Crazy how the people that love playing the game all day are here replying to every critical thread.


If the negative feedback is the minority then who cares but if it's the majority view then please keep quiet and don't deter people from expressing thier opinions as it might actually save the game.

You realize you're commenting this on a "feedback" post that is literally not feedback, right?

It's literally complaining that people like the game AND spend time on the forums. That's this. What, GGG is going to start saying you can't post if you've logged in for the last 24 hours? Get to enjoying the game or get to rageposting? Those are the only two options?


Nobody said you can't do both, the post is really clearly aimed towards a very specific demographic of forum commenters that act a certain type of way.
Must really love the game to be frantically alt-tabbing non stop to refresh a random forum just so you can get a word in edgewise when someone criticizes GGG product.

Imagine being half way through King in the Mists fight, pausing the game, alt tabbing, refreshing the Early Access forum, seeing someone criticize the one death maps, you write a comment telling them they're stupid and wrong and everyone disagrees with them, nobody else chimes in to agree with you and instead a torrential onslaught of comments flood in from other frustrated players who also criticize the one death map system and state they're having a bad time or even outright quitting, you alt tab back into your King in the Mists fight, better get this boss killed because in a few minutes you're going to need to alt tab back to the Early Access forum to galliantly defend GGG from the (unjustified) criticism of mere plebs.

Do we really believe anyone is doing this?
Because there are people that claim to be doing this but it makes no sense.

Just a meta post because I come to this forum to get a glimpse on whether the game is going to be actively improving (awful lot of radio silence, minor patches just aren't it for an Early Access when they're this far apart) and I've noticed that the same few forum occupants seem to always be the first to reply to threads in this manner, while simultaneously claiming to be spending all their time playing the game and having so much fun (lol).

Has anyone else noticed this? Strange behavior.

Dear Diary
Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser
Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner
Former Dominus Multiboxer

If the negative feedback is the minority then who cares but if it's the majority view then please keep quiet and don't deter people from expressing thier opinions as it might actually save the game.

You realize you're commenting this on a "feedback" post that is literally not feedback, right?

It's literally complaining that people like the game AND spend time on the forums. That's this. What, GGG is going to start saying you can't post if you've logged in for the last 24 hours? Get to enjoying the game or get to rageposting? Those are the only two options?


Im playing the game genius lol. Would be smart if your points were correct lol.

Thinking the game is actually good and having godly potential is the best reason to criticise and suggest.

And if every reply to a post must be a suggestion then I suggest banning those attacking people with criticism as is will damage the game in the long and short term. If people are attacked for expressing their feelings on the game they will just leave. Toxic butt lockers.
Last edited by outlander19900#0213 on Feb 4, 2025, 3:04:54 PM

If the negative feedback is the minority then who cares but if it's the majority view then please keep quiet and don't deter people from expressing thier opinions as it might actually save the game.

You realize you're commenting this on a "feedback" post that is literally not feedback, right?

It's literally complaining that people like the game AND spend time on the forums. That's this. What, GGG is going to start saying you can't post if you've logged in for the last 24 hours? Get to enjoying the game or get to rageposting? Those are the only two options?


Nobody said you can't do both, the post is really clearly aimed towards a very specific demographic of forum commenters that act a certain type of way.

I saw the forum post that this spawned from a few minutes before this popped up. Like, literally people got into a rage tizzy about someone defending any part of the game, and came to basically restate their post (or someone else's, I'm really not keeping up on it) here.

This post is the result of a rageposter rageposting on another ragepost then turning their ragepost into a thread. You can't make this shit up.
Hi Exiles,

Please keep in mind the forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game, and avoid personally attacking, or antagonising, one another as it breaches our rules.
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If the negative feedback is the minority then who cares but if it's the majority view then please keep quiet and don't deter people from expressing thier opinions as it might actually save the game.

You realize you're commenting this on a "feedback" post that is literally not feedback, right?

It's literally complaining that people like the game AND spend time on the forums. That's this. What, GGG is going to start saying you can't post if you've logged in for the last 24 hours? Get to enjoying the game or get to rageposting? Those are the only two options?


Im playing the game genius lol. Would be smart if your points were correct lol.

You're talking about letting people give their negative feedback. THIS ISN'T THAT. This whole thread started complaining about the way other players play. NOTHING about the game. NOTHING about feedback. I'm right because it's IN THE TITLE.
To me this forum provides almost the same amout of entertainment as game itself. Especially posts like this one.
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
To me this forum provides almost the same amout of entertainment as game itself. Especially posts like this one.

The best poe endgame.
Today, in things that never happened that OP made up to justify some tribalistic "the thems are disagreeing with me and I don't like it"...

Seriously though guys, can we like, keep the feedback forum and its threads for like, you know, feedback about the GAME, instead of feedback about other people in the feedback forum?

This entire getting into personal fights in the feedback forum for no reason other than "my tribe is right and your tribe is obviously evil" nonsense is wildly unhelpful in every conceivable way, and going to the extend of making a thread exclusively dedicated to that cause is beyond ridiculous.

Your not the forum police. Let people say what they have to say in a grown up way. Stop attacking things you don't agree with .

Grow up.

The most out of touch response I've seen yet.

Lol. I made a comment agreeing with original post.

Nothing negative or possitive about the game. Was pointing out how immature it is to attack anything you don't agree with and somehow you got offended and jumped in to attack without any understanding of what was said.

Your literally rage posting lol is saying people shouldn't attack critism offensive to you?
Do you attack people who critize alot?

Seems like you raged without even reading the comment.

Okay, so the original post is just shitting on people and making baseless claims about their lives,


Must really love the game to be frantically alt-tabbing non stop to refresh a random forum just so you can get a word in edgewise when someone criticizes GGG product.

Highly doubt anyone's doing that, and I am POSITIVE that everyone isn't doing it. You can take breaks from playing to check a forum.


...and I've noticed that the same few forum occupants seem to always be the first to reply to threads in this manner, while simultaneously claiming to be spending all their time playing the game and having so much fun (lol).

Same as above. You get a few of the same people in the same parts of the forum. They're not allowed to be there because they claim to like the game?

And you. You say you're "just agreeing with OP". Well yes. You're both whining about self-made perceptions of others. You're both providing equally nothing to this forum, and I'm done with you.

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