Someone please help me understand


I don't get it. I guess its time to wait it out and see what the other 2 marauder ascendancies are. I cant trust ward for hc.

It's funny you say this.....because nearly every other ascendancy is awful for hc. This is so far the only one that actually HAS huge defensive potential. And specifically targeted at the usual things that kill HC players.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:00:06 PM
I know that, im just saying consider what is being given up in the first place. As a base for what you get given what part of the tree you're in. If there is a current build that has some level of power, how much weaker/stronger is it going to be once you give away their base ascendancies vs what you're getting.

You need to throw this entire thought completely out the window. This is antithetical to the entire event. "Current builds" will not exist. At all.

I think its completely reasonable to assume that the section of the tree you start in will converge on certain archetypes that are being played already. and the tree wouldnt be wildly different unless it was heavy on cluster jewels and travel points. If it was a str stacker you would still probably make some kind of spiral to make use of more clusters and split personalities. which limits your travel nodes to strength nodes which keeps you in bottom left.

There really wasnt even that much of a tree difference in the str stacking wander and the bls str stacking totem build i played a while back. For 2 different types of gameplays. str stacker is fairly standard outside of some pathing intricacy.

I don't get it. I guess its time to wait it out and see what the other 2 marauder ascendancies are. I cant trust ward for hc.

It's funny you say this.....because nearly every other ascendancy is awful for hc. This is so far the only one that actually HAS huge defensive potential.

The only one i really paid attention too was the ones posted today, i care 0 about any of them outside of the marauder ones.
^but the "builds" are reliant on the ascendancies, which do not exist. The builds themselves do not even function with JUST the passive tree.

Thus...the new ascendancies are completely NEW build archetypes. Especially this particular marauder. You keep trying to compare it to a chief, jugg, or other builds from previous leagues. You simply cannot do that. Those ascendancies don't exist.

Stop trying to compare and start thinking about builds using the new mechanics. I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty darn excited to create a compeltely new HC ward build that I have never ever made before. Why do the same thing you've always done?

Ward + evasion + petrified blood + strength could be completely immortal to everything. You'll have to get a curse glove for damage, most likely. Don't REALLY need the aura because you'll likely run determination or grace. And then if you wanna do iron commander, you have the ranged playstyle too for even more protection.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:07:41 PM
Hard to imagine being able to make it work in a hc setting without a lot of limit testing. 1 wrong move and its over.

I cant imagine anything with this ward mechanic. as it makes no sense to me in the armour section of the tree without a lot of block or svalin.
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich#2087 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:11:50 PM
Hard to imagine being able to make it work in a hc setting without a lot of limit testing. 1 wrong move and its over.

I cant imagine anything with this ward mechanic. as it makes no sense in the armour section of the tree without a lot of block or svalin.

I think you need to take a step back and look again in a couple days. Your views are extremely myopic right now.

Grace + jade flask + evasion gear + 100% global defenses is probably enough to get started with even without tree investment to cover the 1 second recovery of your ward, depending on the build choice. Your total ehp pool is going to be massive, and presumably you'll protect your life in some way as well other than evasion. In that section of the tree you can do regen, recovery, block, etc. until you get better items to unspec out of that stuff.

A completely new experience for the first time in how many years? That is such a fantastic thought. Focusing on the negatives without even considering the positives will get you nowhere.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:14:21 PM
Its getting harder and harder to care given the length of this poe1 league and how stupid warrior is in poe2.

I honestly don't even know if i like this game anymore.
Hard to imagine being able to make it work in a hc setting without a lot of limit testing. 1 wrong move and its over.

I cant imagine anything with this ward mechanic. as it makes no sense in the armour section of the tree without a lot of block or svalin.

I think you need to take a step back and look again in a couple days. Your views are extremely myopic right now.

Grace + jade flask + evasion gear + 100% global defenses is probably enough to get started with even without tree investment to cover the 1 second recovery of your ward, depending on the build choice. Your total ehp pool is going to be massive, and presumably you'll protect your life in some way as well other than evasion. In that section of the tree you can do regen, recovery, block, etc. until you get better items to unspec out of that stuff.

A completely new experience for the first time in how many years? That is such a fantastic thought. Focusing on the negatives without even considering the positives will get you nowhere.

Well there is a baseline that your starting position can get you on a league start build.

I'm not talking about what you can do once you have a mirror invested in the build. you log in with nothing on your account. Get to first lab. Your choice is no int, gain ward (whatever that does with your 400 armour chest in campaign. and 50% less dex. then you trudge on through the campaign.

Meanwhile ghost of the deep: 30% movespeed, 30% attack speed, 20% damage

oath of the magi: 30% movespeed, 30% life, 60 all res realistically you can probably do 2/3 of these.

I am still curious why ward hasnt become meta in hc if it truly makes you tanky and its not like having evasion without lightning coil and other phys taken as.

I am still curious why ward hasnt become meta in hc if it truly makes you tanky and its not like having evasion without lightning coil and other phys taken as.

Already covered this: ward gear is hard to come by and its found in pretty much the most hc-unfriendly content. Even with mirror-level ward rares, you get less ward than that single ascendancy node potential. Plus....there are better options. The point is this ascendancy makes ward an actual attractive option for the first time. If the small nodes give faster ward recovery, that could be huge too.

And don't even HAVE to take the strength node. Take the two ward nodes and adrenaline, plus Hits Can't Be Evaded. Build around that. That's another world of possibilities. Or for full tank: hair and shield, plus the two ward nodes.

As for league start.....thats pretty normal. There are some real standout league start ascendancies and some terrible ones. Always. This is nothing new. This particular marauder might be one you DON'T start with. So what?

By contrast, the Oshabi node is AWESOME for league start but becomes pretty much completely useless very early into the endgame. Which is a better or worse situation? I would say Oshabi.

Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:41:53 PM
The Ward stuff looks really good, but that's literally it. If I try that class out I have no idea what my uberlab is.

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