0.1.1e Hotfix 2

Keep getting "unexpected disconnection occured" on Xbox. At first I thought it was on my end since my stream also went down, but it isn't; my internet connection is fine. Keeps happening about 90 seconds after every login.

Is this a known issue at the moment?

Stupid people never lose an argument.
Hello game administrator, do you need to consider killing some scripted games? They are destroying a game I love with cheap scripts, which will undoubtedly hurt all paid test players once. Should you focus on killing some game program saboteurs? I can provide some video materials if you need.
Can we get the crashes sorted while we're at it? Game will either crash on startup or within a minute of running the game, teleporting also crashes it 9/10 times
Last edited by Cashman#6236 on Mar 1, 2025, 12:09:27 AM
Hey, there has been a big issue with picking up items after this hot fix. This is happening on Playstation 5 console. There is a big delay or X does not show up when trying to pick up items. Reinstalled the game and the same issue remains. This is making the game unplayable. Please solve this issue.
Thanks devs. My crashes at start are gone. Didn't get crashes since this last patch. I am only level 40+ in act 4 and didn't see further.
Still have issue with FPS drop till 4 from 80, but now at least when action start; sad that when boss start fight i got this huge lag and must press Esc instantly to not get 1 shotted while have 4 fps about 5 seconds. I see that you forced dynamic resolution that helps with fps problem but makes all in soap and squares during the fight which shouldn't be left like in future updates - makes game look like minecraft.
using 1660ti.
Hello. Got another thing today in "act 6". whole day game goes in spikes while shows stable 60 ms ping and stable 63 fps. If it's not Moscow server problem, please check it out.
Please make sure to fix the bug shoes and self harm demons

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