Ultrawide support
"Cheating" in a non-competitive game. Granted there is an economy that might get slightly affected by someone achieving a small advantage over many hours due to resolution.
Also, the white-knighting is super obvious here with zero empathy. Hopefully these folks are fortunate enough one day to find themselves in a situation where they can easily get a super ultrawide and experience for themselves why others might be upset that it not only isn't supported, but is actually discouraged in a threatening way. Gamers like to have fun and sometimes smaller dev teams can't support everything and we understand that. That's why folks make tools to let gamers enjoy things that cannot be offered by a game. All GGG keeps doing is making decisions that shoot themselves in the foot. It is mind-boggling that their customer doesn't come first - ever. |
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"PoE is competitive though. We have plenty games within the same genre that also chose to not support 32:9. D2:R, D4, Lost Ark just to name a few. Heck, even very popular single player titles don't support it - Elden Ring comes to mind. I respect the developers decision on that topic. It is their game, their artistic vision and if these resolutions don't fit in, so be it. |
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" 32:9 "perfectly fits in" as we all, well some of us, know. and if a developers artistic vision in 2025 is a 21:9 game with black borders left and right, i claim that their vision is very limited. both d2r and d4 had 32:9, d4 still has 27:9 and i guess everyone played solo through elden ring with a 32:9 fix. "the 32:9 police" should report us at from software. it went that way: a few weeks ago some streamer ranted about the 32:9 in poe2 and that this would be so much of an advantage in a race, then ggg felt the need to react. that everyone in a race gets map infos via chat, via headset etc. doesnt seem to matter. ggg seems to care more about a few streamers and a few people participating in a imho boring (because a lot luck based) gamemode (race) than providing a state-of-the-art product. |
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"Wrong. They removed "support" / fixed it way back in 2022. I don't know about you but the last time I checked, PoE 2 wasn't even released then. ;) " It's gone and very likely not coming back. For good reasons. Deal with it. Last edited by Ulsarek#7159 on Mar 8, 2025, 4:03:01 PM
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" well, i saw it a few weeks ago in an exiledagain clip and here we go. and either they fix their tos or ban all tools like invasive trading addons. every thing else is double standards. |
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"No double standards to be had. The popular trading tools are overlays. They don't modify the client or inject their functionality through some third party .dll file. You know what does? The ultrawide "fix". Naturally GGG is going to nuke that. It sets a bad precedent and if left unchecked sends the wrong signal. Luckily you can just opt in to not use it. It really is that easy to not get banned or flagged otherwise. |
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" i bet there are some other tools "that work as overlays and dont modify the client or inject their functionality through some third party .dll file" that are 1000% against the TOS. i ll name my char after you, if GGG will add native 32:9 in PoE2. promised. |
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" I agree, we need to deal with it. There are 4 ways I see how we can deal with it: Option 1) Ask from native support for 32:9 from GGG: This is the entire point of this forum thread - to ask for the native support for 32:9 to be implemented in the game. This has validity due to the sentence wrote by GGG themselves, and quoted in the previous posts: " The expectation of the "future" would be PoE 2, and not PoE 3. Regardless, asking for native support for a certain feature is what feedback forums are for, so the post is in the right place to be. Option 2) Play the game in 21:9 with black bars: While this is of course a valid option, I can't stress enough how this is demotivating. Having a 32:9 monitor to play 21:9 content is like having a sports car and driving it at 60km/h. It's a mood killer and makes me want to quit the game, and not keep playing for extensive hours. Also, in my particular case, my display is an OLED, meaning that playing content with black bars for an extensive period of time would make the pixels age unevenly, introducing color bands and decreasing the resell value of the display. Regardless, this is an option, and personally I'm not willing to take this path, but others may. Option 3) Use the ultrawide mod regardless of the warnings and risk the account being banned: Self-explanatory. Use the mod at your own risk. Option 4) Move away from PoE: This is the most radical one, but if nothing else works, this means that players with 32:9 native displays are not welcome by the developer to play their games. That's ok, their games, their rules. But at the same time, the players decide where to put their time and money. Last Epoch has intentional support for 32:9 resolutions, as confirmed in this chat over their official Discord channel: ![]() And addressing the innevitable comment of "Move away then, who cares!?" - after playing 11k hours of PoE 1 and being hyped about PoE 2 and the future of the franchise, it does hurt having to move away because the developer suddenly decided they don't need your money anymore. But you have to remember how PoE 1 popularity came to be: with almost no marketing, focusing on making a successor to Diablo 2 that Diablo 3 never managed to be, the word of mouth from the core/niche audience is what kickstarted PoE 1. No company is too big to fail. -- So that's that. How you deal with it is up to you. |
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Cheat Warning for fixing the not working 32:9 support that nowadays is standard in every game, seriously !
Not gonna burn in my OLED with black bars, please fix it. Not coming back till it is fixed. |
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I really love this game. I have all due respect for GGG. Please dont be offended as I dont mean to be inflammatory, but based in reality.
I got to lvl17 in PoE1. But I have put 400hrs into PoE2. The 1st 50hrs were on my older PC build. I fully upgraded PC during playing PoE2. Ill tell you right now, just that alone was 3x more "advantage" than stretching my screen a bit. I don't even understand this argument. Are we really going to start picking apart loading times/m.2 speeds for races? Truly? Lol. I got the 32:9 a few weeks after the upgrade...240hz def more of an advantage than the extra screen space.... I basically went crazy upgrading TO play this game. I also got another person into it and 2 more were going to start this week. We all have $$$ to burn on the awesome cosmetics in this game and get the guild set up. WE ALL JUST GOT 32:9 MONITORS LOL. Now luckily we got a warning first. But the natural progression of a "noob" to having a 32:9 monitor.... -loads poe2 -sees 5120x1440 as res but only displaying 21:9 -google poe2 UW fix -follow news articles that link to GitHub Why is it 100times easier to find the "fix" than to know the "fix" is cheating? This should be addressed to stop further problems. I also feel Exiled Exchange 2 is doing waaaaay more and potentially "riskier" if being paranoid. I get its an "overlay" but needs to be installed and updates itself. And id argue, its more of a "currency advantage" than my 32:9 "fix" that doesnt even properly "fix" the ENTIRE game, just what is shown (not interactable). This is also why "online only" games are a bad concept at times. I could easily play this game offline with my 32:9 and be perfectly happy. There is SSF after all....what "advantage" is there in that? Also, respectfully, this isnt an e-sport.... If I can play COD for $$$ and they let me do it..... cmon man....I didn't support GGG with $600+ to be told my hardware is too good to run waystones alone (if 32:9 was allowed in SSF atleast). Ive done nothing but sing GGG praises, spread the game and get people involved.... This is one of the more absurd things ive come across. Much love tho. (I didnt post this to be nitpicked or pettily destroyed with "technicalities"....just general theory and consumer POV). On a lighter note... I know we all LOVE to min/max up in here.... but these little things are very miniscule, nitpicky, and overthought lol. Let the majority enjoy the game how they want....let the "PROs" at races make Gentlemen's Agreements (GA) to limit whats usable, like whats done in even the largest tournies in many games... worrying about that stuff is for the Discord groups of ppl mapping the Campaign and finding exploits, etc etc. Most people just wanna play the game on their cool stuff. Has there ever been a public poll on this subject? Take care all. Last edited by RollersRyghts#8263 on Mar 9, 2025, 7:12:06 AM
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