Level 28 PvP Trading

Nvm got it
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

Last edited by SirEdwards#1342 on Dec 23, 2014, 1:30:44 PM
bigfoot312 wrote:
offering mirror service

its cheaper to craft one from scratch using prism weave for top vicious roll and regal for mercenaries or the t2 hybrid, than it is to mirror a lvl 28 weapon. Even if it is gg as this one.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
wts ilvl36:

feel free to pm me
WTB Vagan mod Jagged foil
IGN: Beardedwizzard
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Does anyone ever want Stun duration?

I'd hate to reroll it if there is a demand
Stun duration isnt bad on weapons as far as I know but I don't have much experience rolling none vagan stuff. Maybe none vagan stuff prefers accuracy over stun as the last sufix?

Btw I am still looking to buy +1 gem lvl rare boots (decent life and resists)

Edit: just remembered you cant master craft hybrid phys dmg/accuracy any more, that may change stuff.
Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Dec 28, 2014, 4:52:26 AM
Grildrak wrote:
Stun duration isnt bad on weapons as far as I know but I don't have much experience rolling none vagan stuff. Maybe none vagan stuff prefers accuracy over stun as the last sufix?

Btw I am still looking to buy +1 gem lvl rare boots (decent life and resists)

I guess I'll multi mod this one for a temp. If I ever decide to roll better I will just grab another base

Thank you
well depends what you are after. Your sword now doesn't have a hybrid so elreon crafting it up will only give you 130? pdps as opposed to 170-ish pdps.

LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731

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