Lets start to be realistic


To me its plain POE2 early access wont take 6 months or even 1 year. You got to add 2 more full acts, revamp the endgame, add classes and weapons, countless rebalances during all that.

I respect the awareness that this is just your take, but I offer a counter.

We have zero clue how much of those acts, endgame, classes, and weapons are complete. Heck, they could be done with 3 more classes/weapons and just be waiting for another act to be done to release at the same time.

I agree if these things are non-existant and starting from scratch today, it'd never be done in a year...but we can't possibly know that - and as much as I sometimes wish it were otherwise, GGG is about big surprises all at once instead of a trickle of info over time.

Not exclusively of course, but I wouldn't be shocked if there was far more done than we know. Maybe a year is generous. Maybe it'll be done well before that. Either way, a lot of the complexity over time will just come from years and years of leagues and rebalancing, like PoE1 did.
From what we have seen in the trailers before game came out to EA all classes are at least designed and finished, but they probably just were full of bugs and balance issues to be released. So I assume they are in a stage of just tweaking them. Not sure about the acts but I'm sure they are mostly done as well.

Now that they also have seen the balance issues with currently released classes they had to backtrack and fix those as well. This also means they have to rebalance new classes a bit to not break current builds even more.

On top of that there is also the endgame which they will have to balance out and maybe even rework entirely.

So they have a lot on their hands and I'm sure seeing all the feedback made them take the decision to pause PoE 1 because they realised after EA came out how much work there is to be done.

I don't blame them for promising to deliver on PoE 1 content along with PoE 2 as well as releasing game within a year because at the time they probably though they could, so I guess they learnt a lesson to not deliver promises or at least don't say too much until you know enough. We all make mistakes and given GGG's reputation I think they deserve some slack and to be forgiven for when they do make mistakes.

I think people are being too harsh and dramatic about this, game hasn't even been in EA for that long compared to some other games who ended up not even being released or is still stuck in EA.

Last edited by BlueRodian#9479 on Feb 2, 2025, 5:47:17 AM
We (the general online community at large) may have crossed that ugly social threshold too, where SO many EA/just released games are going belly-up in like a month or less, that instead of holding onto hope and arguing for the games we love, we're content to just sit back and wait for the end so we can be part of the "I told you so" crowd for just another game.

Like I said, massive generalization and not applied to everyone of course...but there's a lot more of that with PoE2's release than I've seen with PoE1...like ever.
Maybe... but the problem i see is everytime they release new acts and new classes and new weapons, they will imho need to wait for feedback and rebalance, patch bugs... thats a lot of work.

Hey, if it really lands in 6 months, i will be happy:)

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