Can't login on PS5

I have been unable to connect since midnight.
I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and the only thing I see is the cogs that turn
PSN is under attack so it's not a poe2 problem, any online game will not work..
Still PSN not working what is going on
Is there any way we can play on PC without the need to buy early access second time? I bought EA on PS and tried to play on windows but it asks me to buy it again xD
i think you need to buy the game again
PS Network is Online now, and I can't connect ....
And fix the whisper bug i reported 50x on Poe2 Trade, wake up, hire some competent guys.
If it wasnt enough to have bad Graphics, freezings, Screen Tearing and FPS drops on PS5,all the bugs and now connections issues too. U guys even have a devs team for Consoles. What is their Job, drinking cofee?
Wtf the issue was on playstation side, not from GGG. And what the hell are you drinking?
PS Network is Online now, and I can't connect ....
And fix the whisper bug i reported 50x on Poe2 Trade, wake up, hire some competent guys.

PSN is not online
Currently, PSN is working with very limited functionality in EU. That is likely the reason access to the game is not yet possible.

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