PvP Specific nodes that dont Affect PVE
edit: this is pre 1.0.0 "I had an idea the other day. So swords get shield pene which makes them the best phys or ele weapon damage weapon in the game atleast for LLD lvl 28. My idea was to create some nodes similar to this for the other weapons. These nodes are very similar to elemental equilibrium with their mechanic style."
Mace - "Shield Destroyer" - 25% chance to break enemies shield for 5 seconds when they block. Bow - "steel Shaft" - 30% of damage penetrates enemies shield when attack is blocked. Dagger - "Backstab" - 60% chance to ignore enemy block, 20% crit multi, 100 attack rater, 20% increased damage when player opponent is blindsided (hit at a angle facing their back or enemies rear side) Axe - "Beserker Fury" - While dual wielding axes the wielder has 10% chance on enemy block for attackers strikes to become lodged into enemies shield, allowing 5 seconds of tethered fighting, in which case you can only use 1 axe to attack and during this time enemy cant block. Staff - "Shaolin prowess" - 40% chance on block to ripost and deal 120% increased damage as well as knock enemy player back. Wand - "Archon immersion" - While wielding a wand, wand specific attacks are increased by 50% of mana in damage vs enemy players. Little skills like these will really add alot of spice to the arena. Just like most players said, not many npcs block so why are there reduce enemy chance to block with sword nodes? The answer is for pvp. I like that they did this. I just hope they add more pvp specific nodes and can come up with some ideas similar to my post. If you have a good idea for a pvp node post it! Obviously mine were all examples but I think it would be really cool. Edit: This thread was created before 1.0.0 elimination of 45% block penetration for swords on mara/templar passive tree side. I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jan 20, 2014, 6:56:56 PM
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What we need is a PVP node that reduces effects of curses on you or something. TBH Temp chains is absolutely necessary in 1v1 merc pvp and its getting kind of annoying.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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I was thinking the same thing, maybe like a curse duration reduction node, or a item or node that nullifies 1 curse every 15 seconds. I dont know there is alot of possibilities! I would hope the weakest builds, something like wand would get a chance to ignore curse. I like little nodes that add a different play style to that build. Maybe something with wand like
"while wielding a wand Remove 1 endurance, power, or frenzy charge to nullify the next curse cast on you by another player." I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 5, 2013, 11:40:06 PM
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This is a really good idea. They should remove the current -block nodes for swords and add something like 50% chance to proc an attackspeed boost for 3 seconds everytime an enemy blocks.
I think these ideas would work if block was lower, but not at the current state. IMO a normal shield should have 15% chance to block, crest giving 25%. Implement another tree Make a simple passiveskill orientated tree inspired by Diablo2 and each character will actually have a sense of uniqueness this way you could balance it for lld/mld and endgame pvp, possibly opening up a whole new world of viability Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jun 5, 2013, 6:01:56 PM
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I like the idea of another tree, but I do wonder if it would be too much work. If they just added the nodes for LLD in a empty spot along the way, I would be happy. Another tree would blow me away!
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug |
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I think they have to add note like : '50% chance to reflect 100% damage on enemy every time you blocked an enemy'attack or spell' for shield along with those keynodes above ... it's should be fair , lol . You guys just want a keynote to got a chance to bypass the block chance ? To get 75 block chance , it costs you like 10+ nodes at least and very low damage cause you can use 1 one handed weapon only , everything has its price .
With 'Backstab' node above , dagger would be the king pvp 1 vs 1 , lol . IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jun 15, 2013, 4:53:34 PM
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" Temp chains was annoying in pvp months ago. I say just make temp chains a skill that doesn't work in pvp. |
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" o ya def, I put some thought into the ideas posted but definitely not saying thats the ratio of power they should have. I just think its unfair that axes literally have no cool cornerstones, either do maces really. Bows get some cool cornerstones, staves do too, daggers sorta do too but compared to sword they are usually alot weaker imo. I just want some cornerstones that really add some unique weird ways to play that emphasize pvp. I like the axe cornerstone I was talking about, that actually seems fair to me too lol, each lose one arm for dps and defense,and are tethered fighting each other. that would be fun! I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 16, 2013, 7:20:38 PM
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" speaking as a 2hander: since block is everywhere on passive + you have introduced a bunch of shit uniques might as well rethink what you have neglected -Mace- 40% chance at least as opposed to max block since u may find urself many times get blocked on 10 single target hits (wanna see this skilled tanks with 1billion crits + aegis aurora pros, RF might start RIPin) * more chance cz u already ruined its trademark to be a stun weapon with a 1 alchemy neck -Bow- will make it playable in merc pvp cz right now its the worst possible class to build apart from EA + puncture which still gets blocked (balance puncture somehow on a block pen node as u mentioned and demotivate 99% of the population who step into duel with a shield) Automatically balances facebreakers in lld also, if u ever thought its imba -Axe- since axe is more of a crit weapon, add a node which gives 25% chance to penetrate, but when it crits + crit dmg +onslaught for 7 seconds -staff incorporates block so i think its current situation is pretty fine, could add 15 chance to penetrate. -maybe give wanders some power in general not only regards to block 100 Marauder - Hardcore 28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014] The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2320004 IGN: BNDTJE Last edited by Banditje#6473 on Jan 19, 2014, 9:59:58 AM
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" Giving Maces and especially 2H weapons a chance to negate block is almost certainly necessary to bring them up to par in PvP. That being said, Daggers are already one of the strongest PvP fits around. I cannot agree with this specific proposition. If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster; And treat those two impostors just the same, -Ruyard Kipling, "If" |
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