550 hours and I'm done - The game is too punishing - players time not respected
" How I choose to spend my time after being a productive member of society shouldn't matter to you or anyone else. This is exactly the kind of reply I was anticipating coming across when I mentioned my playtime, which i'll be honest isn't entirely accurate because I've actually went to work quite a few times and left the game open, poe2 does not log you out when you got AFK even if its for several hours. So despite the fact that 550 hours is not accurate, it still doesn't change the fact that i've spent a serious amount of time playing the game and can be considered more than an average or casual player is all I was trying to portray. I would say I play on average around 3-4 hours per day with some off days in between because I do work 5 days a week and still put time aside to do family activities going out with family to dinners and fun stuff on my days off. My playtime is simply inflated by leaving poe2 open while I afk, I shouldn't have used it as a gauge despite knowing that I afk frequently, which I was doing for a while during the hacking scare because I thought if I stayed logged in 24/7 then I couldn't be hacked, brilliant right? No I'm sure it's not brilliant, just a joke. But I still consider 3-4 hours a day to be a significant amount of play time Averaging 3-4 hours playtime per day, I've managed to get 3 characters to level 90+ with my main sitting at level 96. Last edited by smokesnugsYT#7752 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:13:37 PM
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" You don't have to justify yourself dude. I am with you I have about 300 hours and realized this game is very anti-player and they want you to keep playing their game. This is how they get you. I am quitting and I will be back in a few months with new content, new class, etc. But for now, it's good to take a break. The game needs a lot more work especially the end game and the trials for ascendency. |
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T15 maps run, One shot kill from low level mob skeletons is a total nonsense. On every map one shot kill. Fck this game
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I really hope they fix some of these things like dying on maps, 1 chance at boss, and most loot dropping being useless. Being able to craft would be nice too. This game has a lot of potential, just need to fix some mechanics that are not anti-player. And let's not forget the biggest one, trading.
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Yeah the 10% XP punishment is very soul-crushing, especially when it can happen to something as extremely minor as a citadel boss barely raising their arm to fire off an ability and its WHAM instant one-shot, congratulations, you just lost 4-5 hours of gameplay.
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" Thanks for the positivity! |
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Same here for the most part. Got about 250 hours in with a pair of level 90 witches and an 85 mercenary. Got to the copper citadel finally and make it to the boss and get off screen one shot through my minions with 1,500 life and 8,000 ES, max resists, 50% block, etc. Just no, that's totally stupid and I can see the next citadel will take me several days to reach. Not happening, I put the game down and won't be picking it back up until a variety of things are fixed, including build diversity, one shots, the asinine botting leading to divines being inflated by 50 exalts per day, etc.
There are so many things wrong with the game in its current form and it's not going to be fixed by adding more classes, weapons or ascendencies when so many of them are this fundamentally broken. The warrior is borderline unplayable and all I see are spark builds or stat stackers using HOWA or Gemling. Fascinating! Also hilarious to see all these people posting "builds" when it's just some iteration of stat stacker. Do none of these people realize they're doing the exact same thing except changing the color of skill their using? This isn't interesting or exciting gameplay. There's literally nothing to theory craft, it just feels empty and meaningless, especially the skill tree. I've played video games for 40 years and put in like 3 thousands hours into POE1. I have experience playing a wide variety of difficult games before most of the current players were born. This game has serious structural systems issues - it's not fun to feel forced into playing just a couple different builds or not being able to compete. Then there's the pacing of things, the first few acts feel like you have to use combos and strategy to kill things but then you get to level 50 or so and are blowing up entire screens with one button. And then you see people with flicker strike or temporalis engaging in what appears to be seizure attacks that blow up an entire map in 13 seconds. This game is seriously confused at what it's trying to do here. Let's briefly compare how a game like Elden Ring is superior in terms of replayability. Excellent and predictable drops from bosses where you don't have to wait half a week in order to fight them again if you lose. Literally hundreds of viable different ways/combos to play the game including using different iterations of spells and weapons. When you're killed or outplayed you can actually see what you did wrong and improve or change strategies; heck you can't even see the floor half the time in POE2. Going through the entire game feels like you accomplished something difficult and you can choose to put the game down or replay it with totally different gear/weapons/abilities. That's to say nothing of the PVP community, duels, arenas, or invasions you can participate in. I can't say that POE2 has anything close to this whatsoever and it's not going to happen with the release of more content because the current content is fundamentally and structurally busted. I don't know how this game gets fixed, if it even does, but the newer players who missed out on the POE1 glory days really missed the boat. The off screen one shots with one portal on a citadel simply leaves such a bad taste in one's mouth as to fuel an overwhelming desire to just stop playing, permanently. People doing well currently in POE2 aren't great video game players, they're no lifers who just overwhelm the game through sheer volume of hours played and abusing stat stacking or Spark. I don't feel outplayed, I just literally don't care and don't want to play this, it's an uninteresting waste of my time. Last edited by Alphavegeta#3655 on Feb 2, 2025, 10:00:23 PM
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I got into a fight with the filthy woman (don't know her name). She had Mana Siphon on her, and the fight was in an arena where the mana ring pretty much took the whole arena, and I had the burning ground modifier on the way stone, so there was no room to move basically. Now I know the mana ring is a donut, but she has poison attack at close range. So like I knew I was cooked.
Some of these mods make these fights impossible. Add to that the damage from some of the attacks don't give any feedback to the player, it really is infuriating. I've found all the cidadels but am not even attempting cause I know I have 1 shot and I don't want to burn my chance. Playing this way sucks. |
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"Tit Milk Mommy" is her name if you believe my wife.
XD |
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