Poe 2 is a real failure of the game fun

This game is very fun for me. I think I enjoyed this game more than POE1. The problem that I have that takes the fun out of it is the random crashing. I'm not sure why GGG can't fix the issue. I don't have this kind of problem with other games.

Poe 2 is a real failure of the game fun!

3 points are particularly guilty of this failure of fun!

1. The craft that was one of the strong points of POE1 has become nonexistent and it is certainly the worst design mistake of POE2 (This point alone makes POE lose its soul):

=> Add more types of orbs and a craft bench like in POE 1 and go back to a richer merchant recipe system than disenchantment!

3. Portals that disappear when you get killed:

=> Don't delete portals upon death!

4. The ridiculously low and ridiculously low level waystone loot! And this is even if we took all the points from the talent tree to increase the number of waystone that fall and their level! It's completely stupid and demotivating!

=> Increase the loot of waystone AND their level

This game will then have a chance to become enjoyable enough for us to want to play it longer

And here, I am sympathetic because I could talk about all the other stupid decisions for POE 2 like

* the insane difficulty!
=> make a standard mode (and a real standard => game accessible to all!), a hardcord and a ruthless for those who like to self-flagellate!) ;

* the total lack of good stuff loot, an orb system clearly insufficiently rich compared to POE 1 which even has a more than surreal situation that you have to go through trade to hope to have a correct stuff so much the loot is = Zero and added to the fact that the craft does not allow to make a single correct object. (POE has really lost its soul!) ;

* the fact of attaching sockets to gems rather than to stuff, which forces us to chain to an ability because we do not loot enough orbs that allow us to increase the number of sockets that we can add... ;

* the excessively long and interminable acts (it is certain that many players will not even want to make a league so much they are painful and much too long to do).

It's ridiculous! It's stupid! I don't know who makes these decisions but he did not understand the meaning of "having fun"!

And the worst part is these ascendancy tests which are stupidly difficult!

Without even mention the loss of xp on death which already annoyed me in POE1.. but hey.. we were used to that...

Which makes POE 2 the most painful and punishing game in the history of painful games!

I also got bored with end game mapping, and I've decided to take a break for a few months.
It is just the logic behind the game design is understandable yet playing itself feels uncomfortable. There are many small things like:
Enemy steps back a bit when they are stunned
Augury needs three doors open while mapping/ Mire with delirum started and burning ground everywhere are visually horrible
Why no more zooming out for Atlas world
Can we have like 10-15%ish increased base movement speed
Get "tripped" over some rocks or whatever weird terrain
whispered by RMT webs yet whisper legit sellers with no response at all
etc etc...
There are many many small stuff just slowly tiring players' patience and the satisfaction of power gain.

Last edited by OceanOnece#6272 on Feb 1, 2025, 8:04:21 PM
All the poe2 brain dead supporters claiming poe2 is so fun but are constantly stalking the forums says you don't have as much fun playing poe2 as you do trolling


they love the game, but are never playing it
3.26 when?
Yeah your just not very good. D4 has a new season for you. Run along.
IGN: Elem_Mental

Lets all drink red bull jump out of a plane and hope for the best.
+1 Game is turning into more of chore
+1 Game is turning into more of chore

100 % Correct! Exactly that!
+1 Game is turning into more of chore


> ..Failure?

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