Someone please help me understand

I cant help but feel like GGG completely hates marauder. Maybe im just too dumb to see the appeal of the new ascendancy for the temp league. But compared to the ranger and shadow one just released I'm completely shocked at how this is looking.

The shadow one gives you self chill and a ton of other cool stuff

The ranger one has some crazy wander interactions

Every first node for marauder seems to be a net loss. Then the rest of the nodes seem to need very specific items to work.

You get far shot if you can utilize any proj skill or weapon without basically any dex in your starting tree. If you want to use duration tech with far shot you have no int either so you need a timeless jewel.

What is a good league start angle for this marauder ascendancy without just playing fake gear pob and saying its great.

Starting to hope i can just hit berserker and this is going to be a rehashed settlers league start with no atlas tree.

Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 2:37:41 AM
I took one look at the Marauder tree and thought NOPE!

My brain hurt at the thought of which way to build :(
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
xjjanie#4242 wrote:
I took one look at the Marauder tree and thought NOPE!

My brain hurt at the thought of which way to build :(

I want to know what first ascendancy point a person would take and why. The only option is the ward one and you lose defense to take it without a bunch of endgame gear.

That being said i have never used ward. i just cant imagine it being better that armour/evasion with no other support.

If you take the cant evade node you cant use blood rage or faster attacks most likely without speccing into accuracy nodes with dex (LOL)
If you take the no int node you cant use heralds, curse, or any blue gem like trinity, or a blink skill without having a timeless jewel.

No arctic armour to deal with freeze early, no ele dam with attacks, cant use cwdt.

On top of these seeming to be pretty lackluster you're losing out on the original ascendancy points that marauder has that is tailor made for the bottom left of the tree. Which as far as i can tell of the 3 posted today is the only one that has no support for any of this stuff in its starting area.

You really cant post this shadow ascendancy at the same time of the marauder one. its just silly
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich#2087 on Feb 10, 2025, 7:54:36 PM
All I saw really were downsides, there was nothing that grabbed my attention as being a "go-to" node.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
you can make an ULTRA TANK strength stacker with that ascendancy.

50% armor/eva transformed to ward, you keep the other 50%. Then you multiply all of that by 2 with the next node. THEN you get the 150 strength node that can be multiplied by attribute and strength % gear, coupled with the duration thing for shouts and stuff.....There are some pretty darn cool things there, and potential for a nigh unkillable juggernaut with absurd armor AND ward at the same time. Olroth's resolve coupled with that juicy super ward could be crazy, like having an additional permanent guard skill up all the time.

And great life too with the inherent strength bonus. That 150 node alone gives you 75 flat life, multiplied like crazy with strength stacking.

Brutus/Replica Iron Commander/Replica Alberon etc. Really your only choice with this ascendancy is going to be strength stacking to the max.

***Ed: can't use replica Alberon, that sucks. Would have been great paired with the duration buffs and chaos damage/poison
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:25:03 PM
I like how randomly far shot is just kind of thrown in there.
Mash the clean
you can make an ULTRA TANK strength stacker with that ascendancy.

50% armor/eva transformed to ward, you keep the other 50%. Then you multiply all of that by 2 with the next node. THEN you get the 150 strength node that can be multiplied by attribute and strength % gear, coupled with the duration thing for shouts and stuff.....There are some pretty darn cool things there, and potential for a nigh unkillable juggernaut with absurd armor AND ward at the same time.

And great life too with the inherent strength bonus. That 150 node alone gives you 75 flat life, multiplied like crazy with strength stacking.

Brutus/Replica Iron Commander/Replica Alberon etc. Really your only choice with this ascendancy is going to be strength stacking to the max.

I take it you would plan to use no gems/items with int req. That means no cwdt, no heralds, no curse.

I also dont understand ward at all. So i fail to see what you are doing to make you tanky. like hc viable tanky. not sc tanky

Ward bases also seem to have int requirements. Then if you use supreme ostentation you get no benefits from strength
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich#2087 on Feb 10, 2025, 8:55:22 PM

I take it you would plan to use no gems/items with int req. That means no cwdt, no heralds, no curse.

I also dont understand ward at all. So i fail to see what you are doing to make you tanky. like hc viable tanky. not sc tanky

If you don't understand ward....thats a big part of this. You would need to learn.

And can avoid intelligence gems completely. You buff the holy hell out of everything via strength stacking and other methods. You need to be creative and think outside the "normal" box....but you can reach ABSURD damage and defense. All from those two nodes which are both first nodes.

Both brutus sprinkler and replica commander builds would get an enormous buff with this ascendancy. It would be limited, but it would be great at what it does.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 8:56:10 PM

Int requirement. So are you scaling ward without running any supporting ward gear outside of the arm/ev on chest?

Int requirement. So are you scaling ward without running any supporting ward gear outside of the arm/ev on chest?

You are getting more ward from your armor conversion and 100% increased defenses, than you can get with a full buffed set of ward gear.

You can get upwards of 2000+ ward fairly easily from 50% armor/eva chest conversion. And then that gets doubled

Throw on Ynda's Stand, and you get 100% conversion to ward. That's like souped up energy shield upwards of 8k+, ON TOP OF all the life you get from strength stacking. Holy crap....Although you probably wouldn't use ynda because there are so many good strength belts. But I'm sure someone more creative than myself would make it work for an immortal ward build.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:05:24 PM

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