Patch Incoming

We're currently working on the 0.1.1c patch for Path of Exile 2 that will include some bug fixes and minor new features. We plan to deploy this patch by the end of this week. Full details will be included in the patch notes, but in the meantime here is some of the changes you can expect to be in it:

Added up to five respawn attempts for the Twisted Domain area, based on the area difficulty.
Added up to five respawn attempts for the Olroth, Origin of the Fall boss fight, based on the fight difficulty.
Added up to five respawn attempts for the Crux of Nothingness area, based on the area difficulty.
Added Minimap Icons for Strongboxes.
Minimap Icons for League mechanics now remain visible regardless of how far away you travel from them, making it easier to return to them later.
Added more checkpoints to several Map areas and improved the placement of some checkpoints.
Minions can now briefly squeeze through smaller gaps if they've failed to move for a short period.

Bug fixes:
Potential fix for the crash affecting Win 24H2 players.
Fixed a bug that would prevent kills with Damage over Time being assigned correctly to players, most notably any death to poison or bleeding while the monster still had Energy Shield at the time of death.
Fixed a bug where parts of the Atlas could fail to render if they were far away from your most recent map.
Added the "/ResetAtlas" chat command which can only be used to reset your Atlas when it's in a bricked state (no available maps).
Fixed several client and instance crashes.

Increased font size of text in various locations when using a controller.
Improved item navigation when using a controller.
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 4, 2025, 3:26:27 AM
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 2:33:47 PM
I see nothing over here worth a reinstall yet .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
thats it? less than 5% of the playerbase cares about that, jesus.
They really went all in on this one. Slow down GGG. Don't over exert yourself.
No buffs to warrior or mace skills?

No need to log in...
Soooo, lets talk about it.
All changes are welcome and will improve game, fact.

But we all want more, we wait more from GGG. I think they are on the way of doing a better game with every patch.

I hope they communicate more with us.

I believe POE2 will be remembered as a great title in future. the game is good and will be better!
Warrior needs it...

Maybe only when league ends?
That's it? Less than 5% of the player base cares about that, Jesus.

I said the exact same thing, "That's It?"

Less than 150K player base and 27K of them are RMT'ers and Botters, that's roughly 19.2% the player base.

The remaining player base is likely made up of:

Casual Players (60-75%)

SSF Players (SSF) (5-10%)

Hardcore Players (HCSSF) (5-10%)

0.2 is coming, let them cook.
Tech guy

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