0.11.1b Patch Notes

Alternalo wrote:
I've got zoomed in to the max after the patch, and the mouse wheel option is not really working (i've used pgdn after), every time i roll the wheel it zooming back to max level.

sounds like ur mousewheel is broken, deactivate mouse wheel zoom.
IGN: @ShocklerMolesh

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Alternalo wrote:
I've got zoomed in to the max after the patch, and the mouse wheel option is not really working (i've used pgdn after), every time i roll the wheel it zooming back to max level.

sounds like ur mousewheel is broken, deactivate mouse wheel zoom.

no its not broken, use page up/down to zoom out and the mousewheel will work again.

The elements are my allies.
The dead are my servants.
And fear...will be my closest friend.

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Dzsforce wrote:
rybinartem wrote:
why you increased ALL PHYS DMG to ALL bosses???!!!

Not just all boss, all mob hit much bigger than before the 0.11.1 patch.
I go one 66 map whit my friend 75 cleaver build duelist and my own 80 LA ranger
we die 2 time(before rage quit) because i have 2.3k hp/75 all res/45% armour.
He died almost instantly i died after him, but simple mobs and hit me 500-700 dmg/each monster, before patch i get 100-150 dmg each monster... so i think something is go wrong with the damage scaling this patch.

fourthx wrote:
pubeFRO wrote:
need to fix RF sounding like a broken vibrator i literally cant hear any other ingame sounds with this thing

It's a neck massager!!!!

lol =p
Tool tip for Bear Trap is still broken. Righteous Fire doesn't give the additional bonus for it like it used to. With Red Beak, the tool tip DPS doesn't update, but the info on how much damage it deals does update. I have to weapon swap and back for the tool tip to update.

Everything is working fine for Fire Trap though. My main concern is that RF doesn't work for Bear Trap like it used to anymore. I hope this is a bug, because I built my character around this.
Qarl wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Will this increase Brutus and Kole AS? Because it's HORRIBLE.

They will return to their former glory.

What the f***. It appears that the blacksmiths AS was buffed but it wasn't in the patch notes....

I don't understand how you can have a hardcore community when you don't relate important "specific" information, such as buffing Kole, Brutus, and Blacksmiths.
Last edited by HallowKnight#2318 on Jun 27, 2013, 6:45:54 AM

We need a follow up patch to fix insane physical damage buffs on mobs.
I dont think it was intended to buff physical damage of mobs this much by changing damage calculation or whatnot.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
I'm level 90 with 7500 es and almost died to rangers in docks while showing something to a friend? What is going on with monster damage?
Fixed a bug where spell damage bonuses did not affect skills immediately.

What's this mean?
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
Yeeaah, uhm. So when's the fix coming? :D

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