PS5 kicked from game cannot log back on 2/7/25 6:25pm est


I opened the simalacrum map for my first time and when I clicked the map to enter, the game crashed. I attempted to log back on and it says "connecting to login server". Nothing happens. I have been restarted my game and PS5 but I can't get back in.

It seems that the servers are not down?

This happened 2/7/25 6:25pm EST.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 2:10:25 AM
I am having the same issue.
Trying to log in for half an hour now and game stuck on the two spinning gears right before character selection page. Intro loads fine
This is for PoE2 BTW.
When it will be fixed?
I get error
Cannot log in because “PlayStation Network” cannot be reached.
On PS5
Update: PSN is experiencing issues and "it may be difficult opening certain apps". They are working to resolve the issue. 4:44 PST
i am having the same issue, it crashed last night , I went to sleep and 8 hours later tried to open the game and it is still the same .....WTF...
Seems I`m not the only one experiencing Log in error.
POE2 is now dead on Playstation.

Please fix, whether this on your servers or PSN.

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