Crafting -- GGG saying crafting fine made all major streamers quit

Did anybody else catch this, or do you think GGG noticed?

This game really feels like a diablo-4 like when it comes to crafting. POE 1 is miles from deterministic, as a LONG time player, I would say POE 1 is about as indeterministic a system as I've ever seen in any game i've ever played...

like POE 1 crafting is NOT deterministic whatsoever... So why would they go to literal thoughts and prayers for crafting systems?

It's utterly baffling and unacceptable they have such a wonderful crafting system and arbitrarily removed it from POE 2.

I honestly think we literally have to just keep making noise until they add it to POE 2. It's better for the game and players, and it's hostile to keep it from us frankly.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 11:03:01 PM
yes, you could see it in the streamers faces when tehy sayd "the crafting is in a place we like right now"

its baffling that one of the BEST aspects of PoE1 which is its deep crafting system was ON PURPOSE turned into RNG slot machine "one lottery ticket per item" nonsense ...

In before the trolls arrive to declare that 'it's good, ackshually, that you can't craft gear."
Last time I played poe1 was when it was 3 acts all the way to merc.

So I don’t know what crafting system it has. But I don’t like the idea of being able to force a stat on an item if you want it.

Essences are enough and EX slam rng

In poe1 I’m guessing you can just throw currency to craft a stat on and item? Sounds like shit
Last edited by lolbam#6898 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:52:02 AM
lolbam#6898 wrote:
Last time I played poe1 was when it was 3 acts all the way to merc.

So I don’t know what crafting system it has. But I don’t like the idea of being able to force a stat on an item if you want it.

Essences are enough and EX slam rng

In poe1 I’m guessing you can just throw currency to craft a stat on and item? Sounds like shit

That's not true at all except in very specific cases which require very specific NPCs and outcomes from farming them. (Betrayal) You can lock in affixes sometimes, by eliminating the possibility of X other modifiers being available.(Delve fossils),lock prefix/suffix and reroll an item with harvest, plenty more things that you can do to influence your outcome.

Just the crafting bench alone with basic "lower tier" resistance/stat/etc crafts to throw on shit gear when leveling or whatever. Poe1 is far from being simply deterministic, BUT if you put in the long ass grind, you do have the ability to severely narrow the field towards the rolls you want. And then You may be able to "force" a modifier, say #+ to maximum life for example, but then end up with T12 which is basically shit.

In POE2, we have either ridiculously expensive and uncommon omens, or pray to RNGesus
lolbam#6898 wrote:
Last time I played poe1 was when it was 3 acts all the way to merc.

So I don’t know what crafting system it has. But I don’t like the idea of being able to force a stat on an item if you want it.

Essences are enough and EX slam rng

In poe1 I’m guessing you can just throw currency to craft a stat on and item? Sounds like shit

A stat ... oh sweet summer child no when you know what you are doing you can make items with ALL stats you want

the only stat you can truly deterministically craft is through Bench and that is of lowered tier to compensate, but when you know the methods you can deterministically influence and limit the pool of possible affixes that CAN roll making working towards an item with a goal in mind actually possible where "just slam EX on it "method" would take BILIONS of tries to even get right modifiers let alone acceptable values on it ...

THAT is an actual S.H.I.T. ...

The more RNG elements a game has, the more control the devs have over the player experience & progress.

In a game like this where literally every single aspect is a glorified casino, the devs have absolute control over players.

And once someone has complete control over something, anything really, they're very unlikely to let go of it again.

It's as simple as that.

This game really feels like a diablo-4 like when it comes to crafting.

There is 1000% more craftig in D4, an it actualy makes your charakter stronger.
w08UBFJGAV#9260 wrote:
lolbam#6898 wrote:
Last time I played poe1 was when it was 3 acts all the way to merc.

So I don’t know what crafting system it has. But I don’t like the idea of being able to force a stat on an item if you want it.

Essences are enough and EX slam rng

In poe1 I’m guessing you can just throw currency to craft a stat on and item? Sounds like shit

That's not true at all except in very specific cases which require very specific NPCs and outcomes from farming them. (Betrayal) You can lock in affixes sometimes, by eliminating the possibility of X other modifiers being available.(Delve fossils),lock prefix/suffix and reroll an item with harvest, plenty more things that you can do to influence your outcome.

Just the crafting bench alone with basic "lower tier" resistance/stat/etc crafts to throw on shit gear when leveling or whatever. Poe1 is far from being simply deterministic, BUT if you put in the long ass grind, you do have the ability to severely narrow the field towards the rolls you want. And then You may be able to "force" a modifier, say #+ to maximum life for example, but then end up with T12 which is basically shit.

In POE2, we have either ridiculously expensive and uncommon omens, or pray to RNGesus

Well I enjoy the rare omens or RNG… having a small chance to slam a great time. If it hits great if not try again. You don’t need omens or perfect gear to finish end game currently unless they add harder content.

Personally I think gearing up should be more difficult. My experience so far gear is to easy to get. I think GGG made a huge mistake taking away the resistance penalty in maps. Resistance on gear is not a high value stats and with runes way to easy to max out.

My SSF HC play through has been slightly different than my standard trade league. I’m only in act 3 cruel so I can’t speak to much on SSF. But my character is pretty jucied up and unkillable.

I guess if they can make a crafting system more difficult to obtain gear wouldn’t be a bad idea. Somehow make it more interesting then ex slam rng or essences.
Asghaad#3967 wrote:
lolbam#6898 wrote:
Last time I played poe1 was when it was 3 acts all the way to merc.

So I don’t know what crafting system it has. But I don’t like the idea of being able to force a stat on an item if you want it.

Essences are enough and EX slam rng

In poe1 I’m guessing you can just throw currency to craft a stat on and item? Sounds like shit

A stat ... oh sweet summer child no when you know what you are doing you can make items with ALL stats you want

the only stat you can truly deterministically craft is through Bench and that is of lowered tier to compensate, but when you know the methods you can deterministically influence and limit the pool of possible affixes that CAN roll making working towards an item with a goal in mind actually possible where "just slam EX on it "method" would take BILIONS of tries to even get right modifiers let alone acceptable values on it ...

THAT is an actual S.H.I.T. ...

Gear is all ready easy to obtain. No reason to make it easier. “Determinstcally influence” sounds a whole like starting craft a stat on an item.

To me sounds like people just want to craft godly tier items. When content in game doesn’t require it. GGG all ready screwed up with lowering resistance penalties in maps. Drops need to mean something

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