Crafting -- GGG saying crafting fine made all major streamers quit

game is missing a lot of things though, who knows what mechanics make return or if there will be new ones.

hope they will keep crafting bench away
So I'm not saying PoE2's system is perfect, but I can tell you the thing that bounced most people I know personally out of PoE1 was them trying to get a grip on its crafting system. To me, it feels like it has all the down sides of a complex system (one without any handrails, onboarding or tutorialization), and few of the upsides.
The recent dev comments and some of the interviews are really giving off "higher than thou" vibes. Similar to d4 originally before they realized they had to change because their CUSTOMERS had other options.

When the high end streamers are in complete disagreement with the game design choice, the devs need to wake the you know what up. I choose my games by the teams that listen to their customer base. People like me are the ones who buy all the extras, all the expansions, the tabs, the cosmetics and tell all our gamer friends the same.

We listen to those streamers. The number crunchers. The ones who literally want to help a game get better and spend the time to actually give suggestions for free. I say free because they can get all their attention playing anything else and don't need to "help"

GGG needs to stop being elitish....the entire gaming industry is currently learning they need to listen to their customers. I am an above average casual and all my gear is from trading. I don't have a single item I crafted or found because of 2 things

1) The crafting system is god awful slot machine with no defining characteristics. It's worse than the original d4 system. I can farm currency and then just buy the power players drop offs before I could rng an item with even 4 good affixes/suffixes

No one wants to RNG buy from merchants or hope for hundreds of drops to gamble with. Your ONLY point of control is the base and ONE afffix/suffix you could change. After that, every random could wipe out the roll you wanted.

2) The loot drop setup is terrible. People are running t16 maps with corrupted/irradiated and 200% rarity and get what, a handful of tier 3 items in a few hours? Let's not forget the 75% of item types your class would never use. That will only become worse when more classes are added. I've never seen higher than a tier 5 item drop in hundreds of hours and juiced maps.

The game is in alpha but to hear "We like were loot and crafting is" is a literal death sentence since why play since everyone (except the devs) know it is terrible.

Same goes for the constant disdain of auction houses. It's 2025, we got hundreds of other games to play. Reminder as game companies close down every day......LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMER BASE
I have to agree, the crafting is awful.
I know they've said they wanted to move away from the POE 1 crafting but I think they've gone way too far.
The only time I craft now is when I get a tier 3+ item.

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