Legacy of Phrecia Additional Information

L changes
cat is a rue
Hi, could you please answer (Whenever is possible) this questions about the League:

1. Could you remove 'Your Spells are Disabled' from the Behemoth Ascendancy? It really hinders the opportunity to play it since most builds get at least 50% power (Offensive and defensive) from spells like auras, Blood Rage, Berserk.

2. Would it be bad to change the way to unlock locked relic slots? I think that the event being one month long, a lot of players are not going to be able to unlock them the same way that you do with favoured maps (Most casual players wont). It also feels weird that is not tied to Atlas progression, this dicourages Atlas completion to 115/115.

3. What will happen with Orbs of Unmaking? If they remain, they will pollute the drop pool of mobs with a virtually useless item during this event.

4. There will be any extra rewards from killing bosses like Blackstar for the first time or doing Maven Invitations? You usually get an extra Atlas Skill Point for doing this, will you get a random Relic or just nothing?

Hope you are able to answer some of these.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Vic5Vicious#7214 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:44:12 PM
Yangeru#5747 wrote:
Please, replace the flee chance on surfcaster for something else :^( non-damaging ailments fits in the class
This right here! Keep the fishing part love it for the meme but Flee is 1000% useless.
So, among all the busted ascendancies with 300% ms and 10b dps, you decided to nerf Herald ... why? It already doesn't have access to auras. The old Damnation node was one of the main reasons people looking at this ascendancy.

On why this is worse than before:
- Numerically worse than before, but more importantly, IS NOW CONDITIONAL. Furthermore, conditioned on getting hit by that element. It's a very very very bad condition
- Some says it can stack with endurance charge. But, endurance charge generation is opportunity cost and is not straightforward, whereas chaos res is built in to the passive.
- 3rd, if you're not stacking this with Eternal Damnation it doesnt really make sense, and so your charges are disabled anyway.
- 4th, if you don't stack it with ED, then honestly it makes much more sense to pick other nodes instead of Damnation.

Yeah, so I'm really not sure what's going on, someone please enlighten me
LOGIN!!! <3
Damn, Herald might tie Behemoth for least picked ascendancy.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
HOW is behemoth not on this list of changes???

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
No change to Behemoth Spells are disabled? Sadge
Also catnip

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