Season Three - What do you want?
" "Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom."
Play with honour and show some class - |
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Um. Just my 2c.
Naked Newbie Run. Who can run the furthest zone completely naked (Prison/forestwhatevre) with out dying And who can get the furthest, with dying in X minutes. -B- |
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" The participation on CT events WAS FAR bigger than on non CT. But since it was HC and the 5 second break works the majority of players will die. The participation in later races dropped because they were Lethal, meaning pure randomness. I got in early->Demi I got in late->killed by a level 6-7 at terraces. |
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- Return of orb rewards, or the ability to exchange points for orbs at a race vendor. I reached my season goal of Tabula Rasa (360 points) late enough that even if id won the next 10 races i could participate in, i wouldnt have reached the next prize breakpoint. There needs to be a reason to keep racing and grinding points even when another prize breakpoint cant be achieved or when top 20 is out of reach. Orb rewards also provided good incentive for less skilled players to attempt a level threshold or try for a first kill / first clear, something the points system fails at. 2 points is a whole lot less appetizing than a bundle of orbs with a chance at divines and exalteds.
- Fixed / revealed map seeds for signature events, and fixed monster spawns as well if this is possible. The 135 minute solo time limit seems good, as act 2 grinding can take a demi but not the season trophy, and theres often tension between grinding sarn and progressing to docks. 120 minutes would probably be a good time limit for a similar party signature event. - Race commands added. /myladder (display players overall ladder position) and /classladder (display players in-class ladder position) have been requested many times and would be great additions. An onscreen indicator when a player is 1st in class and 1st overall would be useful too. We also need a continually updated season leaderboard for signature races (currently forced to use a 3rd party site for this). - Progression based races. Award prizes based on how far the player has progressed, with best times being used to break ties. - More side quest rewards. First brutus kill, first merveil kill, first of each areas miniboss, first golden hand quest completion etc. - Ranged weapons at the start for all classes in Lethal events. The ability to escape twilight strand shouldnt be based entirely on random drops. - One or more solo 1 week to 1 month events. - Major changes to cutthroat events. This probably needs its own thread. ~~~~~ Some ideas previously mentioned that i agree with: " No buying/selling at vendors, no town flask refills and the cutthroat 5 second delay on portals and logouts would be a good start. " I expanded on this in my post above. " I like most of this, though the participation rewards would have to contain some skill/progression aspect, or we would have tons of people making characters that remained asleep on the strand beach through every race just to get free items. " Great idea, would be mad fun. " All good! IGN: KoTao Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Jun 12, 2013, 3:59:35 PM
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" I highly doubt Orb rewards will come back. RMT shit like D2jsp fucked the leagues up anyway so why not fuck up the orb value up so every orb is worth like 0.01 fools gold. But the prices are horrible there are so many good/excellent racers I know that aren't races because prices have zero appeal.... " I would prefer it if instance resetting becomes impossible on such events and grinding areas gets destroyed. Ending races in easy grinding spots is a poor conclusion for races. " The funny thing is in the options menu there is a key bind to L = Ladder but it does nothing. " The problem is how do you count progression if somebody levels in sins level 1-3 in 60 min and another levels in Western forest+entered Weavers chambers and Old fields+Cross roads. Who progressed further? I would rather have something like players with fewest instance resets most finished quests and this should reward far more points that grinding docks, Western forest,sins or WC2+Pyramid. " Brutus and Merv = Bad idea unless you want me to show off the epic triple/quartuple RP running-->Hillock, Hailrake/Dweller, Brutus via WB bug and Merv via WB bug. Golden hand instead of Hillock would be fine. The Busts need rewardpoints Gravicius too, since he costs time. Possible some special Uniquekill rewards. Like the spear statue at market place, the statue in solaris level 2, all 3 small ribbons within 30 seconds after the first kill(so you fight them all at the same time). If progression gets saved or the mode is harder like Turbo Perpetus, Kole are also options. Certain rewards in higher difficulties should reward more points if they are far more difficult than others like fetid cruel. " Either that or no more lethal at all. I am sick of getting killed by 2 exploding corpses and I can't even see the DD Totem. " I would rather have saved progression races because then every player may have the same amount of played time. |
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Some suggestions I have:
I'd like to see act 3 level areas nerfed (like city of sarn ---> docks) and possibly later areas buffed. There needs to be more incentive to go to cruel and I know it is definitely possible for a lot of people. I also feel like gem rewards need to be relooked at. Some are very outdated and some don't even make sense. For example: Rain of arrows on a marauder that doesn't even get dex along with bow nodes versus a shadow who gets so many bow/projectile nodes but gets only like two bow skills. Skill rewards should be based more on the nodes that the classes get earlier, and I feel like they just havn't been updated ever since the skill trees have been revamped. Would be interesting to see some of the act 3 lost in love gem rewards added/switched around to intruders in black, for example explosive arrow, cyclone and ranger: leap slam. This would allow more builds and a little more diversity. Some other ideas for incorporating other gems: Lightning warp for witches, Lightning strike for shadow/rangers/witches and also possibly relooking at the witch/ranger starting areas. Another interesting Idea would be to allow a complete respec after a certain quest (possibly the church dungeon quest) so if people wanted to change builds mid race based on what gear they got they could do so. I think this distinguishes peoples knowlege of the game and makes them think on their feet. If a really good weapon drops that they can't use based on their build they can compensate time to respec out of it and make up for it. Definitely feel this would be a very interesting idea to have in the longer races (signature races). Also please keep the signature races how they are. 135 minute solo is the perfect thing. I don't want to see party signature races or <insert rando mode> 135 minute race. They were the only races I liked and tried to do and I hope this continues to next season. Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Jun 12, 2013, 5:58:56 PM
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" The main problem is progressing isn't you getting anywhere unless it's a 8h race. Even lunaris is questionable in 4h because you have to do sidequests and walk through areas far bigger than act2 areas. Also cruel is punishing you again since it kicks you pack to level 33 with low exp mobs, instead of going 35+. I would rather see somthing like: Instance reset no 3= 70% exp 4= 40% exp 5=10% exp. This way players would be forced to change areas and reset them 2-3 times and progress again. That reset penalty is a good idea because you can grind a bit but then you have to grind hard areas too. " You wish gems for alt builds but want RoA for mara removed? RoA is a endgame build option not a competive race option(besides lethal) " The first items which really need specing are level 20+. Before that a stat amu and a offclass node(besides witch and ranger) is enough. But it's not like a witch would be an epic melee/bow character and a ranger a good caster anyway. |
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"I'd say you'd need to make at least Level 2 to get points. If people want to kill some Zombies then Hillock then stop for a single point, that's okay... the point is to get them to try it, and at that point they've tried it. Participation points shouldn't be hard to get, at all. ":( I actually the whole skill diversity thing. If anything, I feel it should be expanded to really increase racing build diversity, rather than just "ho hum get Cleave." edit: Fuck me, for some reason I thought you meant the gem, when you meant the points. Nevermind. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 13, 2013, 12:17:32 AM
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" [Removed] My suggestion is: ** Do not play the lethal races if you do not like them! ** Which brings me to the real problem: When the reward point system makes players feel that they have to play races with mods that they do not like. Or when the availability of races without these mods is too low. In season 2, there have been days when a bit more variety would have been nice, but I think we can all agree on that. I should add that I somewhat agree that a ranged weapon should be available to everyone in a lethal race. The problem is that doing so equals modifying the game in a "weird" way that cannot be done through simple modifiers. Also, it is a modification that only affects some classes. I think GGG try to avoid such changes. Same thing applies to several other exotic suggestions. Another idea: Reward points for side quests (as well as level brackets and class ranks) could be scaled according to the difficulty / race length. I don't really know how to improve on this, but getting only 2 points for clearing Fetid Pool first in a turbo lethal race seems a bit low. If the race is difficult, it is harder to reach level 5, so you get more points for reaching level 5. But you do not get more points for completing a side quest around level 5. Last edited by Bex_GGG#0000 on Jun 15, 2013, 6:38:08 PM
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I love the maelstrom race idea (or variation thereof) - I was really getting tired of act 1. Random map areas would be great (however they should be the same) for all participants.
You should do as much as you can to encourage general participation and reward people (like myself) who will never,never be at the top either by level or by speed. Also, should probably more graduated (every level gets .5 point or something) to encourage all to complete the race and not just stop when when have comfortably reached a certain point level. |
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