If it takes 3+ months for 0.2.0, we should expect "early access" to last for ~2 years.

The longer the game is in EA the better for the longevity of the game.

That said they need to acknowledge that their projected (and advertised) timeline for EA was absurdly off.

This said, they really need to fix their engine regarding CPU-bottlenecking.

Turning off audio/lowering channels to improve performance, sometimes significantly, should not be in a 'shipping' game.
darknsss#3185 wrote:
Not very happy with there paste of update Considering many things can be fix weekly so instead of a massive patch every 3 months do something every week or 2

They should be able to do balance updates more frequently. Why wait for a new season to do balance changes?

They could nerf spark and buff warrior tomorrow.
getting bored of slapping deli on maps with breach or doing rituals. Because that's really the only end game.

Expedition really sucks so I skip those
I predicted 2 years from the out-set. 2 years is when "popular" games tend to go on "sale". So 2 years is when sales will likely die down and that is when they will transition to a full F2P model ( full release ). If the game wasn't as popular as it has been, they probably could've shot for a 12 month release date.
Last edited by Icesinnox#6517 on Feb 12, 2025, 7:11:14 PM

Not sure why EA is being treated as a launch title where leagues need to run 3-4 months for GGG to polish the update and give players of all skill/time investment enough time to get what they want out of a league.

This is what i dont get either, to me Early Access means testing the game with a large player base and balancing the game, getting the passive tree's where they need to be etc.. Johnathon's mention of a "pull" with next patch to bring players back seems like he means a new league mechanic, its the main concern for me that they have completely the wrong plan for this game, wasting time adding more mechanics is a terrible plan, get the current ones working first ffs.

I know people were speculating that Early Access was only supposed to last 6-12 months (putting a full release in at Late 2025), but I don't know how GGG can get there with how slow development of PoE2 has been.

They have to release six new classes and all corresponding Ascendency classes, completely rework melee, launch three more Acts, fix their endgame systems, and then balance everything.

Ain't no way they can get that done this year.

There is no early access lol, this is it, They have released the retail version, now they will go the poe route of slowly slowly releasing poe1 content in this poor reskin for the next 10 years.

Not sure why EA is being treated as a launch title where leagues need to run 3-4 months for GGG to polish the update and give players of all skill/time investment enough time to get what they want out of a league.

This is what i dont get either, to me Early Access means testing the game with a large player base and balancing the game, getting the passive tree's where they need to be etc.. Johnathon's mention of a "pull" with next patch to bring players back seems like he means a new league mechanic, its the main concern for me that they have completely the wrong plan for this game, wasting time adding more mechanics is a terrible plan, get the current ones working first ffs.

They shouldn't even be running league mechanics in Early Access - they should be focusing on developing, iterating, and testing the base game. Get all of the classes, weapons, and acts/endgame out first, balance everything, then start on league mechanics.
It was 4 years before POE1 had a full release.

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