Stone Charm Should affect the stun which activate it

when you get stunned while having charges on the stone charm, this stun affects you making the stone charm useless for two reasons.

some pack of mobs kill you before the stun ends making the charm not having any effect as you are dead.

and since you are locked on a animation when you are stunned, some of the time while the charm is active is spent recovering from the first stunt making the charm be less effective as others.

I would like when you get stunned to the charm activate immediately and skip the animation of the stun that activated it. this way the charm will actually stop the deads caused by stuns the charm should prevent
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 4:36:04 PM
Agreed, charms are pretty useless right now
The charm's function is to prevent stun-locks, not entirely nullify the stun mechanic. With all the gear, gems, and passives available to supplement Stun Threshold, one really shouldn't need to slot the Stone Charm.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
The charm's function is to prevent stun-locks, not entirely nullify the stun mechanic. With all the gear, gems, and passives available to supplement Stun Threshold, one really shouldn't need to slot the Stone Charm.

Then why does freeze charm work fine for this? I don't get frozen. I just see that my charm has lost a charge. Same with poison. Same with bleed.

I think it is probably a bug that you get interrupted by a stun when you have the stun charm equipped. Appears to not be the intended behavior according to how the other charms behave.
Because Stun isn't Freeze, Bleed, or Poison? The thawing charm loses all of its charge upon activation. Freeze itself is designed to be more rare than Stun as it requires specific damage conditions whereas anything can cause a Stun. An ailment this common isn't meant to be fully countered by a single charm.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Because Stun isn't Freeze, Bleed, or Poison? The thawing charm loses all of its charge upon activation. Freeze itself is designed to be more rare than Stun as it requires specific damage conditions whereas anything can cause a Stun. An ailment this common isn't meant to be fully countered by a single charm.

it only got 2 charge and need 40 kills to gain one back

so countering the mecanism is the minimum for a slot.
Spend at most 3 passive points in any of the Stun Threshold abilities instead.

Unless you are running CI, then you rightfully should invest more into one of the few downsides of that overpowered build.

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