Approximately 80% of the content originally planned for the release of Path of Exile 2 has been cut
I wanted to bring attention to the contrast between the quantity of content planned to be available on release in the original PoE 2 (PoE 4.0) announcement versus the current amount of content that is expected to be available on release. I found the difference to be shocking.
The original announced plan for PoE 2 was for it to be a massive update, or "One Game Two Campaigns ". All of the existing content in Path of Exile 1 was going to be included in Path of Exile 2. "We just spend 6 years making expansions for Path of Exile, so imagine if we released Path of Exile 2 and it was just a bare campaign with none of that extra content. This would be a sad shell of an action RPG compared to the current state of Path of Exile. It would have none of the years of exansion content and improvements that make the game great." "It [Path of Exile 2] will continue to be maintained with all of the updates and game system improvements that we'll make to Path of Exile" -Chris Wilson, Exilecon 2019 In the original plan, PoE 2 would have included every skill gem from PoE 1, including all Vaal/Transfigured/Awakened gems. This change alone reduced the number of skill/support gems in PoE 2 from 718 to 147. It is also worth mentioning that it was stated by GGG that every skill gem released since 2019 was created with PoE 2 in mind. The support gems showcased in the PoE 2 gameplay showcase would even be included in the 3.9 patch following the announcement. "When we add new skills to the game you'll be able to play with them in either the Path of Exile 1 or Path of Exile 2 campaign" "We really wanted to be able to address all of the shortcomings while not sacrificing even a single bit of the functionality we already have" -Chris Wilson, Exilecon 2019 The original plant for PoE 2 (PoE 4.0) also included any existing league mechanic we have in PoE 1 at the time of launch and "Much more". In the current state of PoE 2, the number of league mechanics has been reduced from the ~28 we have in PoE 1, to only ~7 and the modified iterations in PoE 2 are trimmed down (in some cases significantly so). "Most importantly all of your favorite Path of Exile expansion content like Delve, Breach, Incursion, Legion will be fully integrated" -Chris Wilson, Exilecon 2019 We have also lost all of the Endgame mechanics and PoE 1 Pinnacle Bosses as well as their Uber varients, which were intended to be included in PoE 2. This includes The Elder, The Shaper, The Conqueres, Sirus, all four of Venarius' Synthesis Constructs, The Searing Exarch, The Eater of Worlds, and The Maven including all of her special invitations that combined and enhanced these bosses. The new endgame system is certainly unique, and I can imagine a lot of ways in which it can be expanded, but we have lose our existing Atlas and its rich Atlas Passive Skill Tree. All of the existing Ascendency classes in Path of Exile 1 were also meant to be available in Path of Exile 2. While the final comprehensive list of PoE 2 Ascendancies has not been released, I expect many of our original Ascendencies to have been cut from Path of Exile 2. For example, in Path of Exile 1 the Witch has the Necromancer, Elementalist, and Occultist Ascendencies. Currently none of these are present in Path of Exile 2 and the Witch class will only be receiving 1 more Ascendency on top of the 2 currently available in Early Access (Infernalist and Blood Mage). While in the title I suggested that the amount of cut content was about 80%, I consider that to be a conservative estimate. If you consider the complex combinations and interactions between everything, the true difference may be much larger. In my life I've seen a ton of games launch, many of which ended up missing some of the originally planned content. However, I cant recall ever seeing a game cut content at this scale. On the Path of Exile 2 Steam page GGG states that, "We are planning to be adding content to roughly double the size of the current game during Early Access and into Release." Even with that in mind, the sheer quantity of content that will be missing from Path of Exile 2 at launch compared to the original 2019 announcement is truly mind-boggling. Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 3:05:13 PM
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Including the 6,389,187 league mechanics from POE1 would be a massive mistake.
I stopped playing POE1 because i fell behind on a few leagues and didnt want to spent 1000 hours just learning those. Launching POE2 with fewer mechanics helps new and old players actually get into the game. |
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" :Ackwardmonkey: |
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I'm still amazed people can't accept they've been lied to , for years . GGG did not forgot what they said : they said back then what you wanted to hear for you to keep giving money . That's all there is to it .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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Thanks for the research! Seems like a whole lotta blabla from GGG, just like any other company....
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Replies in this thread is the reason you shouldn't play Early Access games, because you'll get mad since you paid money for an incomplete game. Clearly the game currently miss at least half of the content, if not more, you don't need Chris or Jonathan to tell you that, it's more than obvious. Anyway, if you're mad right now, please quit until the game is complete, do it for your mental health at least.
Tech guy Last edited by Warrax#2850 on Feb 11, 2025, 2:51:55 PM
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" same. but not just about learning the new mechanics, but it just becomes a gumbo soup of convoluted bullshit. this is why i think it would be much more beneficial for poe2 if all future leagues were automatically and upfront VOIDED. everything voided in poe2. keep the base game the base game. leagues are new mechanics, items, crafting etc and everything is voided at the end of the league. off to the next ideas! i think this is beneficial for several reasons 1) the game doesn't get power creep, needlessly large, needlessly complicated like poe1 has become 2) GGG can actually be creative with league ideas without having to worry too much about balance, since its just temporary anyway 3) they can purposely have super powerful crafting options tacked onto the base game without drastically altering the base game. think of harvest league, which was way too powerful but would have been fine just staying a fond memory of a void league. 4) standard league and its economy, that some people do choose to play, doesn't get overrun with legacy and overpowered gear. it also doesn't get inundated with fragments of league mechanics constantly 5) gives more incentive to play the actual leagues. its something unique, never to be seen again, thus you don't want to miss out. but if it all goes to standard eventually people feel fine with missing a league just to see it back in some form several months later. no big deal. 6) this opens the possibility to have longer leagues. having leagues run for 4 months instead of 3 wouldn't be too bad of an option here, given that again its unique and temporary. it should definitely help with retention |
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Good catch:) When the Avengers arrive with tales about "this is just Early Access, GGG will deliver", answer them that a tester is paying work. Not glorious paycheck by IT standards, but still work. Devs pay people to play their beta version and make reports.
GGG needs to decide whether they are rolling out the product, and ask money for it, or they are running a beta test. In former case, why don't they address above promises publicly. In latter case, people who hard crash their pc several times per day (and risking physical damage from overheat spikes) should get at least regular updates on the situation, and current in-game balance should reflect testing environment too. You don't put artificial exp penalties on your beta testers, they have hard enough time doing thankless job as it is. |
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" That's your (incorrect) opinion. It is not what was being advertised while they accepted money used to develop the game. " Ditto the above. They took money on the basis of advertising a product, then drastically changed the scope of the product multiple times through its development. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Feb 11, 2025, 5:19:37 PM
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Well, Chris Wilson is gone and more Tenecent friendly staff are running this ship otherwise I have a feeling this release would have gone better than it did
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