG could write an answer of this. Merciless pvp is broken and i think at this point there isnt any reason to discus. to me: i played D2 for 2 years because of 1 aspekt who incereased the fun for me enourmosly league pvp. back in those days there where on europe several sites (the best was )with such a league system. They had a complex rule system for every class with baned skills and; max ress; max absorb; and so on. well as you can imagine this was a lot work to create a such complex rule system but the pvp (playmodes where 1vs1 2vs2 and 4vs4) was incredible competitiv and funny well, since them i play hack and slay games only for this reason. ->pvp and my question is, i know poe is still in beta, will there be a major pvp patch in near future or not? thanks for your time to read this and english isn't my native langue.plz excuse me for mistakes -~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747 |
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sorry but GGG is slow as snail, I think they ll focus on pvp section in the next 2-3 years.
Take Beta as example, the game has been in beta for more than 2 years till now. IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jul 2, 2013, 2:25:11 AM
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I really hope they understand the spontaneous order that can arise from FFA pvp, there were so many good communities in d2 all with their own rules and level cutoffs and websites with no law so to speak from blizzard, just let us be responsible for our fun and give us a big duelling area :D
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Taken from the development manifesto area, dated April 12, 2013...
"There's also a PvP revamp coming! We're looking at the following areas of improvement: PvP balance tweaks (without breaking the existing PvE balance) Proper rankings and PvP ladders Scheduled tournaments (for example, single elimination) More PvP modes (eventually modes like Capture the Flag) Specific skills designed to mitigate dominant builds in PvP. It's intended to be a lot like an MTG metagame More arenas and tilesets" IGN: _Firebitch
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many thx, is this still state of the art?
-~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747 |
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i wonder how the changes will be approached... from what i have seen, devs have taken almost no interest in the balance of lv28 pvp and probably do not know how bad it actually is.
the -block change/nerf had literally nothing to do with the balance of lv28 pvp, the nodes were not working as intended. Sadly, this is the most attention i have seen drawn to pvp from a dev, mainly because it was posted in PvP feedback rather than Beta Passive Tree/Keystone Feedback Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jul 2, 2013, 12:47:46 PM
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I actually think the balancing has gotten better. I think more builds are now viable than before, since closed beta. It seems to be getting better but I am still upset that something as simple as ladder or a single tourney has been initiated. The balances I agree have not been for LLD lvl 28 arena but for end game coincidentally I feel like the LLD has gotten better with some of the balancing, especially increasing phys damage. we absolutely need more games modes, atleast 2v2 and soon.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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" What gives you the impression that the balance has gotten better? There have been no intentional buffs or nerfs towards lv28 pvp as of now. The recent physical damage buff is almost unnoticeable on every physical based character besides facebreakers and hardly, but surely, geofri builds. All they have done (once again unintentionally) is buff the second best build. It has just widened the gap between the viability of other builds in comparison to it. Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jul 3, 2013, 5:12:36 AM
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" you are mistaken, tons of phys chars are more viable than they were previously, not just facebreaker. As I stated before I know its coincidental. I was speaking mainly about gems but also about the life nerfs. Life nerf has made it so mara and templar dont just tower over the other classes. Other classes could stand up against a equally well geared mara and templar with all the life they were able to stack as well as other amazing nodes around their tree. I never said it was perfect but what I compared it to was closed beta, are u really going to argue that its worse now than in CB? Again I said it was coincidentally but it still happened. I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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" I started playing at the start of open beta, and to date the balance of lv28 pvp is worst than ever. There are two builds that are so far above anyother, its hard to consider anything else 'viable' when you actually have grounds to compare. Although the best build still stacks life, the recent physical buff, but most importantly the life nerf, has opened up other opportunities for builds to be made, and with success. Just don't forget, from a competitive aspect, the vast, vast, vast majority of these new builds are rubbish. |
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