The Devs cashgrabbed and fooled you clowns.

Too Much Clutter
"you clowns" should read "us clowns".

thank you
The craziest part about PoE2 for me is how it still has 80k players still. After less than 2 hours of playtime, I looked at the skill tree, and gem system, and the 1 shot mechanic bossfights and predicted exactly what late game would be like.

I still gave it a few chances, but to still be playing it is downright pathetic. Even the first release of Chronicon (1 dev project) is worlds more complex and better than PoE2.

The other repulsive fact about how pathetic the PoE2 'community' is, is that they LITERALLY gave you guys rejected projects from Poe1 like Nemesis mods and other unpopular league mechanics.

Then, to add the worst insult to injury... the devs lied to you. "We have DOUBLE the amount of new content coming!".

As soon as the streamers shill contracts end and they move onto the next flavor of the month game, the player count will drop from 80k to 5k. Most of the people enjoying PoE2 are the types who sit in a twitch chat for 10 hours of a Kripp stream to see their Tier 2 emoji in the feed that nobody sees.

TLDR: The game is terrible, 1000x less complex than PoE1 because of the restrictive gem system, and only a few builds were even viable. They made the game super grindy and slow to quite literally slow people down from seeing how lacking the end game is. Every single friend of mine who hit end game quit soon after. It's just boring and the chase items suck as well. Even D3 pulls its shorts to its kneecaps and squats on Poe2.

This is what happens when you listen to those youtubers ... how many builds have your tried to say it lacks builds ? Just because a build doesn't clear a map in under 2 minutes doesn't mean it's not a good build... it's not a contest, only in youtuber's heads and yours.
Yes, it's got issues, and some big ones. I hate that devs are like men in a high castle when it comes to interaction with the community and I also hate that they slammed a 13y old game UI on a "new gen" game....

You coming here to call everyone else pathetic because you don't like a game...I think I know who's the one being pathetic..
you played 2 hours and already know that only 4 builds exist?

i heavily disagree with this

yes there are few broken builds but those are gonna get whooped in the next major patch.

this is the same in every other game.. broken shit thats gonna get nerfed.

i suggest you yo read the builds section and try a few characters
After less than 2 hours of playtime, I looked at the skill tree, and gem system, and the 1 shot mechanic bossfights and predicted exactly what late game would be like.

I won't be surprised to see 33-50% negative steam reviews within 2 weeks for PoE 2.

Doomer build with Nostradamus ascendancy .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 14, 2025, 4:55:13 AM
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Doomer build with Nostradamus ascendancy .

hahaha, was gonna say: mah man theory-crafted his way out of trying the game.
The craziest part about PoE2 for me is how it still has 80k players still. After less than 2 hours of playtime, I looked at the skill tree, and gem system, and the 1 shot mechanic bossfights and predicted exactly what late game would be like.

I still gave it a few chances, but to still be playing it is downright pathetic. Even the first release of Chronicon (1 dev project) is worlds more complex and better than PoE2.

The other repulsive fact about how pathetic the PoE2 'community' is, is that they LITERALLY gave you guys rejected projects from Poe1 like Nemesis mods and other unpopular league mechanics.

Then, to add the worst insult to injury... the devs lied to you. "We have DOUBLE the amount of new content coming!".

As soon as the streamers shill contracts end and they move onto the next flavor of the month game, the player count will drop from 80k to 5k. Most of the people enjoying PoE2 are the types who sit in a twitch chat for 10 hours of a Kripp stream to see their Tier 2 emoji in the feed that nobody sees.

TLDR: The game is terrible, 1000x less complex than PoE1 because of the restrictive gem system, and only a few builds were even viable. They made the game super grindy and slow to quite literally slow people down from seeing how lacking the end game is. Every single friend of mine who hit end game quit soon after. It's just boring and the chase items suck as well. Even D3 pulls its shorts to its kneecaps and squats on Poe2.

You are not only inherently wrong and delusional with this post, you also almost certainly do not understand the concept of "Early Access" and the underlying development process.

Honestly, posts like this should just get removed imo. It is so annoying.
Stop shilling. The game has 2-3 viable build, endgame is trash, total absolute trash. Crafting is trash, one-shots are trash whether you do it or bosses do.

No updates, they are overstretched, under staffed and haven't even decided at this date how they will even release content. Why wasn't this planned out like any other business would do months in advance?

Diablo sucks, so what? Is that your pathetic defense? That diablo sucks?

I'm sure that'll out asses in the seats.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
If I can't get a single clue from "not this" vision, am I supposed to be shilling ? How am I supposed to do ? help me please :(

"not this" reasoning looks like this for me.

[This] - [not-this] = [This] -> ??????
[This] = [not-this] + [This] -> this kind of makes sense (universalism(left) and plurality(right))

Former is forward sync. Latter is backward sync.

How can we deal world wide proxy payments with former system ? Are we going back to the era of "gold standard" and Imperialism ? I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME ON DAY ONE OF ITS RELEASE. :(

I mean, I was literally "tortured" by "not like this! you are bad you are baaaaad" people in my childhood. I went to the forest (nothing tells me what to do there) and singing.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 15, 2025, 1:23:44 PM
Blah blah blah.

I hope you got the attention you needed. POE1 didn't have a lot of options WAY back in the day.

It developed into one of the best games ever, and this will too in a year or so.

A business that wants to make a profit? "Insert INCONCIEVEABLE meme here".
-Time to be funny. The world needs funny right now! Warning: "Might" get you muted.

25 Exalts...oh God my stupidity stuck! Now onto 25 Divines...

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